Our impact
Collectively, we have made great progress and growth, but what excites us the most is the enormous potential we have to do even more.
Kairi Guerrero Enos
  • The Hawaiʻi Island New Knowledge Fund THINK
School attending next school year:
  • Hawaii Community College
Mahalo donors of the Hawai'i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK Scholarship. Winning this award means so much to me. With this amazing opportunity of a lifetime, I will make sure to excel with great mana moving forward in this next school year. You have blessed me and my 'ohana greatly. With two members of our household heading to college this year, I can now focus more on persisting to complete my schooling rather than being burdened by the financial weight constantly on my 'ohana’s shoulders. What I hope to achieve this year is valuable knowledge in STEM and to make a meaningful contribution to my community, my home, Hilo. Mahalo from the bottom of my heart.