Our impact
Collectively, we have made great progress and growth, but what excites us the most is the enormous potential we have to do even more.

Pauahi Foundation Scholarship Awards

Welcome to the 2023 Pauahi Foundation Scholarship gallery.

The Pauahi Foundation awarded over 500 scholarship awards totaling more than $950,000 from donor-created funds to students from all three Kamehameha Schools campuses and the community. Scholarships created by individuals, community partners, and alumni classes support students to reach their potential and accomplish their educational goals. We congratulate the recipients on all their achievements and wish them the best in their future endeavors.

Mahalo to the donors who make these scholarships possible for their support, generous gifts and spirit of kahiau to advance educational opportunities for haumāna. You have made a tremendous impact on these students and we could not have done this without you.

To learn more about each recipient, click on the links to the campuses and scholarships. Inaugural scholarships for 2023 have been marked with an asterisk*. In the galleries, each student is featured with their plans for the next chapter in their lives. We invite you to browse this gallery to view the notes of appreciation shared by haumāna about their educational journeys you are an integral part of.

Me ke aloha pumehana,
The Pauahi Foundation ‘Ohana



Scholarships awarded

This endowed scholarship was created by Sean K. and Mellissa A.K. Spencer to support haumāna who are residents of Ko‘olau Poko, O‘ahu pursuing post-high education. The scholarship name was gifted by ʻOhana: ʻAlihi is defined as   1) cords or fine ropes threaded through marginal meshes of upper and lower edges of nets, to which were attached floats and sinkers; loops at the top of a kōkō net holding a calabash; 2) Horizon. The ʻalihi of a throw net or a gill net, is the edge of the net where the lead or floaters are connected. The last mesh is the strongest part of the net as it holds what is needed to either help float the net or sink the net. The kōkō net, the net that holds a calabash, the loops at the top which are the strongest would be the ʻalihi. With ʻalihi meaning horizon, most students see their dreams as being out of reach. What the donors are trying to accomplish via this scholarship is similar to a net, the strongest mesh cords are at the top keeping the floaters above water, we are helping to elevate and uplift students, keeping them afloat, while they work to capture their dreams that are within reach.



 Landon Choy
Mahalo to the donors of the DeWitt Wallace Scholarship and the ‘Alihi Scholarship. As an avid learner who looks forward to going to college, I appreciate all of your support throughout this process. It means so much for my family and we need everything we can get! This gift will help me this academic year and in my educational journey by relidving the significant financial burden of my college education. My family has received zero financial aid and this was much needed. This year I hope to delve into the world of computer science and potentially get an internship at a tech company where I can gain invaluable experience. Mahalo nui loa once again!
 Ryan Lola
Mahalo donors of the ‘Alihi Scholarship and the John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship for providing me two scholarships that will help me pay for my upcoming college payments in the upcoming year. I am beyond thankful for these scholarships and it helps my family feel comfortable about sending me to college. Going to college has always been difficult for my family due to financial reasons that makes it hard for me and my family to pay for me to go. With these scholarships, I will be able to attend my dream college and fullfill my dream of pursuing a civil engineering degree at one of the best universities in the West Coast of the United States. I hope to achieve a plan for an internship and to finish one fourth of my plan to attaining my bachelors of science degree at the California State Polytechnic University in Pomona. Mahalo for these awards and I will take full advantage of this opportunity to make the most out of my time at college.
 Destiny Lum
To the donors of the ‘Alihi scholarship, your contributions to my education have instilled hope and relief in my family by helping to pay for college. With this gift, you have invested in a young woman who will inspire change through conversations about the earth, build relationships with people and companies around the world, and motivate young Native Hawaiians towards STEM fields. I am someone who doesn’t come from a fortunate background, but I am already changing the narrative. I hope that one day, I may thank you all in person, but for now, thank you for investing not only in my future, but the future of this planet.
 Stephanie Scoville
Mahalo donors of the ‘Alihi Scholarship. Your donation goes beyond lightening the tuition burden; you are supporting my lifelong dream and all my future aspirations. You are helping all the communities I have yet to reach and all the animals I have yet to help. When I graduate as a doctor of veterinary medicine and finally become a licensed veterinarian in 2024, you can be assured that your kindness will be paid forward in service. There are no words to express just how grateful I am for your donation. Mahalo.



 Mason Carvalho
Mahalo nunui to the donors of the 1982 Green Machine scholarship for your support in furthering my education. Your support not only means the world to me, but to my family and future patients as well. With your investment, I am capable of continued attendance at a higher education institution and can carry on with working towards my goals as a student leader pursuing the track of kinesiology and physical therapy. it's through your kind donation and belief in me, that I can attend a university as a first generation college student and show my younger siblings, as well as extended ohana the opportunities.



 ShayLynn Anderson-Agpaoa
I would like to give a big mahalo to the donors for the scholarships that was able to receive. These scholarships were my final deciding factor on where to attend for college this coming fall. I am so thankful because for college I will be financially supporting myself and this has really helped take the financial debt off of my shoulders. This helped me to go straight into college instead of taking a gap year. Mahalo nui loa!
 Zachary Quemado
Thank you immensely to the donors of the 2010 Legend Scholarship, Pop Diamond Scholarship, and Ula Baker Sheecha Scholarship. With the scholarships I have received, my family and I are confident that we will be able to better afford college and that I will be able to accomplish my goals. We are elated and forever grateful for the support that you have given to us. I hope for this upcoming school year that I will be able to find a place for myself and take my first steps toward earning my college degree. Thank you once again, Mahalo!



 Camille Slagle
Mahalo donors of the 2017 Great Whites Scholarship-- because of your generosity, I am able to continue my education in chemistry and geology, with the hopes of one day being able to bring back a blend of Western and Indigenous research methods to Hawai‘i, and particularly to the field of volcanology. My goal is to continue to graduate school, and come back home to represent Native Hawaiian people and culture in my chosen academia paths. Mahalo for allowing me to pursue my passions.

Vice Adm. Robert Kihune, (Ret.)

Vice Admiral Robert K.U. Kihune (Ret.), KS 1955, served as a trustee of the Kamehameha Schools. His admiral assignments included: Commander of USS Kitty Hawk, USS Nimitz Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups, Commander of Naval Surface Forces of the Pacific Fleet, and Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Surface Warfare. He retired after his assignment as Chief of Naval Education and Training. As one of 30 vice admirals in the U.S. Navy, Kihune achieved the highest rank of any Native Hawaiian in the U.S. military during that time. He is a 1959 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. Through his generosity, the Admiral Kihune Scholarship was established to support a student from the Hawai'i campus who is interested in furthering educational pursuits in science, mathematics, engineering, or technology, to strengthen representation by Native Hawaiians in these fields.



 Kamauokealoha Beaudet
Mahalo donors of the Admiral Kihune Scholarship for choosing me as the recipient of these funds. This means so much to me and my family as we worked very hard for many hours to apply for this scholarship. This gift will help me succeed in my college journey and will take stress off of me and my family. I am incredibly thankful for all of you and I can't wait to meet you.



 ʻAiponokamoku Valente
Auhea ‘oukou e ko Ali‘i Chang Scholarship, He mahalo palena ‘ole ka‘u no kā ‘oukou kāko‘o a kŌkua i ko‘u hele kula nui ‘ana. Ma muli o ka ‘oukou kāko‘o, ‘a‘ole pono wau e hopohopo no ka uku ‘ana no ka noho ‘ana i O‘ahu nei a hiki ke noi‘i kūwelo a ho‘Ōla i ka ‘ike Hawai‘i. Ke kau nei ka mana‘olana, e hiki ana au ke hana pū me kekahi polopeka, noi‘i, a ho‘ohua mai he pāhana. O kou kāko‘o ‘ana mai ia‘u ke kahua o ko‘u hele kula ‘ana i mea e ola hanohano ai ka iwi o ko‘u mau kūpuna. Mahalo a nui!To the donors of the Ali‘i Chang Scholarship, I send to you my deepest thanks for your support of my college endeavors. Because of your support, I do not need to stress on paying for housing here in O‘ahu and can focus my free time on conducting research and revitalizing Hawaiian knowledge. I hope next year to conduct more research under the guidance of my professors, and produce projects. Your support is the base of my college career and I will continue to honor the legacy of my ancestor. Mahalo Nui



 Brysha Balancio-Sadamaru
Mahalo Nui for allowing me this scholarship opportunity to further my education towards becoming a elementary teacher and receiving my masters in elementary education. I am so thankful for the support that you have given me to help me in my journey. Mahalo Nui!
 Haley Cantiberos
Thank you donors of the Allen A. Bailey Scholarship! It is an honor and privilege to be chosen for this scholarship. The funds will be extremely helpful in pursuing my educational goals. I really appreciate the time and consideration that went into it. Me ke aloha.
 Jensen Codi Wills-Ching
Thank you for the generosity and scholarships that I was fortunate enough to receive. These scholarships will help me to continue my educational goals and follow my dreams. I promise to make you proud in everything I do and to not take these awards lightly. Thank you for supporting me and helping me to become a better version of myself in order to one day pay it forward to the next generation of great Hawaii leaders!



 Kylee-Ray Tactacan
Mahalo to the generous donors of the Amona and Suzel Ho STEM Leaders, George Hi‘ilani Mills, Kunuiakea, and Richard Marks Scholarships. My ‘ohana and I thank you for this invaluable support during one of my hardest years of post-secondary education. With your support, I strive forward, highly motivated, and committed to accomplishing my educational plans and ultimate goal to become a medical doctor. There are not enough words to express my gratitude for these awards, but I will end with a promise to continuously work hard and remain resilient, and lastly to devote my career to promoting medical prosperity for the lāhui. Mahalo piha.



 Kalaiakea Duncan
Mahalo donors of the Anne H. Myers Scholarship! I am incredibly thankful for not just what I have been awarded, but for the opportunity to even apply and have a chance at this award in the first place. With this award, my ‘ohana and I will be able to navigate this post-high journey that much easier, and we are indebted to you all for that. I will make sure to use this award in the best and most calculated way possible in aiding myself with the costs of college here in Hawaii. This coming year, I hope to start my undergraduate journey strong by establishing connections with school staff and friends that will last me a lifetime in my goal to be a lifelong learner. Mahalo nui loa donors!



 Mikiala Maynard
Mahalo to the Donors of the Ashley Meleana Joy, Ka Papa o Kanaono-kumaono, Class of ‘66, and U‘ilani Stender Scholarships. Mahalo nui loa for the generous scholarships! I am so appreciative to be chosen as the recipient of these awards. Your gift allows me to continue my education while decreasing financial strain. This allows my ohana to spend time together and to do community service. This scholarship will help me to purchase needed supplies and will allow me to better focus on my schooling. I am so grateful! One day I hope to be able to give back, and pass forward the wonderful gift I have received from these scholarships. Mahalo!



 Megan Ho'opai
Mahalo donors of the Benedict Kalamaku Lee Loy KS 1905 Endowed Scholarship, the Kamehameha School CLass of 1971 "Get Chance" Scholarship, the Rebecca Lamahilani Haalou Medeiros Scholarship, and the Roy L. Cachola Scholarship. I am so grateful and thankful for your generosity, that will be used to put forth towards furthering my education at Treasure Valley Community College. This scholarship is a blessing not only for me, but also for my family. I will be the first in my family to attend college and this gift will bless my family financially. I will put this scholarship towards my education goals and work hard to accomplish them, one year at a time. Mahalo again for your generosity!



 Braden Wong
Mahalo donors of the Bernice Leinani Kuakini Ahlo and Henry Keanu Ahlo Scholarship, and Pa‘upena Named Endowment Fund. I am very thank full for your generosity, and help in funding my college plans. It means a lot to have your scholarship, because it makes it easier on my family who is already paying a large amount for my sisters college tuition. When I am in college I hope to join internships in the natural sciences field, and hopefully discover what I would like to do as a profession. Anyways, thanks again for your consideration and contributions, it means a lot.



