Our impact
Collectively, we have made great progress and growth, but what excites us the most is the enormous potential we have to do even more.
Gail Abrena-Agas
  • William S. Richardson Commemorative Scholarship
School attending next school year:
  • University of Hawai'i at Manoa William S. Richardson School of Law
Generous donors of the William S. Richardson Commemorative Scholarship, mahalo nui for giving this 41-year-old mother and full-time working professional a chance. You could have easily awarded this scholarship to traditional applicants that may have 20 years of possibility and opportunity over me. What the award letter validated for me specifically: That you are never too old to pursue a dream, a version of yourself that your na‘au took a little longer to grasp as irrevocably possible. With a Juris Doctor (JD) degree, I hope to navigate institutional systems plagued with bias (eg: real estate and housing, criminal justice, healthcare, etc) and help create solutions for a better Hawai’i. I am incredibly motivated to start this journey and show my keiki that it is never too late to go back to school. Mahalo