Our impact
Collectively, we have made great progress and growth, but what excites us the most is the enormous potential we have to do even more.
Ikaikaokealohilani Ofsthun
  • John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship
School attending next school year:
  • Embry Riddle Prescott Campus
My dearest thanks goes out to the ones who gave me the honor of receiving such a generous award. It truly means a lot that my hard work over the past few years has been recognized and rewarded. This really does mean the world to me and my ohana and will lift a great financial burden off our shoulders. To be completely transparent if I was not awarded this my likely hood of attending the college of my dreams would be off the table entirely. This scholarship will not only help me get into the school of my dreams but will allow me to chase the future I have desired since a very young age. I am forever indebted by your helping hand and will not take for granted your grace. Mahalo again to the Meyer family, I promise I will not disappoint.