 Carly Ibara
Twelve years ago, I made the decision to leave my career in business and marketing to become a teacher. I wanted to pursue the art of teaching to make a difference in the lives of my students and in the world. While teaching is the hardest job I have ever had (after motherhood), it is also the most rewarding. I have never regretted my decision. This generous scholarship will allow me to now elevate my understanding of curriculum design and help other passionate teachers build lessons that will spark the young minds of Hawai‘i keiki.

Blossom Mossman Nary

Mrs. Nary's association with Kamehameha Schools spanned 25 years, first as a Hawaiian language teacher, assistant principal, and later as a public affairs officer for President Harold Kent. Her great aloha for Kamehameha students is perpetuated through this scholarship fund. Established by Mrs. Nary's family in October 1988, this award recognizes a motivated, college-bound student who has persevered through a demanding course schedule at Kamehameha and plans on attending a local university.



 Stetson Ah Mook Sang-Frank
I would like to say mahalo to the Pauahi Foundation for awarding me with the donation they gave me. I am thankful that they would hand select me to receive this donation too. I give thanks to my ‘ohana for their non-stop support while I am these big decisions in my life. With this donation I intend on putting it to the best use possible to following my career and my goals into helping this lāhui and this ‘āina. Mahalo



 Kaluhea Fay Dudoit
Mahalo donors of the Charles S. Iwata, Jr. Memorial Annual Scholarship, the Holomua Scholarship, and the Park Kitashima Scholarship for your blessings and generosity. In this upcoming school year, I will be a senior here at the University of Hawaii at Hilo double majoring in both Marine Science and Hawaiian Studies. I want to thank you all for this amazing blessing and opportunity to be able to accomplish what I have been working towards for the past 4. Growing up on the small island of Moloka‘i and going fishing with my father and grandfather when I was young, I would have never thought that I would become a scientist. But from my experiences and knowledge that I have gained in my life and here at the university, I understand now that science is the pathway and means for native people to perpetuate and continue their livelihoods. It is for this reason that I am passionate in furthering my knowledge in both Marine Science and Hawaiian Studies today, to provide a medium for Hawaiian students to perpetuate and protect what they love about their home. So I thank you all for these scholarships and for allowing me the pathway and means to perpetuate and protect what I love, which is my home, my people, and my culture.



 Shayna Podlewski
Mahalo nui for awarding me the Charles Chuck Makana Jr. Scholarship. This scholarship has provided me with the financial support and encouragement to pursue my passion for art studies at Arizona State University. This award has lifted a significant burden off my shoulders and has motivated me to work harder. I am truly grateful for your generosity and for believing in my potential. Mahalo nui for this incredible opportunity.



 ShayLynn Anderson-Agpaoa
I would like to give a big mahalo to the donors for the scholarships that was able to receive. These scholarships were my final deciding factor on where to attend for college this coming fall. I am so thankful because for college I will be financially supporting myself and this has really helped take the financial debt off of my shoulders. This helped me to go straight into college instead of taking a gap year. Mahalo nui loa!



 Hiʻilei Hanohano
Mahalo donors of the Charles Cockett ‘Ohana Scholarship! I am so blessed and grateful for your generosity in helping me financially complete my last year of college! This means so much to my ‘ohana and I. I am so grateful for your generosity as it allows me to further my education that will help me in my future endeavors. Giving back to my lāhui is one of my main goals and to also be able to perpetuate and cultivate our native practices and traditions. By receiving this degree I will hopefully be able to use what I have learned through out my educational journey to manage our land property better and to ensure a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for future generations. Being the last of three children and my dad just retiring, your gift will help tremendously take some of the financial stresses off our back in terms of paying for college tuition. I hope to finish strong in these last few semesters and ultimately use my education to help the Hawaiian community and ensure the protection of our natural resources. Words cannot express how much I appreciate this award. Mahalo nui!

Dr. Charles P.M.K. Burrows

Dr. Charles P.M.K. Burrows, KS 1951, received his Bachelor of Arts from Linfield College, Master of Science and Education degrees from Oregon State University, and a Doctorate in Science Educational Technology from Indiana University. He was a science educator at the Kamehameha Schools for 30 years. The Hui Lama Science Scholarship endowment was established to provide an annual scholarship to a Kamehameha Schools Kapālama campus senior who has been an outstanding science student with related interests in Hawaiian conservation practices. Co-advisors Dr. Charles P.M.K. Burrows and Mrs. Sigrid Southworth were instrumental in establishing the Hui Lama Science Scholarship in 2002. Sigrid served as the Hawaiian Collection librarian in the Midkiff Learning Center, and "Doc" Burrows, as he is affectionately called, is a retired science educator who also co-founded the Hui Lama Hiking and Environmental Science Club in the 1970s. It was associated with the Sierra Club High School Hikers' Program where students went on hiking and camping trips to study Hawai‘i's natural and cultural ecosystems. Through Hui Lama, students traveled to remote areas on each Hawaiian island and to the southwestern area of the U.S., Alaska and the Pacific islands of New Zealand, Tahiti, and Rapa Nui to interact with the indigenous peoples and share their cultural practices and histories. Doc Burrows continues to serve on various Hawaiian and environmental organizations to protect and restore the natural and cultural resources of the ahupua‘a system.



 Hope Rosenbush
Thank you so much for this scholarship. After receiving my acceptance to Cornell University, I was elated and very excited, however, after receiving my financial aid letter, I was not sure whether or not I could attend that school because of cost. Therefore, this scholarship means a lot to me, and any money will help me to pursue my dream of attending Cornell. This scholarship will also help me pursue STEM in college. Mahalo!

This endowed scholarship was created to honor the legacy of Charles Reed Bishop and his 200th birthday milestone celebration of life.



 Iliana Keawe-Oliveira
Mahalo donors of the Charles Reed Bishop and Keaholoa Investment and Finance Scholarship. I am very grateful for your generosity. These funds will help me to reach my goal of opening my own accounting firm some day. I had a few challenges this past school year so I needed another plan to continue my schooling. Coming home and attending UH Hilo will help me to rebuild my foundation. Mahalo nui loa.
 Sean Serville
Mahalo donors of the Charles Reed Bishop & Kamehameha Schools Class of 1978 Scholarships. I am extremely grateful for your generosity as I have encountered various difficult circumstances over the past year. Your generosity will help me to pay for college, since I am on my own now. This year I hope to rebuild my foundation and learn the skills necessary for a Finance career. I am excited to continue working at HFS FCU and apply what I learn in school to my job. Mahalo nui loa for your generosity.



 Kaluhea Fay Dudoit
Mahalo donors of the Charles S. Iwata, Jr. Memorial Annual Scholarship, the Holomua Scholarship, and the Park Kitashima Scholarship for your blessings and generosity. In this upcoming school year, I will be a senior here at the University of Hawaii at Hilo double majoring in both Marine Science and Hawaiian Studies. I want to thank you all for this amazing blessing and opportunity to be able to accomplish what I have been working towards for the past 4. Growing up on the small island of Moloka‘i and going fishing with my father and grandfather when I was young, I would have never thought that I would become a scientist. But from my experiences and knowledge that I have gained in my life and here at the university, I understand now that science is the pathway and means for native people to perpetuate and continue their livelihoods. It is for this reason that I am passionate in furthering my knowledge in both Marine Science and Hawaiian Studies today, to provide a medium for Hawaiian students to perpetuate and protect what they love about their home. So I thank you all for these scholarships and for allowing me the pathway and means to perpetuate and protect what I love, which is my home, my people, and my culture.



 Kapri Tulang-De Silva
Mahalo donors of the Choy-Kee ‘Ohana Scholarship. I am so honored and thankful for your generosity and support in selecting me as a recipient for this scholarship. This award will assist in funding my Juris Doctor education at the William S. Richardson School of Law and help to ease the financial burden that comes with tuition and related costs. Because of your generosity, I will be able to attain the law degree I've dreamed of and help communities that are important to me in my home state. Mahalo nui loa for believing in me and helping me pursue my dream!



 Parker Chang
Mahalo donors of the Class of 2020 Aloha ‘Aina Scholarship. I am extremely humbled by and grateful for your contribution in helping me pursue my studies. This scholarship will help me and my family pay for educational expenses, allowing me more time to pursue opportunities related to environmental science. I hope to make the most of this gift and give back to Hawai‘i and my community once I graduate.



 Jasmin Monderen
I‘d like to extend the biggest thank you filled with so much love. As stated in my essay, my family is rich with love, but not financially. This scholarship means a lot to all of us. I promise to do my part and give back to my community. I will make you all proud! Mahalo!



 Kyson James-Foree
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Dan and Rachel Mahi, KS Alumni Association West Hawai‘i, and KS Class of 1965 scholarships. I am very grateful to be a beneficiary of your generosity and look forward to utilizing the opportunity provided to me to make a positive impact on our beloved communities. This makana goes a long way as I look to take the LSAT and apply for law school in the upcoming school year.



 Liana Kanno
mahalo nui iā ‘oe no kēia manawa kūpono a makemake wau e ‘ike ‘oe i ka nui o kēia mau ha‘awina e kŌkua nui ia‘u e hele i ke kula i mea e puka ai me ko‘u kēkelē kulanui. ‘A‘ole hiki ia‘u ke ho‘omaika‘i hou aku i nā mea kāko‘o e like me ‘oukou e ho‘okŌ nei i ka‘u moemoeā e loa‘a i ko‘u kēkelē ma ke kulanui. He 4 ka‘u mau keiki e pono ia‘u ke kokua i ke ola a kokua mai kekahi mea ia‘u a me ka‘u mau keiki e ola.



 Chyanni Balogbog-Domingo
Mahalo donors of the David A. Mortensen scholarship, I am thankful for your generosity on giving me this funds. By receiving this funds I am able to continue my education at my university and gaining the knowledge I need to pursue my career goal. This fund also offers my family financial relief. By using these funds I hope to gain more knowledge in my chosen field, that way I am able to apply it to my intended career goal. Mahalo again for your generosity.



