Our impact
Collectively, we have made great progress and growth, but what excites us the most is the enormous potential we have to do even more.
Kawaiolaakealii Kapuni
  • Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask Scholarship *
  • Homer David Kahilialau and Thelma Mabara Burge, Sr. Scholarship
  • Kamehameha Schools Class of 1969 “E Ho’omana’o iā Pauahi” Scholarship *
School attending next school year:
  • University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
To the generous donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1969, E Hoomanao ia Pauahi, Scholarship. I want to express my utmost gratitude for the generosity and support you've extended through this scholarship. Your investment in my education is not just a financial contribution, but a pillar of support, and a strong belief in my potential to give kānaka ʻōiwi the future they deserve. This scholarship alleviates the financial burdens experienced by my ʻohana and I, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and pursue my dreams and desires without compromise. Your kindness inspires me to work harder, excel, and one day pay forward this incredible gift to kānaka ʻōiwi that also aspire to heal the lāhui. Mahalo nui loa for making a significant difference in my life; I am deeply honored and humbled to have been chosen for this opportunity.