Our impact
Collectively, we have made great progress and growth, but what excites us the most is the enormous potential we have to do even more.
Mikayla Kuahiwinui
  • John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship
  • Kamehameha Schools Class of 1965 Scholarship
School attending next school year:
  • Oregon State University
Mahalo donors of the John A. And Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship! I’m so incredibly grateful for your generosity, this means so much to me and my family. With this scholarship, I am able to go to my dream school and pursue my passions in engineering. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to further expand my education, helping my families financial needs, and allowing me to be the best student I can. In this school year I plan on being an academic weapon, with my overall goal of having a smooth transition to the mainland and getting all A’s in my classes.