 Hayley Gooman
Mahalo to the donors of the "David and Julia Desha Scholarship" and the "Desha-Mullholland Scholarship" for their incredible generosity. This gift means the world to my family. Heading to one of the coldest and barest parts of the united states, these scholarships give my family a piece of mind and allow me to be a little more comfortable during these unknowing times.
 Bryson Kau
Mahalo donors! On behalf of my family and I, we are truly grateful for your generosity towards funding my future. Amidst the ever-increasing price of college, your contributions have lightened the financial burden of attending my dream school. I plan on majoring in either biomedical engineering or computer science with an AI focus at Stanford University. Consequently, I hope to either attain my master's degree at Stanford or attend medical school before coming home to serve my community through health. Again, I am honored to receive these scholarships and will continue to represent Kamehameha Schools with pride. Mahalo nui loa!
 Micah Mahuna
Mahalo nui loa donors for your generosity and aloha. I am truly grateful for the support you provide that will help me achieve my goal of becoming a Fire Fighter, here in Hawai‘i and work hard to keep my community safe. Mahalo does not seem like a strong enough word to express how much I appreciate and am thankful for your donation. I will always remember the support I received and I will do all that I can to help my lāhui. Mahalo again!
 Elliott Markell
Mahalo donors of the David and Julia Desha Scholarship and Lokomaika‘i Scholarship. I am truly grateful to be able to continue my studies to fulfill my dream of becoming a physician in Hawaii to help not only my beloved Hawaiian people, but to help all who love end call Hawai‘i home. This course of study is by far the most challenging and rigorous of my entire academic career and your generous financial assistance truly makes a world of difference in my ability to succeed. I remain humbled and grateful. Thank you all!
 Eryn Nagaishi
Mahalo donors of the "Kamehameha Schools Class of 1956 Scholarship" the "Kamehameha Schools Class of 1990 Ku Lokahi Scholarship" and the "David and Julia Desha Scholarship". Thank you for providing me with the opportunity of this scholarship. This scholarship will help me to continue focusing on my degree in Environmental Engineering in order to create a positive impact on this world. This year I hope to continue being on the club soccer team while also pursuing a position in a newly founded club called ENACTUS. I would like again to take the time to say thank you for providing me with this great opportunity with this scholarship.
 I'iwileoho'oipoipookalani Pacarro
Aloha pumehana kakou e na hoa kako’o ana mai no kou huakai i imi naauo. My most heartfelt aloha goes to you, the sponsors of the Elaine "Dollie" Mortensen KS ’71 Kaumualii Malama Aina Scholarship and the David and Julia Desha Scholarship, for the support you have extended to me in my educational journey. Mutual growth happens through the love and support of the community and as my most beloved mentor Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer says, aloha aina is to love land, and serve people. It is in my heart to carry out this directive throughout my life.
 Kahiau Snyder
Mahalo nui to the donors of the David and Julia Desha Scholarship, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1963 Scholarship, M. Kimo Wong KS ’71 and Shelly Wong and Noe Noe Wong-Wilson KS ’68 ‘Ohana Scholarship, and the Makuakane Inspirational Educator Scholarship! Your generous financial assistance will enable me to ho‘omau in my pursuit of ‘ike Hawai‘i. This year, I plan on continuing to nourish my ‘i‘ini for the ‘Ōlelo and ‘ike of my kūpuna through both my academics and my work in researching mo‘olelo ‘āina. I will use this ‘ike to ho‘Ōla and paipai the future generations of our lāhui, just as this scholarship has done for me. Mahalo nui!
 Taylor Soo
Mahalo to the donors of the David and Julia Desha Scholarship! Your scholarship brought me a few steps forward into pursuing a degree in Biology and to getting to college. I'm sure you know that the cost of college is not cheap these days and any help I can get is forever appreciated and truly a blessing. I hope you all continue to bless the lives of the young men and women of Hawai‘i.
 Kainani Wagner
Mahalo nui loa donors of the David & Julia Desha Scholarship. I wanted to reach out and mahalo you for your generous award. Your financial kindness will greatly help me focus more on my studies and less on working to earn money to pay for school. The pandemic had been hard financially for my family and there was a point in which I thought college might be out of reach. Your assistance has helped me make my college dreams a reality and without your support this journey would be difficult to achieve.I graduated in May 2021 from Kamehameha Schools. I have dreamed of being a writer since I was in elementary school. Your award gives me a vote of confidence that I will be able to make my dreams a reality. Me ka mahalo nui!
 Jordan Walsh
Mahalo to the donors of the David and Julia Desha Scholarship and also the donors of the Gail and Allan Fujimoto scholarship. Your generosity in providing funds for my upcoming college semester has brought me that much closer to achieving my academic goals and are going to help shape my life goals and dreams into reality. With your donations I will be able to finish my current degree program and will help jumpstart my transition into a four year university. I plan on using the funds to attend college where I am working tirelessly to combat food scarcity in my community. Please know that your kindness does not go unappreciated and my entire Ohana wishes you a much deserved Mahalo.



 Pōʻikeao Roback
Thank you for your contribution to my education. This scholarship has allowed me to explore a new chapter in my life unconcerned of my financial instability. I am excited to embark on the next chapter of my life and hope to find my passion in the process.



 Xavier Ah Yo
Mahalo donors of David Kauweloa & E. Darlene Kaupu Scholarship, I am so grateful for your assistance in my college journey. Your support so much to me and my ‘ohana. I feel very motivated by your gift and I promise to excel and bring my aloha spirit to Dartmouth. I hope to be well adjusted to my new environment and take more steps on my way to becoming a physician this year. Mahalo piha,



 Cassidy Duquette
Mahalo donors of the Dennis Wong & Associates Scholarship for your generous gift towards my college education at Montana State University. As I begin this new chapter of my life you are helping to make my dreams of becoming a Veterinarian possible. I will strive to work my hardest so that I can return to Hawaii and become a contributing member of my community. Mahalo Nui for believing in me and supporting my dreams.
 Dajon Lee Francisco
Thank you for your support in helping me achieve my career goals. Without your help it wouldn’t be possible.
 Briana Ortiz
Mahalo donors, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to you for making it possible for me to get this Scholarship. I could not do this without your assistance. This means everything to me. I want to make a difference by serving others as a nurse in a world that takes more than it gives. My ambition is to work as a nurse in cancer since I find fulfillment in supporting people through difficult times. Mahalo!
 Yurise Yamaguchi
Mahalo Denis Wong & Associates Scholarship! I am so grateful to have been blessed by your generosity. The nursing program is challenging and exciting and is something I am truly enjoying, but it would not be possible without the financial support from people such as you. Know that your investment in me will not be one that is wasted.Mahalo nui loa!!

Rev. Stephen Desha, Rev. John Mulholland

This award honors two previous chaplains of Kamehameha Schools. Reverend Stephen L. Desha, Jr., KS 1903, served as chaplain from 1944 to 1950 and Reverend John F. Mulholland served from 1950 to 1969. This award was created for an individual who has "contributed toward furthering fine religious attitudes and work on campus."



 Luke Kahuhu
Mahalo donors for choosing me as the recipient for the scholarship that I have been offered. I am grateful and deeply appreciative for every scholarship that I can possibly get, and what you have given to me will be a big help to my college in the future. Mahalo nui, and I am very grateful for your donation.
 Kaede Lynn Saniatan
It is an honor to be chosen for the Desha-Mulholland Scholarship and Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i Parent Teacher Organization Scholarship. I am currently a KSH senior, who plans to major in nursing at UNLV, focused in the field of obstetrics. I am truly grateful for the scholarship support. This scholarship allows me to not have to depend on my mother for financial support or take out loans. I am able to focus on my studies and additional educational opportunities.

Lila Acheson & DeWitt Wallace

A longstanding friendship between Kamehameha Schools' former president, Mr. Harold Kent, and his wife, Mrs. Kent, with Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Wallace, publisher/owners of the Reader's Digest, resulted in the establishment of this very special award in 1961. This scholarship recognizes outstanding seniors who have demonstrated good character, a willingness to work, the promise of positive leadership, and who will be attending college on the U.S. continent.



 Koa Chang
I have been dreaming about attending a great school like Stanford for as long as I can remember. With your generosity, I am now able to attend Stanford without posing a financial burden to me or my family. I will never forgot how much Kamehameha and the rest of the lahui has given me and I promise to capitalize on the opportunity so I can one day inspire future generations of young bright Hawaiians.
 Chancen Law
Mahalo donors/representatives of the DeWitt Wallace scholarship, Randy Wayne Ahuna Scholarship, and the Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association — O‘ahu Region Scholarship. The financial assistance will be of great help to me in paying my educational expenses, and will allow me to concentrate more of my time on my studies. I promise to use the scholarship to enhance my education and strive for excellence in the career path I choose to endeavor.



 Tehina Kahikina
Mahalo donors of the Dolly and Ross Wert Scholarship and the William K. and Julia T. Kapololu Scholarship. I am very appreciative and thankful for this generous gift. This scholarship is going to help me with my academic year and allow me to focus on my studies. As a new masters student, this will help relieve some of the financial burden that I will have this year. I hope to begin my journey in grad school solidifying my research topic and strengthen my academic skills. Mahalo again for this gift.

Dorothy E. Martin

Dorothy E. Martin, former teacher and vice-principal at the Kamehameha School for Girls for 26 years, was a model of integrity and commitment for the girls she supervised. This memorial scholarship, established by her brother, John Martin, is given to the senior girl whose record indicates that she is "of good and sound character with exceptional academic promise."




 Emi Shigekane
Mahalo donors of the Dorothy Martin Scholarship and Pauahi Scholars Scholarship for your generosity. These funds will help me to afford and attend a college that should be out of my reach, but thanks to Kamehameha Schools and your generous gifts, I will be able to continue my academic journey at Yale University in the fall. I hope to use this education to grow as an individual and intellectual. Mahalo again, my ‘ohana and I deeply appreciate this.

Douglas and Sandra Akina

Established in 2016 by the Akina ‘ohana in honor of Douglas and Sandra Akina, KS 1963, to mark the 20-year partnership between the Akina Aloha Tours/Akina Bus Service providing school bus transportation service for the Kamehameha Schools Maui campus. The Douglas and Sandra Akina Scholarship awards KS Maui high school seniors pursuing post-high studies in the field of education or the hospitality industry.



 Welina-Lani Carino
Mahalo Nui e Douglas and Sandra Akina Scholarship. I am very thankful with the generous amount of money you have gifted to me to help me with my future college plans. This means so much for me and my ‘Ohana and getting any amount of money because it will helps us a lot with the payment. Mahalo again for gifting me the moneys.


Established by Mrs. Janet H. Aoki in memory of her son, Douglas K.K. Chung, KS 1963, a lieutenant killed in action in Vietnam. Kamehameha School for Boys was the highlight of his young life. The purpose of this scholarship is to support a senior boy participating in competitive Interscholastic League of Honolulu sports.



 Chavis Lee
Douglas K.K. Chung Memorial for offering me a scholarship to help with my tuition ad education expenses. It means a lot to me for you guys selecting me to get this scholarship. I will use it to the best of my ability and make the most of it by studying and working hard so that I can graduate from college. This scholarship will help my parents and make it easier for them which I am very grateful for.
 Jake Lee
Mahalo to the donors of the Douglas K.K. Chung Memorial Scholarship. I am so grateful and honored to have received this scholarship because it will allow me to pursue my major in computer science, embrace the college learning experience, and continue swimming to stay healthy. In my first year of college, I hope to become comfortable with the campus/people, stay on top of my academics, and join the swim club. Mahalo nui loa for the support and opportunities this scholarship will provide me!



 Raquel Rocha
Mahalo nui loa donors of the Dr. Lori Ann Kim Scholarship and The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK! With this, your generous funding, my ‘ohana and I are able to have some financial worries taken off our shoulders as my father will be undergoing surgery this summer leading my mother to be the sole provider of myself and our household. Moreover, your gift will allow me to continue pursuing the short-term and long-term goals that will help me to reach my overall aspirations. With this gift, I will be able to pay for a portion of my educational journey in the upcoming school year, which consists of my tuition, additional student fees, and supplemental books or materials needed per class. I'm looking forward to furthering my higher education by participating in research labs on campus and participating in more SLHS clubs. Mahalo once again for supporting my higher education journey!

Dr. Pauline Frederick

Dr. Frederick's association with Kamehameha began in 1931 when she became a physical education teacher at the Girls' School. She served as principal of the Girls' School from 1942 to 1959, as well as the first Director of Instruction from 1959 to 1964. Upon her retirement, a group of faculty members established this award which recognizes a senior girl "who has taken full advantage of the many opportunities offered at Kamehameha".



 Courtney Mann
Mahalo for your generosity and support! Your gracious gift truly goes a long way, allowing me to take that first leap toward my future aspirations. College is expensive, and your gift of aloha is helping my ‘ohana by relieving a lot of the financial stress and burden. Again, mahalo nui loa, I am looking forward to continuing my education pursuits at my dream school.



 Liana Kanno
mahalo nui iā ‘oe no kēia manawa kūpono a makemake wau e ‘ike ‘oe i ka nui o kēia mau ha‘awina e kŌkua nui ia‘u e hele i ke kula i mea e puka ai me ko‘u kēkelē kulanui. ‘A‘ole hiki ia‘u ke ho‘omaika‘i hou aku i nā mea kāko‘o e like me ‘oukou e ho‘okŌ nei i ka‘u moemoeā e loa‘a i ko‘u kēkelē ma ke kulanui. He 4 ka‘u mau keiki e pono ia‘u ke kokua i ke ola a kokua mai kekahi mea ia‘u a me ka‘u mau keiki e ola.

Edward Lapsley

Established in 1983 by Edward Lapsley to reward deserving students whose hard work, positive attitude, and good character would not otherwise be recognized, the name "Ho‘opa‘a Mau" refers to the ongoing dedication of the recipient. Mr. Lapsley was Outreach Counselor at Kamehameha Schools Kapālama High School until his retirement in 2016.



