Our story
Our legacy
Our board
Our team
Annual Reports
Donor Recognition
Our impact
Ways to give
How to make a gift
Online, phone or email
Gifts of stock
Wire transfer
Memorial and tribute giving
Golf at Nanea
Ko‘olua Scholarship Reception
Leadership Speaker Series
Lei‘ohu Leadership Forum
Mahi‘ai Match-up
Mānowai Event
Apply for a scholarship
Our impact
Collectively, we have made great progress and growth, but what excites us the most is the enormous potential we have to do even more.
Donor Stories
Hilarie Alomar
is focused on ensuring that more Hawaiians have access to a quality education
Kūmalie Dias-Blake KSK’19
is part of the next generation of servant leaders who are continuing Pauahi’s legacy
Harryson Lum
gives in time by sharing his knowledge with the next generation
Joey Pantil
first of her family to go to college
Taneesha Asing
wants to make impact as a teacher
Felicia Lum
gives in honor of her son