Our impact
Collectively, we have made great progress and growth, but what excites us the most is the enormous potential we have to do even more.
Maela Honma
  • Paiea Kane/Wahine Scholarship
  • Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship
  • Kamehameha Schools Hawaiʻi Parent Teacher Organization Scholarship
School attending next school year:
  • Western Oregon University
To the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Hawaii PTO, I thank you for your generosity as I embark on my journey to fulfilling my duty as a servant leader. This scholarship will help me become the realtor I aspire to be in helping aid my community in the housing crisis.To the donors of the Mary Artherton Richardson Scholarships, I thank you for your aid in my college journey. With your generosity, I will be able to go beyond the boundaries of Hawaii to educate myself in becoming a diverse and well-rounded community leader. I will be able to grow both as an individual and as a representative of my home.To the donors of the Paiʻea Kane/Wahine Scholarships, I thank you for granting me this award as I strive to utilize all the knowledge I have gained from my athletic career. Without athletics I would not be the driven individual I am and I thank you for recognizing my aspirations through the perspective as an athlete.