 Christian Low
Mahalo donors of the Edward Lapsley/Ho‘opa‘a Mau Scholarship. This gift will allow me to continue my educational journey toward becoming a Computer Science Major. My dad and I are truly blessed to receive any scholarship to help with my college tuition because we have gone through a lot of challenges. I will be sure to graduate from college and never give up on what I wish to do.



 Lily Ann Faamausili
I would like to give a big mahalo to the donors of the Edwin Mahiai Copp Beamer Scholarship Award. I am thankful for your contribution to my family's dream and my dream of studying music at a renowned music school and furthering my music education. Music has been my dream since the moment I stepped into my very first voice lesson at age 6 and I cannot thank you enough for choosing me as the recipient for this amazing award. As someone who has been in chorus since 3rd or 4th grade, I have been able to see time and time again what a gift music is: from connecting students with a deeper sense of self, to the bigger picture of the world, I cannot wait to come back and put the education I received back into the community that has helped me blossom into the musician and individual that I am. This gift will help to cover tuition expenses and the cost of being a student in the opera field (music, accompanists, etc.). This year I hope to seize every opportunity that comes my way and make the most of this blessing that I have been given. Thank you so much again for this scholarship and for believing in our dream.

Edwin P. Murray

Established in honor of Edwin P. Murray, KS 1909, the first alumni and Hawaiian trustee. Between 1923 to 1932, He served the Kamehameha Schools in a finance capacity, then as trustee for 28 years, from 1940 until his passing in 1968. This scholarship will go towards supporting students who have shown superior aptitude in Hawaiian as it relates to anthropology, art, music, dance, history, museum methods, and Hawaiian language.




 Joseph Ahuna
Aloha! Thank you so much for your support! Your generosity means the world to my ʻohana and I as it will help me to further my education. During my college career, I hope to learn about different technologies and how they can be used to help further and support our lāhui. Mahalo nui loa!



 I'iwileoho'oipoipookalani Pacarro
Aloha pumehana kakou e na hoa kako’o ana mai no kou huakai i imi naauo. My most heartfelt aloha goes to you, the sponsors of the Elaine "Dollie" Mortensen KS ’71 Kaumualii Malama Aina Scholarship and the David and Julia Desha Scholarship, for the support you have extended to me in my educational journey. Mutual growth happens through the love and support of the community and as my most beloved mentor Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer says, aloha aina is to love land, and serve people. It is in my heart to carry out this directive throughout my life.



 Jordanna Takaki
I would like to say Mahalo to both donors, Eli D. Pane‘e, Sr., and Aileen E. Pane‘e I Mua Scholarship and The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK for selecting me as your awardee. I am extremely thankful and honored that you have chosen to support my educational journey. Each and every award helps to make my dreams a reality. With a tuition of $84,000 at Pepperdine, this could not happen without the generosity of scholarships like yours. I am excited for the upcoming second year (23-24). Mahalo Nui for choosing me!



 ʻŌlapaholunape Duvauchelle
Mahalo nui loa to the donors/representatives of the Elizabeth Ku‘ulei Bell Moloka‘i Education Scholarship! I am extremely grateful that tou chose to help me take a step closer to my dreams. I hope that one day you’ll see me in the credits of the next upcoming animated movie, and you can be the one to say "I helped her get there!" I hope to make you all proud 😊



 Pearl Bachiller

In 2015, the FLIK Independent School Dining services established this fund to support students interested in the culinary arts, food and nutrition sciences, or the health sciences fields.



 McKensen-Leigh Fuata
I would like to send a big mahalo to the donors of the Flik Independent School Dining Scholarship! I am beyond grateful and blessed for your kindness in choosing me as the scholarship recipient as I believe their must have been many other applicants. This financial assistance will help relieve some of the burden that these college fees have. With this generous gift, it will get me one step closer to attaining my biology degree at Hawai‘i Pacific University and pursuing my dream of becoming an Orthopedic Surgeon. Again mahalo nui loa for helping me to pursue my future endeavors.
 Kilinoelehua Helm
Mahalo nui donors of the Flik Independent Schools Dining Scholarship and KSHPTO Scholarship for awarding me these scholarships, my ‘ohana and I are eternally grateful for your generosity. You all have taken a big load off of my parents by giving me the opportunity to attend college with affluence. I did not want to leave my parents and younger brother in debt. Your gifts will allow me to work towards my academic goals of studying kinesiology and criminal justice while pursuing my athletic dreams of playing collegiate volleyball. Thank you for this opportunity and I plan to represent you all well in my future endeavors.
 Jordyn Nishimura
I would like to give a huge mahalo and all my aloha to the donors of the Flik Independent Schools Dining Scholarship and the Waipa Nishimura Memorial Scholarship. Your generosity is so greatly appreciated by me and my ‘ohana and will enable me to pursue my passion for health and healthcare at UCLA in the fall. I intend to do my best to uphold the values of this scholarship and to honor it by doing my best in all my classes while continueing to challenge myself and grow. I am so deeply grateful for this scholarship as it not only opens the door for me financially but assists in taking my focus off money and worrying and more towards acheiving all that I can achieve to represent Native Hawaiians. Mahalo nui loa for this amazing oppurtunity!



 Isaiah Crabbe
Mahalo donors for the Floro and McCarthy Family "Big Blue and White K" Scholarship. This generous opportunity means a lot to me and my family, helping to make my dreams of becoming a pilot a reality. Your financial award will fund my future, allowing me to start flying as soon as the first semester of class! Thank you so much!



 Pearl Bachiller

Frank Midkiff

Mr. Frank E. Midkiff's association with Kamehameha Schools spanned over 60 years and included 10 years as president of the Schools and 44 years as a trustee. Our outstanding Learning Center bears his name and will stand as a symbol of his dedication to Kamehameha Schools and to the children of Hawai‘i. Mr. Midkiff, together with his wife, Ruth, created the Frank & Ruth Midkiff Scholarship to award a senior boy and girl displaying academic promise and exemplary citizenship.



 Jayden Alonzo-Estrada
I want to send out a big mahalo to the Frank & Ruth Midkiff fund and the KSH PTO for supporting my academic journey. These funds help me follow my aspiration of tapping into the seldom talked about industry of cybersecurity and networking science as a whole. I hope to come back later on in life and give back to my community. Once again mahalo nui.
 Taylor Aloy
Mahalo donors of the Mary Atherton Richards scholarship. I am so thankful for your generosity to help support my goals of becoming a women's health medical professional. My ‘ohana and I truly appreciate your scholarship and now, I can further my education and my dream school, Seattle University.Thank you again,
 Jaiden Bettis
Thank you so much to all of the donors that provided me with a scholarship. I am so grateful for your generosity and this is very important for my family and financial status for this up-coming school year. These scholarships will greatly impact my educational journey and give me the opportunity to afford my schooling. I will continue to strive to achieve academic and community service excellence. Thank you again and I appreciate your gratuity.
 Koa Chang
I have been dreaming about attending a great school like Stanford for as long as I can remember. With your generosity, I am now able to attend Stanford without posing a financial burden to me or my family. I will never forgot how much Kamehameha and the rest of the lahui has given me and I promise to capitalize on the opportunity so I can one day inspire future generations of young bright Hawaiians.
 Brandon Sado
Mahalo donors of the Ruth and Frank Midkiff Scholarship. I am exremely grateful for your generosity, which will allow me to use this scholarship towards my enrollment at UH Mānoa in the fall. My family is also grateful for this scholarship, this will help me to get closer to furthering my academic journey in the pursuit of a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. I hope to achieve a greater understanding of mechanical engineering under the professor(s) at UH Mānoa. Once again, mahalo for selecting me as the recipient of this scholarship, mahalo!



 Jordan Walsh
Mahalo to the donors of the David and Julia Desha Scholarship and also the donors of the Gail and Allan Fujimoto scholarship. Your generosity in providing funds for my upcoming college semester has brought me that much closer to achieving my academic goals and are going to help shape my life goals and dreams into reality. With your donations I will be able to finish my current degree program and will help jumpstart my transition into a four year university. I plan on using the funds to attend college where I am working tirelessly to combat food scarcity in my community. Please know that your kindness does not go unappreciated and my entire Ohana wishes you a much deserved Mahalo.



 Hennessey Chan
Mahalo donors of the George Hi‘ilani Mills Scholarship. I am very grateful for this gift you have awarded me with. Over the past years, my desire to become a physical therapist grew. However, as I continue to look at the cost of attendance, I would often get discouraged. Receiving this scholarship has given my husband and I a lot of hope and excitement. This scholarship has given me a sense of relief and a breath of fresh air. This gift will help me in the next year to fund academic expenses as I transition into my first year as a student of physical therapy.
 Rachel Kaneakua
Mahalo donors of the George Hi‘ilani Mills Scholarship for your generosity and support in helping me reach my goal of becoming a doctor. I worked really hard to get to where I am today, but without the help from people like you, my ‘ohana, and mentors throughout the years I wouldn't be here. As a current first year medical student I've already learned so much about the human body and with each passing day I become more passionate about health and medicine and what I'll be able to contribute in the future. Next year, I plan to continue to always do my best academically and reflect inwardly to not only be a good student doctor, but the best person I can be as well. Your kindness will always be much appreciated. Mahalo nui!
 Natalie Lau
Aloha donors of the George Hiilani Mills Scholarship. Mahalo for your generosity and support. Receiving this scholarship will assist in being able to continue my academic path to receive my PhD in Indigenous Public Health. My plan is to work with Native Hawaiians to create policies, design programs and services to combine cultural traditions and public health practices to elevate the health of Hawaiians and keep Hawaiians in their own communities to allow them to thrive.
 Melyssa Moderow
Mahalo nui to the donors of the George Hi‘ilani Mills Scholarship and the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1993 "Na Lei Kukui" Scholarship for providing me with financial assistance to continue my studies toward my Master of Public Health degree. Your assistance means so much to me and my ‘ohana. With your assistance, I can focus fully on my studies and research. This academic year, I plan to graduate in the Spring semester. With my degree, I want to better the overall well-being of our Hawaiian population. I am so grateful to you for providing me with this opportunity.
 Kylee-Ray Tactacan
Mahalo to the generous donors of the Amona and Suzel Ho STEM Leaders, George Hi‘ilani Mills, Kunuiakea, and Richard Marks Scholarships. My ‘ohana and I thank you for this invaluable support during one of my hardest years of post-secondary education. With your support, I strive forward, highly motivated, and committed to accomplishing my educational plans and ultimate goal to become a medical doctor. There are not enough words to express my gratitude for these awards, but I will end with a promise to continuously work hard and remain resilient, and lastly to devote my career to promoting medical prosperity for the lāhui. Mahalo piha.
 Chaylea Tome
Mahalo donors of the George Hi‘ilani Mills Scholarship. I can't express how much gratitude I have for your generous donation. This scholarship will be used toward my graduate study as I will be attending the University of Southern California's Doctor of Physical Therapy program. My goal is to eventually move back to my home, ‘Oahu, and help the Hawaiian community Mahalo again for your generosity and support, I appreciate it greatly!



 Dawnelle Forsythe
Mahalo piha to the donors of the George T. Kanalu Young Memorial Scholarship and Kamehameha Schools Class of 1952 "Na Hoaloha O Kamehameha" Scholarship. As I write these words to express my gratitude, my eyes are filled with tears of joy and appreciation for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me. With my J.D. degree from Syracuse University College of Law I will advocate for our Native Hawaiian rights. The time has come for our lahui’s voice to be heard and represented in the western legal forum. I will make you proud of the work I will accomplish.



