Kūmalie Dias-Blake KSK’19
Kamehameha Schools student
For Kūmalie Dias-Blake, Pauahi’s generosity goes back four generations starting with his great-great-grandfather, Charles Blake, who was part of the Kamehameha School for Boys’ first graduating class in 1891.
Kūmalie said he gives with Pauahi by donating to the Pauahi Foundation as part of the next generation of giving so that other young Hawaiians receive the same gift – the opportunity of an education
“Pauahi has impacted many lives. Although small in comparison to what she has done for all, I give with Pauahi so that others in our Hawaiian community have the opportunity to get an education Dias-Blake said he gives with Pauahi by donating to the Pauahi Foundation as part of the next generation of giving so that other young Hawaiians receive the same gift — the opportunity of an education,” said Kūmalie.