Kapālama Campus
E hoʻomaikaʻi nui e nā haumāna!

Adriana Apana
- Makaloa Scholarship-UG

Alexander DeAguiar
- John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1957 Scholarship

Alexis Torres
- Pauahi Scholarship

Anaya Alameida
- Odell & Hastings Slagel Scholarship

Aspen-Shay Kane
- Henry Lee Scholarship

Ava Pasa
- John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship

Bella Steinke
- Lee Thomas Pacific Island Scholarship
- Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship

Braden Wong
- Bernice Leinani Kuakini Ahlo and Henry Keanu Ahlo Scholarship
- Paʻupena Scholarship

Brayden Heu-Greenbaum
- Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauaʻi Scholarship

Bryson Kau
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1970 Scholarship
- David and Julia Desha Scholarship

Cassidy Duquette
- Denis Wong & Associates Scholarship

Chancen Law
- Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association – O‘ahu Region Scholarship
- Randy Wayne Ahuna Scholarship
- DeWitt Wallace Scholarship

Chanel Matsumoto
- Makaloa Scholarship-UG

Chavis Lee
- Douglas K.K. Chung Memorial Scholarship

Christian Low
- Edward Lapsley/Ho’opa’a Mau Scholarship

Courtney Mann
- Dr. Pauline Frederick Scholarship
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1957 Scholarship
- Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship

Dakota Briley
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1984 “He Waiwai Nui Ka Lōkahi” Scholarship

Dustin Kealoha
- John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship
- Pauahi Scholars

Emi Shigekane
- Dorothy Martin Scholarship
- Pauahi Scholars

Emily Aiona
- Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship

Emily Loscalzo
- Wallace and Barbara Kaʻawaloa Scholarship

Emma Akana
- Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship

Emma Willing
- Makaloa Scholarship-UG

Emma-Leah Manumaleuna
- Johnny Pineapple Scholarship

Ethan Maskell
- Kamehameha Schools Kapālama Association of Teachers and Parents Hoʻihi Aku, Hoʻihi Mai Scholarship

Faith Kawai
- Harold Turney & Dorothy Gillett Music Scholarship
- Theodore Richards Scholarship
- Zillah Young Memorial Scholarship

Hailey Park
- Ula Baker Sheecha Scholarship

Harlee Hulihee
- John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship

Hayley Gooman
- David and Julia Desha Scholarship

Hiwa Arnold
- Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship

Hope Rosenbush
- Charles P.M.K. Burrows Hui Lama Science Scholarship

Ikaika Adric
- Kamehameha Schools Kapālama Association of Teachers and Parents Hoʻihi Aku, Hoʻihi Mai Scholarship

Isaiah Crabbe
- Floro and McCarthy Family “Big Blue and White K” Scholarship

Jada Lee
- Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship

Jaime Wond
- Michael “Mikey” Miyake Scholarship

Jake Lee
- Douglas K.K. Chung Memorial Scholarship

Jaret Love-Tabion
- John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship

Jaymie-Lee Peralta
- Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauaʻi Scholarship

Jensen Codi Wills-Ching
- Allen A. Bailey Scholarship
- Gladys Kamakakūokalani ʻAinoa Brandt Scholarship
- Ka Papa o Kanaono-kūmāono, Class of ‘66 Scholarship

Jordyn Koki
- Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship

Jordyn Nishimura
- FLIK Independent School Dining Scholarship
- Waipa Nishimura Memorial Scholarship

Kahala Neumann
- Theodore Vierra Scholarship

Kailani McLain
- Michael “Mikey” Miyake Scholarship

Kainoa Hottendorf
- Kekunaʻaiʻaliʻi Scholarship

Kalaiakea Duncan
- Anne H Myers Scholarship

Kassidie Hayashida
- Richard Lyman Jr., Memorial Scholarship
- Virginia Aulani Rowan Scholarship

KC Layana-Mari Aipoalani
- Makaloa Scholarship-UG

Keanu Ventura
- Makaloa Scholarship-UG

Kekanakameakapuʻuwaiikaika Endo
- Makaloa Scholarship-UG

Kilinoe Brown
- Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauaʻi Scholarship

Kilinoe Oliveira
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1960 Scholarship
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1975 Scholarship

Koa Chang
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1960 Scholarship
- Reuben Lee Kwai Brandt Scholarship
- DeWitt Wallace Scholarship
- Frank & Ruth Midkiff Scholarship
- Pauahi Scholars

Kohia Rego
- John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship

Kristin Fong
- Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship

Kyrie Nuivo
- Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauaʻi Scholarship

Landee Resuello
- Rebecca Kunipo Ching Scholarship

Landon Choy
- ‘Alihi Scholarship

Lauren Correa
- John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship

Leanna Paik
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1991 Scholarship

Liam Meza
- Makaloa Scholarship-UG

Lily Puu
- Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauaʻi Scholarship

Logan Houghtailing
- KGMB/KHON Video Production Scholarship

Macyn-Shayne Hanawahine
- Keola & Kapono Beamer Scholarship

Mahealani Plunkett
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1970 Scholarship

Mailelauliiolaka Brown
- Makuakāne Inspirational Educator Scholarship

Malie Osakoda
- Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauaʻi Scholarship

Matthew Liu
- Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association – O‘ahu Region Scholarship
- Kamehameha Schools Kapālama Class of 2006 Scholarship
- Warren Nakupuna Ah Loo Memorial Scholarship

McKensen-Leigh Fuata
- FLIK Independent School Dining Scholarship

Micah Akiu
- John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship

Milan Plunkett
- Harold Turney & Dorothy Gillett Music Scholarship
- Helen Desha Beamer Scholarship
- Lena Kaulumau Machado Haku Mele Scholarship

Moanahiwalani Walker
- Winona Beamer Scholarship

Noah Won
- John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship

Pomaikaʻi Varron
- Kahu Wendell B.K. Davis and Mama Kahu Maria K.K. Davis “ALOHA KE AKUA” Scholarship

Pualii Ann Zidek
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1997 Scholarship
- Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship

Roma Lerner
- Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship

Ryan Lola
- ‘Alihi Scholarship

Sage Shimabukuro
- Gladys E. and Clifford T.F. Chun Scholarship

Sami Ofisa
- Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauaʻi Scholarship

Selah Asano
- Herbert Kealoha Keppeler Award

Sierra Furukawa
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1979 “Hoʻokūpono” Scholarship

Sinjin Cho-Tupua
- Makaloa Scholarship-UG

Sophia Siangco
- Ula Baker Sheecha Scholarship

Stacy Cambra
- Warren Nakupuna Ah Loo Memorial Scholarship

Stetson Ah Mook Sang-Frank
- Blossom Mossman Nary Scholarship

Tate Hirayama
- Waipa Nishimura Memorial Scholarship

Taylor Soo
- David and Julia Desha Scholarship

Terina Garcia
- Makaloa Scholarship-UG

Wahinepōʻaimoku Nahale-a
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1996 Named Endowment Fund

Waipuna Olores
- Kamehameha Schools Class of 1961 Scholarship
- William and Judith Fernandez Scholarship

Xhayeani Camarillo
- Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauaʻi Scholarship

Zachary Quemado
- 2010 Legends Scholarship

Zane Yogi
- Tennyson Keolalani Tom Scholarship