 Majesty Kekahuna
Aloha to the donors of the Gladys E. and Clifford T.F. Chun Scholarship. My ‘ohana and I are indebted to your gratitude for offering me financial support during my last semester of college. I've had a fantastic academic adventure these last few years and with this scholarship, I have been bestowed an opportunity to focus on my educational pursuits and furthering my career goals. By the end of this year, I am going to graduate with my Bachelor's Degree, and I am eternally grateful for your support. Mahalo
 Sage Shimabukuro
Mahalo nui loa donors of the Gladys E. and Clifford T.F. Chun Scholarship! I want to do something for this lahui and I am so thankful for your help on this journey. I can ensure you that this money will not go to waste.



 Kaya Camara
Mahalo to the donors of the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Ainoa Brandt Scholraship, Ho‘omaka‘ika‘i Named Endowment Fund, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1963 Scholarship, Myron & Laura Thompson Scholarship, and William adn Judith Fernandez Scholarship. It is with deepest gratitude that I express my appreciation for your guidance and kŌkua. These scholarships will really help me get one step closer to achieving my goals/dreams of bettering our next generation keiki. Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo!
 Nalehua'O Puna Donlin
Because of your generosity, you helped me make my dream come true, of getting a higher education. Being a single mom and a being a caregiver to my mom who had a massive stroke is hard at times. I really thought I was going to have to give up my college dream because there was no way I would be able to afford to pay for college and take care of my family. I didn’t have to give up on my dream because of you selecting me as a recipient. I am now able to be a Ph.D. student.
 Nāwaiʻoluokealoha (Nāwai) Makua
Mahalo nui loa to the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Aiona Brandt, M. Kimo Wong KS ‘71 and Shelly Wong and Noe Noe Wong-Wilson KS ‘68 ‘ohana, and the Makuakane Inspirational Educator Scholarship donors!! I really appreciate your generosity with this scholarship! Your donation will help me attend graduate school to become a teacher. I am very appreciative of your donation and I am very excited to further my education and start this new chapter in my life! In this school year, I will complete my teaching license and will be able to give back to the community and the keiki of Hawai‘i. Again, I am so grateful and appreciative of your generosity and I look forward to furthering my education and becoming a teacher!
 Jasmin Monderen
I‘d like to extend the biggest thank you filled with so much love. As stated in my essay, my family is rich with love, but not financially. This scholarship means a lot to all of us. I promise to do my part and give back to my community. I will make you all proud! Mahalo!
 Sandee Nohea Walker
What a blessing to receive the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Ainoa Brandt Scholarship and Hartwell Hewahewaokalani Lee Loy, Sr. Scholarship. Mahalo to the donors of both of these scholarships. I am overwhelmed by your generosity in selecting me for these scholarships. This next school year, my daughter is attending her first year of college, and as a single parent, I was worried about affording two tuitions. This makana will help us both see our goals come to fruition. Mahalo piha!
 Jensen Codi Wills-Ching
Thank you for the generosity and scholarships that I was fortunate enough to receive. These scholarships will help me to continue my educational goals and follow my dreams. I promise to make you proud in everything I do and to not take these awards lightly. Thank you for supporting me and helping me to become a better version of myself in order to one day pay it forward to the next generation of great Hawaii leaders!



 Jennifer Marie Carter
I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for being awarded the Goldman Sachs/Matsuo Takabuki Commemorative Scholarship. To have received this honor is truly a blessing, and I cannot express enough how appreciative I am of the opportunity you have provided. Your generous support helps ease my financial burden and reassures me that I am on the right path as I pursue my doctoral degree.
 Zion Kaauwai
Mahalo donors of the Goldman Sachs/Matsuo Takabuki Commemorative Scholarship for this opportunity to pursue higher education on behalf of myself and my ohana. As the first person in my immediate family to pursue postgraduate studies, I am intrepidly pushing the boundary of what I know. This contribution to my educational endeavors will help me achieve my ultimate goal: to give back to the community that worked so hard to support me. Despite my accomplishments and talents, I have not forgotten where I come from or who needs my assistance the most. Mahalo for putting your faith in me.
 Christina Kaleiwahea
Mahalo e nā ‘ohana of the Goldman Sachs and Matsuo Takabuki, USS Kamehameha, and Yasuko Mitsuyasu Master of Accounting Scholarships. Your generous support allows me to, "‘ike i ke au nui ke au iki," obtain knowledge of the vast and the little currents--or, strive for excellence in, both, my identity and a Native Hawaiian and in the finance field. Your makana propels me closer to my aspiration of working in portfolio management/financial planning/financial reporting at Native Hawaiian charitable endowments.
 Naomi Nihipali
Mahalo Goldman Sachs/Matsuo Takabuki Commemorative Scholarship Selection Committee. My heart is filled with gratitude for your generosity. Being awarded this scholarship brings a great relief of financial burden to me and my family. This scholarship will allow me to focus on pursuing my dreams of higher education so that I can better provide for my family and be able to positively influence my community. Having this scholarship ensures that I will be able to complete my final year of studies and graduate. Thank you once again for this opportunity.

Harold Turney, Dorothy Gillett

Beloved music directors, Harold B. Turney and Dorothy Kahananui Gillett, KS 1936, are honored with the establishment of this scholarship fund by the Kamehameha Alumni Glee Club in 2002. The award recognizes musically talented seniors who have enthusiastically participated in and contributed to the Kamehameha Schools music program, with a strong preference for students with choral music talent considering pursuing a major in music with an emphasis in choral direction. Dorothy Gillett was her class valedictorian and attended the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, then transferred and graduated from Ohio State University, earning a B.S. in Education. Returning to Kamehameha, she assisted Harold Turney in the formation of the Kamehameha Alumni Glee Club and became its director. As a teacher and choral director, Mr. Turney was a stickler and taskmaster. During his tenure, he collaborated successfully with Mrs. Gillett and Mr. Walter Tullis on countless mele; arranging them and leading the Kamehameha students into a golden age of music.



 Faith Kawai
Mahalo donors of the Harold Turney & Dorothy Gillett Music Scholarship, Theodore Richards Scholarship, and Zillah Young Memorial Scholarship. Everything I have accomplished up until this point in my performing arts and academic career is because of the opportunities provided to be by Pauahi and her will. Through my performing arts studies, I hope to positively represent the Hawaiian community and honor the legacies of not only the princess, but these influential people who, although passed, continue to provide financially to support Hawai‘i‘s young potential.
 Milan Plunkett
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Harold Turney & Dorothy Gillett Music Scholarship, the Helen Desha Beamer Scholarship, and the Lena Kaulumau Machado Haku Mele Fund. Your generosity will allow me to further my education at UH Mānoa so that I can uplift our communities through Hawaiian culture, language, and music. Because of your kindness, I plan to make the most of the amazing opportunity of attending college so that I can become a role-model for our next generations. Mahalo nui once again!



 Sandee Nohea Walker
What a blessing to receive the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Ainoa Brandt Scholarship and Hartwell Hewahewaokalani Lee Loy, Sr. Scholarship. Mahalo to the donors of both of these scholarships. I am overwhelmed by your generosity in selecting me for these scholarships. This next school year, my daughter is attending her first year of college, and as a single parent, I was worried about affording two tuitions. This makana will help us both see our goals come to fruition. Mahalo piha!



 Kahaliaonahulukupuna Masoaka
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Hawaii Independent Energy Scholarship as well as the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1967 "Ka Lei o Kaiona" Scholarship! it's because of your generous donations that I can begin my schooling in the Electrical Installation and Maintenance Technology program at Hawaii Community College without any worries of tuition payment. I am truly grateful for these scholarships as I will be able to focus on my education and will be able to purchase safety equipment. Mahalo nui!



 Reece Flores
Mahalo to the donors for allowing me to have some peace as I attend school. It is such a good feeling to know th at my school will be payed for with Scholorships so I may focus on just my studies.



 Kekaimalieokona Maunakea
Mahalo donors of the Hawai‘i Lodging and Tourism Association "Pouhana Hokele" Scholarship, this scholarship means so much to me and will positively support my future college expeditions. This donation is giving me and my family hopes that this goal of affording an overwhelming tuition. This upcoming year I plan on gaining my private pilot license and learning the aviation industry basics. Mahalo nui from the bottom of my heart.
 Noa Visperas
Mahalo donors of the Pouhana Hokele Scholarship! I am honored to be chosen for your scholarship as this will not only help relieve some financial stress on my family and I, but encourage my future studies. This year I hope to take a step closer into the real world and further myself as a leader and figure in the hospitality industry. I can not express enough of my gratitude towards the Hawai‘i Lodging and Tourism Association, mahalo.

Pono & Louise Beamer, Winona Beamer, C. Keola Beamer, Keola Beamer, Kapono Beamer

Established in 1987 by Winona K. Beamer, KS 1941, in the name of her two sons, Keola Beamer, KS 1969, and Kapono Beamer, KS 1970. This scholarship recognizes two senior males who have excelled in the area of Hawaiian music and composition while students at Kamehameha and who plan to pursue their musical talents beyond high school.



 Milan Plunkett
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Harold Turney & Dorothy Gillett Music Scholarship, the Helen Desha Beamer Scholarship, and the Lena Kaulumau Machado Haku Mele Fund. Your generosity will allow me to further my education at UH Mānoa so that I can uplift our communities through Hawaiian culture, language, and music. Because of your kindness, I plan to make the most of the amazing opportunity of attending college so that I can become a role-model for our next generations. Mahalo nui once again!

Henry Lee

Established by the friends and family of Henry Lee, this scholarship fund is a tribute to Mr. Henry "Papa" Lee, KS 1946, longtime coach and mentor to the Kapālama Track and Field program. His coaching spanned 50 years to students involved in track and field, football, and basketball offering them not only sports training, but life skills as well. Many alumni, coaches, friends and ‘ohana honored Coach Lee's many years of unyielding dedication to the young men and women of Hawai‘i that he coached and tutored in both sports and in life. The hui feels that he exemplifies the very essence of the giving Princess Pauahi had established in her last will and testament. The purpose of this scholarship is to support Kapālama male seniors who actively participate in the athletics program as a track runner and demonstrate performance as a leader.



 Aspen-Shay Kane
Mahalo donors of the Henry-Lee Scholarship, thank you for giving back to your community and allowing me to get a higher education. Currently, I don't have any college savings or funds and this scholarship will help to get me a degree, Mahalo.

Herbert Kealoha Keppeler

Mr. Keppeler served the Bishop Estate as a civil engineer following his graduation from the University of Hawai‘i. In 1962, Mr. Keppeler became a trustee of Kamehameha Schools where he served until 1971. A memorial scholarship was established and supports a senior who will major in engineering at the University of Hawai‘i.



 Selah Asano
Mahalo donors of the Herbert Kealoha Keppeler Scholarship, I am very thankful for your generosity in blessing me with these funds. This gift will strengthen the opportunities I may have now because any extra funds is helpful when it comes to paying for college. I will be dorming, which is another extra cost to think about. Living in Hawai‘i is a struggle on its own, so college, dorming, academic materials, living costs all have to come into consideration, and this gift of $1,800 has already gave me a sense of comfort. I hope to comfortably enjoy my education at UH, without the constant worry of being in debt. I appreciate this award and your consideration of me with my new academic journey. Mahalo.



 Kaya Camara
Mahalo to the donors of the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Ainoa Brandt Scholraship, Ho‘omaka‘ika‘i Named Endowment Fund, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1963 Scholarship, Myron & Laura Thompson Scholarship, and William adn Judith Fernandez Scholarship. It is with deepest gratitude that I express my appreciation for your guidance and kŌkua. These scholarships will really help me get one step closer to achieving my goals/dreams of bettering our next generation keiki. Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo!



