Our impact
Collectively, we have made great progress and growth, but what excites us the most is the enormous potential we have to do even more.
Kawainui Anderson
  • Douglas K.K. Chung Memorial Scholarship
School attending next school year:
  • Chaminade University
Mahalo to the Douglas K.K. Chung Memorial Scholarship 'ohana. My family and I are very grateful for your generosity and thoughtfulness , in choosing me as the recipient of your scholarship. I have 4 siblings, and I am the eldest. All of us aspire to attend college, so with this generous help from you, I know that my siblings will also have the opportunity to also reach their dreams. I will also be playing soccer for the Chaminade Mens Soccer team. We have the utmost respect for Mr. Chung's sacrifice in the Vietnam War. He will be forever remembered for service in the military. My grandpa graduated 6 years after Mr. Chung from Kamehameha Schools. I hope to live up to your expectations throughout my college carrier. Mahalo for your generosity.