Mahi‘ai Match Up: ‘Aha ‘Aina Pauahi
Join us for a memorable evening in partnership with Ulupono Initiative and Kamehameha Schools at this year’s Mahi‘ai Match Up: ‘Aha ‘Aina Pauahi on Thursday, Nov. 2 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Pearl Country Club. We will celebrate the nine Mahi‘ai Match-Up finalists working toward a more sustainable food system in Hawai‘i. Three of these local food businesses elevating Native Hawaiian crops will be awarded a cash prize, a tailored suite of business development resources, and one-on-one mentorship to grow their company!
Purchase tickets now at while supplies last. A portion of all proceeds will go to the Mahi‘ai a Ao Scholarship: fueling the next generation of Hawai‘i’s mahi‘ai and food systems entrepreneurs.