 Kaluhea Fay Dudoit
Mahalo donors of the Charles S. Iwata, Jr. Memorial Annual Scholarship, the Holomua Scholarship, and the Park Kitashima Scholarship for your blessings and generosity. In this upcoming school year, I will be a senior here at the University of Hawaii at Hilo double majoring in both Marine Science and Hawaiian Studies. I want to thank you all for this amazing blessing and opportunity to be able to accomplish what I have been working towards for the past 4. Growing up on the small island of Moloka‘i and going fishing with my father and grandfather when I was young, I would have never thought that I would become a scientist. But from my experiences and knowledge that I have gained in my life and here at the university, I understand now that science is the pathway and means for native people to perpetuate and continue their livelihoods. It is for this reason that I am passionate in furthering my knowledge in both Marine Science and Hawaiian Studies today, to provide a medium for Hawaiian students to perpetuate and protect what they love about their home. So I thank you all for these scholarships and for allowing me the pathway and means to perpetuate and protect what I love, which is my home, my people, and my culture.



 Celena Rulloda-Beate
I am honored and very grateful to be a recipient of the Homer David Kahilialau and Thelma Mabara Burge, Sr. Scholarship, the Kamehameha Schools Class of 2005 Scholarship, and the Sarah Keli‘ilolena Lum Konia Nakoa Scholarship. You are supporting my journey of becoming an ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i kumu to support the perpetuation of Hawaiian ‘ike, allowing me to serve our lāhui, and encouraging me to persevere towards accomplishing my aspirations. Receiving this aid has allowed me to be the first person in my family to attend college and it has lifted an immense amount of financial burden off of my shoulders. Mahalo nui loa!
 Teresa Traub
Mahalo piha to the donors of the Homer David Kahilialau and Thelma Mabara Burge, Sr. Scholarship, Johnny Pineapple Scholarship , Kamehameha Schools Class of 1995 Ka Ua Kipu‘upu‘u Scholarship, and the Kunuiakea Scholarship. I am extremely thankful and surprise for the many scholarship awards. Your generosity as donors has allowed me to return and continue my educational career. Honestly, I wouldn't be able to entertain the idea of continuing college without these scholarship awards. As a working single mother; my entire paycheck is dedicated to supporting my young child. This gift has tremendously lifted a financial burden for me and my ‘ohana, and will allow me to focus on continuing my educational career, which will equip me with a degree that will provide a better future for my ‘ohana. Me ke aloha hemolele, mahalo.



 Rachael Tamapolu
I am very thankful for this scholarship which will assist and help me in a lot of ways. "Always take any opportunities present in your path of way" is something my grandfather always told me before he passed away. Such gift will help in a lot of ways such as a back up funding help when "money" is out of my reach for school, it is also more than enough to provide me with about 3 classes in a semester with the offered scholarship and it is more than enough for me. I am thankful for this gift offered and opened in my way. Thank you so much for the consideration and generosity shown to me. I hope to achieve my AA with my high school degree this year before I ship out for my AIT training. This is my 30 meter target at the moment but with this opportunity opened to me, it puts my mind at ease in a way with the after story of my target right now. Thank you so much for such a gift and consideration. Mahalo



 Kailena Akau
Mahalo donors of the Irmgard Farden Aluli Scholaship! I am so thankful for your generosity and it means a lot to me and my ‘ohana. Receiving financial awards is always a blessing because it allows me to reach my academic and career goals. Education is very important to me and I am able to go to college and fulfill my educational goals because of scholarship donors like you! With these scholarships, I will be able to graduate with a bachelors degree in Hawaiian Studies and a minor in Business. I want to become a Hawaiian Language teacher and I also would like to open my own business one day. Mahalo for your generosity!



 Myka Pale
Mahalo nui loa donors of the Isaac and Mary Harbottle Scholarship! I truly appreciate your generosity in providing me with this scholarship. Through this scholarship, I am able to pay the remaining's of my tuition for the 2023-2024 year. In the upcoming school year, I will be a second-year junior so I will be focusing a lot on my academics and plan on starting a comparative religions club at UH Mānoa. I will also be an active member in the UH Marching Band Drumline. I am truly grateful for you all and this scholarship. Mahalo!



 Shekinah Orlando
Thank you so much for your generosity in donating towards my college funds, so that I may have a good future. That will help my future family and generation live life to the fullest. You have planted such a good seed in my life and I believe there will be a harvest. May Ke Akua bless you and all your families so abundantly! Mahalo for having such a kind and willing heart to sow not just in my life not by money only but just by seeing the goodness of each of your hearts. It shows how much you care for my generation and other students like me to have a good, healthy, and wealthy future! Mahalo!



 Kenan Pedro
On account of you, the donors of Jalene Kanani Bell ‘Ohana Scholarship, I will be confident to tell you that my purpose has flourished because of you. I find it warming that people still care about others when now days most people turn a blind eye to strangers. Your virtuous actions will not be forgotten by me, my family, or God. Mahalo.



 Micah Mahuna
Mahalo nui loa donors for your generosity and aloha. I am truly grateful for the support you provide that will help me achieve my goal of becoming a Fire Fighter, here in Hawai‘i and work hard to keep my community safe. Mahalo does not seem like a strong enough word to express how much I appreciate and am thankful for your donation. I will always remember the support I received and I will do all that I can to help my lāhui. Mahalo again!

Jared Alvarez

Established by the Sylva ‘ohana in 2013 in loving memory of son, grandson, and brother, Jared Keanu Sylva Alvarez, KSM 2011. During his time at Kamehameha Schools Maui, Jared was known by many as a beloved friend and teammate. The Jared Keanu Sylva Alvarez Named Endowment Scholarship supports student athletes from the KS Maui campus in their post-high educational pursuits.




 Kawika Lesa
Hello, my name is Kawika Lesa and I wanted to send my mahalo and thanks to the donors of the Jared Keanu Sylva Alavarez scholarship and the Kamehameha Schools class of 1971 "get chance" scholarship. This means a lot to me because it shows me just how much I grew and how I can use this to push forward to my future goals. I never thought I would go to college since I was someone who never really outshine others around me, but with the help of my Ohana and my friends, they help convince me to go after my goals and strive. You were are now another supporter of why I am able to go to college and learn as much as possible and I can’t thank you enough for helping fuel my dreams of learning as much as I can so I can come back to Hawaii and give back to the people around me.
 Tory Tau-a
Mahalo donors! My ‘ohana and I really appreciate your generous donation. This will help in my educational pursuits in college and for that I am very grateful & blessed. For my college career, I'm interested in the Arts & Science Programs at the college I plan to attend to this Fall. Thank you very much for this scholarship.



 Kamailah Quiocho
I would like to thank the donors of The Johansen ‘ohana Scholarship and Kamehameha Schools Class of 1968 "Ka Poli O Kaiona" Scholarship for your generosity in donating money for this scholarship. Being a recipient of this means a lot to me and my family because we knew that I’d have to rely heavily on scholarships and financial aid for me to go to college. This scholarship will help me in my future education by allowing me to afford to go to a school with the proper programs that I will need to further my knowledge and pursue my desired career. Mahalo for supporting me and allowing me to have an opportunity to grow in my education.


Established by Georgia J. Meyer in loving memory of her husband, John A. Meyer, KS 1951, this scholarship supports students who demonstrate interest in the following field(s) of study: athletics or engineering (reflecting John's interests), and business or finance (reflecting Georgia's interests).



 Micah Akiu
Mahalo to the donors of the John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship. This means a lot to me and my family because you are helping me to achieve my dreams and set me up for success. I hope to be a great student and be successful in my classes and athletics.
 Lauren Correa
Mahalo donors of the John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship. I am immensely grateful to be receiving this scholarship as it will make college more accessible to me. This gift will help my parents and I be able to pay for college and lessen the amount of loans we will have to take out in order for me to attend college. I am hoping to get a head start by doubling up on my classes so that I am making the most out of my yearly tuition. Your donation will truly help my family and I with the cost of college. Mahalo nui loa!!
 Alexander DeAguiar
Mahalo donors for your kindness and generosity! I am extremely thankful for the opportunities that have become possible by your contribution. It means a lot to my family and me that this weight will be lifted off our shoulders, as attending college is expensive. I look forward to attending Vanderbilt University this fall and plan on taking advantage of the many opportunities the school provides. I hope to continue to make my family and community proud no matter how far from home I may be. Mahalo!
 Harlee Hulihee
To the donors of this scholarship, mahalo for your generosity towards my ‘ohana and I! My loving parents work tirelessly to ensure that I have the best future possible and this scholarship assists us tremendously. I am thrilled to gain more knowledge in business administration and follow Georgia J. Meyer's passion for business. Mahalo!
 Dustin Kealoha
I am beyond grateful to the donors of the John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship and Pauahi Scholars Scholarship! Although pursuing an elite college education has always been my dream, I knew that the cost of attending college could be a barrier to achieving my goals. However, owing to your generosity, my ‘ohana and I can breathe a little, allowing me to make those dreams a reality. As I continue onto Dartmouth this fall, I know your gift of aloha will help me to gain a wealth of knowledge and experiences to maintain my commitment to my community. Mahalo!
 Jaret Love-Tabion
Mahalo donors of the scholarship, this gift that you‘ve given has impacted me and my family immensely. With this scholarship, I can confidently continue my education while being relieved of financial stress. This scholarship has given me hope and encouragement to pursue engineering. I plan to become an electrical engineer for Boeing and work on aircraft. Me ke aloha pumehana, mahalo!
 Ava Pasa
To my generous donors, John and Georgia Meyer, thank you so much. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow not only as a student but as a young lady. With this scholarship, I am now able to open new doors that I wasn‘t able to before. I now have the privilege to continue my academic‘s and become a first generation college student. With this scholarship I plan to become a nurse and then eventually work my way up to a nurse practitioner. By doing so I hope to leave my mark on not only this world but to my lāhui as well. It has always been a dream of mines to nurture and care for those in need. I am excited to explore the new opportunities I have been granted.
 Kohia Rego
Mahalo John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship! I am so incredibly grateful for your generosity. This scholarship means the world to both myself and my ‘ohana. Looking back at my academic career, my parents have been the foundation of it all. It means the world knowing that my hard work has paid off and that this scholarship can help me to give back to my parents. This gift will help me to achieve my goals and dreams this coming fall. I intend on becoming a Sports Psychologist so I can be an aid to the future generations of our lāhui. I would love to come back home to UH Mānoa and be apart of their athletics department or even become the first Sports Psychologist at Kamehameha. Along side of this academic goal, I hope to achieve WWPA Player of the Week as a Freshman for water polo. All of these goals could not be possible without the assistance from you, so a big mahalo for being apart of my journey!
 Noah Won
Thank you to John A. and Georgia J. Meyer for this scholarship and for allowing me to continue my education. I am very grateful as this will lighten my family’s financial load for the upcoming year. This scholarship will help me to work towards my goals of getting an education and attaining a good career. I hope to attend University of Hawaii at Manoa and pursue a degree in Finance. I am very appreciative for being selected for this scholarship. I will do my best to take advantage of this opportunity.



 Joseph Jimenez
Mahalo donors of the John and Reiko Kuga Phillip Scholarship, Joseph A. Sowa Scholarship, and the Kamehameha Schools "Imua 77" Scholarship. Thank you for your support and generosity. Receiving these scholarships is an incredible honor, and I am deeply grateful. I am strengthened by your support, and it means so much to me and my ohana that I may continue this journey for which I've worked so hard. I am committed to maintaining academic excellence and building networks during my time in college, so I can share my knowledge and experience with my community in the future. Mahalo nui loa!

David Johnny Pineapple Ka‘ōnohi

This award memorializes David Ka‘ōnohi who attended the Kamehameha Schools during the 1920s from grade 6 to 9 when he opted to return to attend Kaua‘i High School. Mr. Ka‘ōnohi was a founding father of the Hawai'i State Society of Washington D.C. and a popular Hawaiian entertainer on the east coast performing under the stage name of "Johnny Pineapple." He went on to attend the Julliard School of Music and was featured on the Phil Baker show sponsored by Dole Pineapple Company who insisted he use the name "Johnny Pineapple". This award recognizes an outstanding senior who intends to perpetuate the Hawaiian language and culture by pursuing Hawaiian Studies and Language at a local university.



