Our impact
Collectively, we have made great progress and growth, but what excites us the most is the enormous potential we have to do even more.

Kekoa Taparra


Dr. Kekoa Tappara said he was a terrible student before he was accepted to Kamehameha Schools in the seventh grade. He said his teachers inspired him to think not only about his education but also about his kuleana and what he wanted to do for the lāhui.

Today this former “terrible student” is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine with a specialty in cancer biology studying cellular and molecular medicine. He’s been on staff at the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine since 2016.

“When I think of all the people at Kamehameha Schools who invested in me as a student and as a person I feel like it’s my kuleana to give back because of all of the people and resources that have been invested in me,” he said.

Tappara said he gives with Pauahi because she’s made a profound impact on his life, and she’s instilled in him values of being appreciative and of giving back in ways that can better move forward our lāhui.

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