How to make a gift

Gifts of stock

To transfer stock from your brokerage account to Pauahi Foundation:

  1. Please complete the Stock Transfer Request Form and mail or email to the Pauahi Foundation to ensure we notify the bank of the planned transfer.

    Email or mail the form to the following:

    Mailing Address:
    Pauahi Foundation
    567 S. King Street, Suite 160
    Honolulu, HI 96813

    Please provide advance notice of at least three business days to prepare the transfer.

    The final day to process stock gifts so they’re recognized in 2025 is Friday, Dec. 5.

  2. Send a copy of the Stock Transfer Request Form to your broker or financial adviser.
  3. If you have any questions, please contact or (808) 534-3966.

How the transfer process works

  • Once the Stock Transfer Request Form is submitted to your broker, your broker initiates your gift transfer via the Depository Trust Company (DTC) system, and the shares are delivered electronically to The Bank of New York.
  • Funds are then transferred electronically to the Pauahi Foundation’s brokerage account at Bank of Hawaii.
  • Pauahi Foundation is notified by the Bank of Hawaii that your gift was received and will provide us with a valuation.
  • Your gift is considered complete on the date the stock is received in the Pauahi Foundation brokerage account.
  • A tax letter will be provided for your gift.