 Emma-Leah Manumaleuna
Mahalo donors of the Johnny Pineapple Scholarship! I am very grateful for your generosity in gifting be a scholarship! This has definitely helped me and my family and lifted some burdens of our chest and were very grateful for this gift, thank you so much!
 Teresa Traub
Mahalo piha to the donors of the Homer David Kahilialau and Thelma Mabara Burge, Sr. Scholarship, Johnny Pineapple Scholarship , Kamehameha Schools Class of 1995 Ka Ua Kipu‘upu‘u Scholarship, and the Kunuiakea Scholarship. I am extremely thankful and surprise for the many scholarship awards. Your generosity as donors has allowed me to return and continue my educational career. Honestly, I wouldn't be able to entertain the idea of continuing college without these scholarship awards. As a working single mother; my entire paycheck is dedicated to supporting my young child. This gift has tremendously lifted a financial burden for me and my ‘ohana, and will allow me to focus on continuing my educational career, which will equip me with a degree that will provide a better future for my ‘ohana. Me ke aloha hemolele, mahalo.



 Joseph Jimenez
Mahalo donors of the John and Reiko Kuga Phillip Scholarship, Joseph A. Sowa Scholarship, and the Kamehameha Schools "Imua 77" Scholarship. Thank you for your support and generosity. Receiving these scholarships is an incredible honor, and I am deeply grateful. I am strengthened by your support, and it means so much to me and my ohana that I may continue this journey for which I've worked so hard. I am committed to maintaining academic excellence and building networks during my time in college, so I can share my knowledge and experience with my community in the future. Mahalo nui loa!



 Donna Kenui
Mahalo donors of the Joseph David Ahuna and U‘ilani Stender Scholarships. My family and I are beyond thankful for your generosity for aiding me this award. You have given me a great hand into the next steps of my future career. I hope to continue my path and make an impact in my community. Mahalo nui you again!
 Derek Soong
Mahalo to the donors of the Joseph David Ahuna Scholarship! I am immensely grateful to have been offered this scholarship, which will ease the financial burden of tuition for me and my ʻohana. This gift will help me pursue my studies in journalism and provide me with a solid foundation for my future plans for attending law school. I can't express enough gratitude for this scholarship, which will undoubtedly have a beneficial impact on my academic journey. Mahalo again for your generosity, kindness, and support!



 Nalehua'O Puna Donlin
Because of your generosity, you helped me make my dream come true, of getting a higher education. Being a single mom and a being a caregiver to my mom who had a massive stroke is hard at times. I really thought I was going to have to give up my college dream because there was no way I would be able to afford to pay for college and take care of my family. I didn’t have to give up on my dream because of you selecting me as a recipient. I am now able to be a Ph.D. student.
 Kalanihuia Forbes
I would like to give a big mahalo to all who have supported this scholarship. As education is so important to me it is a great honor to be able to further my educational journey with this scholarship. This money will be used to lessen the burden of my already large student loan, this aliviates some of the stress connected with that. iI will also allow me to buy books and possibly a new laptop for this coming school year.
 Makamae Ranua
Mahalo donors of the Joseph Nawahi Scholarship, I am grateful for your generous contribution to my continued educational journey. As a single mother with a son, I can only imagine that one day I hope to be able to provide the same opportunities to the next generation. At this point in my life, I am continuing my education for the betterment of my sons life. This scholarship will be able to pay for the remainder of my tuition for the coming year and help me achieve my graduate degree.



 Mikiala Maynard
Mahalo to the Donors of the Ashley Meleana Joy, Ka Papa o Kanaono-kumaono, Class of ‘66, and U‘ilani Stender Scholarships. Mahalo nui loa for the generous scholarships! I am so appreciative to be chosen as the recipient of these awards. Your gift allows me to continue my education while decreasing financial strain. This allows my ohana to spend time together and to do community service. This scholarship will help me to purchase needed supplies and will allow me to better focus on my schooling. I am so grateful! One day I hope to be able to give back, and pass forward the wonderful gift I have received from these scholarships. Mahalo!
 Jensen Codi Wills-Ching
Thank you for the generosity and scholarships that I was fortunate enough to receive. These scholarships will help me to continue my educational goals and follow my dreams. I promise to make you proud in everything I do and to not take these awards lightly. Thank you for supporting me and helping me to become a better version of myself in order to one day pay it forward to the next generation of great Hawaii leaders!



 Brysha Balancio-Sadamaru
Mahalo Nui for allowing me this scholarship opportunity to further my education towards becoming a elementary teacher and receiving my masters in elementary education. I am so thankful for the support that you have given me to help me in my journey. Mahalo Nui!

Kahu Maria & Kahu Wendell Davis

Inspired by the makana of education he received from Ke Ali‘i Pauahi, and a desire to perpetuate "Aloha Ke Akua", Kahu Wendell B.K. Davis, KS 1971, established this scholarship to honor his wife, Kahu Maria K.K. Davis, and leave a legacy to generations to come by offering them the opportunity to learn and receive a distinctive education. This scholarship is awarded to graduating seniors who have participated on deputation teams from all three KS campuses.



 Cheyenne Sato
Mahalo nui iā ‘oukou! From your generous support, I am able to continue my ambitious journey. I hope to come back and bring this gratitude to those who wish to follow my path of post-high education. May God bless you and all of those who considered me for their scholarship.
 Pomaikaʻi Varron
Thank you for blessing my family and I with granting me this scholarship. Having this to help pay for school and cover expenses allows me to get closer to my goal and my dream of helping bring up the new generations of our lāhui. Along with tuition costs, the cost of living on campus leads to a even bigger cost so having the chance to receive this scholarship means a lot. Mahalo nui loa,



 Pearl Bachiller



 Julius Villaro
Mahalo donors of the Kalino Foundation Scholarship! I am extremely humbled and grateful that you chose me as the recipient of your very generous scholarship. This scholarship means so much to us because it is going to relieve us of some of the challenges that come with a college education, especially because we are a single income household. This gift of scholarship will help me this academic year as I continue to discover my passion for understanding human behavior, psychology, relationship, and history. I want to somehow channel the knowledge I am gaining back into Hawaii's communities, and be of service. My father worked for Mental Health Kokua; he helped those who were emotionally challenged transition back into daily life. My mother has been a dedicated public school teacher on the Leeward coast for 19 years. I started college hoping to become a research scientist, initially choosing a path much different from my parents...but I'm discovering that a call to assist those with emotional and mental needs is growing stronger. I believe my parents influence is fueling my purpose, and with your generosity, I have a way to see my educational goals through. Mahalo for your faith in me.



 Joseph Jimenez
Mahalo donors of the John and Reiko Kuga Phillip Scholarship, Joseph A. Sowa Scholarship, and the Kamehameha Schools "Imua 77" Scholarship. Thank you for your support and generosity. Receiving these scholarships is an incredible honor, and I am deeply grateful. I am strengthened by your support, and it means so much to me and my ohana that I may continue this journey for which I've worked so hard. I am committed to maintaining academic excellence and building networks during my time in college, so I can share my knowledge and experience with my community in the future. Mahalo nui loa!



 John Nihipali
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools "Na Hoaloha" ‘86 Scholarship. This scholarship you have given me will help me and my ‘ohana save on spending out of our pockets and help cover the costs of my education. More than just financial help, it gave me a sense of hope and encouragement. Knowing that there are people who believe in me and want to help me succeed is a great motivator to work hard and strive to the very best to achieve my goals and make the most of the opportunity given to me. Mahalo.



 Kyson James-Foree
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Dan and Rachel Mahi, KS Alumni Association West Hawai‘i, and KS Class of 1965 scholarships. I am very grateful to be a beneficiary of your generosity and look forward to utilizing the opportunity provided to me to make a positive impact on our beloved communities. This makana goes a long way as I look to take the LSAT and apply for law school in the upcoming school year.



 Liana Kanno
mahalo nui iā ‘oe no kēia manawa kūpono a makemake wau e ‘ike ‘oe i ka nui o kēia mau ha‘awina e kŌkua nui ia‘u e hele i ke kula i mea e puka ai me ko‘u kēkelē kulanui. ‘A‘ole hiki ia‘u ke ho‘omaika‘i hou aku i nā mea kāko‘o e like me ‘oukou e ho‘okŌ nei i ka‘u moemoeā e loa‘a i ko‘u kēkelē ma ke kulanui. He 4 ka‘u mau keiki e pono ia‘u ke kokua i ke ola a kokua mai kekahi mea ia‘u a me ka‘u mau keiki e ola.
 Haley Mahoe
Mahalo donors of the Na Ho‘okama a Pauahi Scholarship! This gift will help me during this academic year by providing me with funds necessary for attending school at the University of Pennsylvania. At Penn, I plan to dive into the world of government and politics in the Political Science major. This scholarship is not just a monetary award; it is also a vote of confidence in my abilities and potential. Your faith in me has inspired me to work even harder and achieve my goals with even more determination and passion. Mahalo again for your generous award!



 Chancen Law
Mahalo donors/representatives of the DeWitt Wallace scholarship, Randy Wayne Ahuna Scholarship, and the Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association — O‘ahu Region Scholarship. The financial assistance will be of great help to me in paying my educational expenses, and will allow me to concentrate more of my time on my studies. I promise to use the scholarship to enhance my education and strive for excellence in the career path I choose to endeavor.
 Matthew Liu
Aloha donors of the Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association — O‘ahu Region Scholarship, Kamehameha Schools Kapalama Class of 2006 Scholarship, and the Warren Nakupuna Ah Loo Memorial Scholarship. I am truly honored to have been selected as your beneficiary. I thank you for your benevolence, which will allow me to both attend my dream university as well as accomplish my childhood ambition of becoming a radiologist. I hope that one day I will be able to pay it forward, and just like you, give future generations of our lāhui the opportunity to achieve their dreams. Hā‘ale‘ale ku‘u pu‘uwai me ke aloha!


Established by the Kamehameha Schools Association of Kaua‘i to support Kapālama high school seniors residing on Kaua‘i with demonstrated commitment to their field of study, impact within the Hawaiian community, and community service activities. Funds for this scholarship were the result of both past and present Kaua‘i parents of Kapālama students' fundraising efforts throughout the year.



 Kilinoe Brown
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauai Scholarship for giving me the opportunity to continue to carry out my post-high school plans. Even though my academic plans have changed, I will continue to work hard and strive to continue to be an E Ola graduate student, ensuring that the money I was provided will be used well towards school life. I will use the money towards classes, supplies and/or other school-related opportunities that will help me build a better sense of identity. Again, thank you so much for your support, my ‘ohana and I are forever grateful.
 Xhayeani Camarillo
Aloha donors, I want to mahalo you for this opportunity you are giving me by offering me a sum of money to help me receive the education I am pursuing. This means a lot to me because it will help my family and I greatly to pay for the education I need. I promise to try my best to fulfill my duties with this offer you have given me. Mahalo.
 Brayden Heu-Greenbaum
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauai. I'm very thankful for your generosity as it will help me to pay for my first year of college tuition. I plan to attend Oregon State University where I will be pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. This year I would like to focus on adjusting to college life and excelling in my academics. Mahalo again for your support of my academic endeavors
 Kyrie Nuivo
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Kaua‘i Scholarship! Your generosity means so much to me, and myself and my ‘ohana deeply appreciate it. I plan to use this gift toward helping me achieve my goal of becoming a preschool teacher. I hope to start my next school year strong and put this gift to great use. Mahalo!
 Sami Ofisa
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Kauai scholarship. I am thankful for the generous gift of support towards my college education. As a Native Hawaiian, more specifically, a Kaua‘i Native Hawaiian I take the kuleana of returning to my island home to care for my people and place seriously. Not only do I want to work to strengthen the community I am from, I look to one day work, live, play and raise my future Ohana on Kauai as well. KSAK has raised and supported me since my first days of boarding in 7th grade. It warms my heart to know that you all will continue to support my journey as you have since I was 11. Thank you for helping to make my dreams a reality.
 Malie Osakoda
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Kaua‘i Scholarship. I am grateful for your generosity to me and my ‘ohana. Your gift is going to be extremely helpful towards my college tuition. As a first generation college student I want to make this process less stressful for my parents and you are helping make that happen. Your gift is helping me continue my education and help me work towards a better future for my family and I. This year I hope to expand on my knowledge and preform well in my intended major. Mahalo.
 Jaymie-Lee Peralta
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Kaua‘i Scholarship
 Lily Puu
Mahalo donors, your contribution to my education is endlessly appreciated. I plan on using my education to become a social worker and help native Hawaiians in difficult living situations. Ultimately work to get the Hawaiian people on their feet. mahalo again for your support.



 Nanea Ah You
It is a great honor and privilege to be a recipient of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Maui Scholarship. Pursuing these dreams of mine has its price in today’s world, and may lead to a more arduous journey toward the life I wish for. I firmly believe that this generosity will ensure a brighter path for me to perpetuate the knowledge of my kūpuna and commit a life-long allegiance to Ka Lāhui Hawai‘i. I can never express my appreciation enough, but I will show it through giving back to my ‘āina and my kānaka. Me ke aloha.
 M. Kupa'a Castro
I am sincerely grateful for being selected as the Kamehameha Schools Association of Maui Scholarship recipient. Being a first-generation college student and attending college so far from home was challenging initially, but this experience has allowed me to grow emotionally, spiritually, and academically. Once again, mahalo for the vote of confidence and support. I am committed to my education and I vow to continue through life, aspiring, transforming, and achieving my potential.
 Alyssa Cuttie
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Maui Scholarship. I am so thankful for having the opportunity to have this scholarship. College is a great goal for me and I am so happy that this will help me to meet that goal. I hope to achieve a college experience full of learning. Mahalo again!
 Nephi Hong
Thank you, Kamehameha Schools of Maui Association, for your generous scholarship. I really believe my college education will help me give back to my Lahaina community and to live a life of purpose and meaning.



 Kade Apuna
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Teachers and Parents Moloka‘i "‘Elua" Scholarship and The Paul Pua‘a ‘ohana, Paul Moses Murray & Malia Murray Grant. It is with sincere humility that I mahalo you for your generosity in selecting me as a recipient of your gracious scholarship. This monetary assistance will not only ease the financial burden on myself and my ‘ohana, but it gives me the confidence to continue my pursuit of attaining my Bachelors degree in Aviation Science. With this generous assistance, I will be able to complete my degree and continue my flight hours so that one day I may return home to Hawaii and live my dream of flying for Hawaiian Airlines and service the people of Hawaii as well as those who come to visit our beautiful state. Again, mahalo nui loa for the opportunity you have given me to make a difference in our state and in my community. Me Kealoha Pumehana
 Harris Dudoit
Mahalo nui loa for your generous monetary support towards my dream to be an architect. I am privileged to receive a scholarship from my home Parent association and hope that I can do much to give back to my community on Moloka‘i.



 Victoria Martin
Mahalo donors of Kamehameha Schools Class of 1950 Scholarship, I am very thankful to have been chosen to receive this scholarship. This will help me greatly and allow me to focus on my studies as I am going to graduate in December 2023. This has lessen the burden of trying to figure out how I will pay for school. This will help me finish strong and graduate with my BSN. This right here is helping me to fulfill my dream of becoming a Registered Nurse. To be able to help my community and make a significant impact to those around me. Mahalo nui loa



 Jarrison Aeto
Mahalo to the Hoaloha Kamehameha donors, I am so appreciative and grateful for the donation youve given me to help further my healthcare career. I will use this donation to better give back to the health of my community, especially the kupuna. Helping to heal those in need is my kuleana and i am so thankful for the gift youve given me to help me accomplish this.
 Dawnelle Forsythe
Mahalo piha to the donors of the George T. Kanalu Young Memorial Scholarship and Kamehameha Schools Class of 1952 "Na Hoaloha O Kamehameha" Scholarship. As I write these words to express my gratitude, my eyes are filled with tears of joy and appreciation for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me. With my J.D. degree from Syracuse University College of Law I will advocate for our Native Hawaiian rights. The time has come for our lahui’s voice to be heard and represented in the western legal forum. I will make you proud of the work I will accomplish.



 Tea Kanuha
Mahalo Kamehameha Schools Class of 1954 "Na Kanalimakumaha" Scholarship and The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK. My family and I are so grateful for your generosity in supporting me in my next journey to college. These funds will help me through the financial load that comes with going to college away from home and continuing my education somewhere new. I will be furthering my education at Northern Arizona University studying Psychology and Early Education in hopes to come home and give my time back to the new generation and the community.
 Amber Kekahuna-Cole
Mahalo for your generosity and selecting me for this scholarship. This means a lot and will help me achieve my education goals in being a physical therapist working community health care center and working for the underserved community here in Hawai‘i while pursing a minor in Hawaii Studies and learning more about my culture.



 Devlyn Kojima
Mahalo Class of 1956 Scholarship for your generosity and kindness. I truly appreciate this gift and will do my best to make the most of my time in Oregon. Attending college on the continent has always been a dream of mine and your thoughtfulness, has made it all possible. By the end of this year, I hope to gain more knowledge in the field of psychology that will help me in my future goal of improving access to mental health care in my West Hawai‘i community. Mahalo nui loa!
 Eryn Nagaishi
Mahalo donors of the "Kamehameha Schools Class of 1956 Scholarship" the "Kamehameha Schools Class of 1990 Ku Lokahi Scholarship" and the "David and Julia Desha Scholarship". Thank you for providing me with the opportunity of this scholarship. This scholarship will help me to continue focusing on my degree in Environmental Engineering in order to create a positive impact on this world. This year I hope to continue being on the club soccer team while also pursuing a position in a newly founded club called ENACTUS. I would like again to take the time to say thank you for providing me with this great opportunity with this scholarship.


In 1987, during Kamehameha Schools' Centennial Year, the Class of 1957 celebrated their 30th reunion and created this scholarship. Successful fundraising projects and personal contributions allowed the class to establish a significant endowed fund. This award recognizes a senior boy and girl with outstanding scholarship, character, and extracurricular activities.



 Alexander DeAguiar
Mahalo donors for your kindness and generosity! I am extremely thankful for the opportunities that have become possible by your contribution. It means a lot to my family and me that this weight will be lifted off our shoulders, as attending college is expensive. I look forward to attending Vanderbilt University this fall and plan on taking advantage of the many opportunities the school provides. I hope to continue to make my family and community proud no matter how far from home I may be. Mahalo!
 Courtney Mann
Mahalo for your generosity and support! Your gracious gift truly goes a long way, allowing me to take that first leap toward my future aspirations. College is expensive, and your gift of aloha is helping my ‘ohana by relieving a lot of the financial stress and burden. Again, mahalo nui loa, I am looking forward to continuing my education pursuits at my dream school.



 Sydney Decosta
Mahalo to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1958 "Na Mea Waiwai a Pauahi" Scholarship and Richard and Myrtle Kim Scholarship. I am so thankful for your generosity as it will help me pursue my academic career which will then help me contribute to my lāhui. This upcoming school year, I plan to graduate with my Bachelors in Psychology and go on to pursue a graduate degree in Nursing. Again, mahalo for all your continued support!



 Daniel Ah Hee
Mahalo nui loa donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1960 and Class of 1962 scholarships. Your generosity will enable me to acquire a computer science degree and pursue my dreams with an even greater determination. I'm grateful for your investment in my education and the meaningful difference it will make in my future academic and career goals.
 Koa Chang
I have been dreaming about attending a great school like Stanford for as long as I can remember. With your generosity, I am now able to attend Stanford without posing a financial burden to me or my family. I will never forgot how much Kamehameha and the rest of the lahui has given me and I promise to capitalize on the opportunity so I can one day inspire future generations of young bright Hawaiians.
 Kawaiola Kapuni
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1960 and The Emma Kailikapuolono Metcalf Beckley Nakuina Aloha Aina Patriot Scholarship! Your scholarships have inspired the utmost gratitude and have been life-changing, as it places me in a position to attend college at an affordable cost and, in the long run, access well-paying careers to relieve my family and me of any financial burden. Because of these scholarships, I can also foster growth in research that aligns with my fields of study, remain culturally connected to my Native Hawaiian identity, and work with various indigenous or people of color to identify intersectionalities within research. Mahalo Nui Loa for your generosity, kindness, and support in helping me to achieve my goals as a leader, researcher, and advocate for the Native Hawaiian community. Me ke aloha a me mālama pono!
 Kilinoe Oliveira
I am so incredibly honored and grateful to be receiving these scholarships. With your generosity I am able to accomplish my goals and dream to give back to my lāhui. Mahalo for seeing my potential, and mahalo for believing in me.



 Kaakakai Kaahui
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1961 Scholarship. I am deeply grateful to you for your incredible generosity. As I wrote my essays which were requested in the application, I hoped to form a connection with you and share with you my passion for making a difference for our islands, our waters and for our people. Now I wish to express to you the tremendous excitement I felt the day I received the email stating that I had been awarded your scholarship. This gift will truly enable me to fulfill my dreams! Mahalo Nui Loa, Ka’akakai "Kai" KaahuiMahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1974 Scholarship. I am deeply grateful to you for your incredible generosity. As I wrote my essays which were requested in the application, I hoped to form a connection with you and share with you my passion for making a difference for our islands, our waters and for our people. Now I wish to express to you the tremendous excitement I felt the day I received the email stating that I had been awarded your scholarship. This gift will truly enable me to fulfill my dreams! Mahalo Nui Loa, Ka’akakai "Kai" Kaahui
 Waipuna Olores
Thank you Thank you Thank you soo much. I really cannot express how much this truly means. I do understand that this specific trade is tough and can be stressful at times, but your kind donations means that people truly do believe that I can achieve this goal and motivates me to work hard and get through these next two years of learning. Your generosity is what is helping me to obtain one of my biggest dreams and I am truly grateful. Mahalo.



 Daniel Ah Hee
Mahalo nui loa donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1960 and Class of 1962 scholarships. Your generosity will enable me to acquire a computer science degree and pursue my dreams with an even greater determination. I'm grateful for your investment in my education and the meaningful difference it will make in my future academic and career goals.



 Kaya Camara
Mahalo to the donors of the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Ainoa Brandt Scholraship, Ho‘omaka‘ika‘i Named Endowment Fund, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1963 Scholarship, Myron & Laura Thompson Scholarship, and William adn Judith Fernandez Scholarship. It is with deepest gratitude that I express my appreciation for your guidance and kŌkua. These scholarships will really help me get one step closer to achieving my goals/dreams of bettering our next generation keiki. Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo!
 Kahiau Snyder
Mahalo nui to the donors of the David and Julia Desha Scholarship, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1963 Scholarship, M. Kimo Wong KS ’71 and Shelly Wong and Noe Noe Wong-Wilson KS ’68 ‘Ohana Scholarship, and the Makuakane Inspirational Educator Scholarship! Your generous financial assistance will enable me to ho‘omau in my pursuit of ‘ike Hawai‘i. This year, I plan on continuing to nourish my ‘i‘ini for the ‘Ōlelo and ‘ike of my kūpuna through both my academics and my work in researching mo‘olelo ‘āina. I will use this ‘ike to ho‘Ōla and paipai the future generations of our lāhui, just as this scholarship has done for me. Mahalo nui!



 Kyson James-Foree
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Dan and Rachel Mahi, KS Alumni Association West Hawai‘i, and KS Class of 1965 scholarships. I am very grateful to be a beneficiary of your generosity and look forward to utilizing the opportunity provided to me to make a positive impact on our beloved communities. This makana goes a long way as I look to take the LSAT and apply for law school in the upcoming school year.



 Kahaliaonahulukupuna Masoaka
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Hawaii Independent Energy Scholarship as well as the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1967 "Ka Lei o Kaiona" Scholarship! it's because of your generous donations that I can begin my schooling in the Electrical Installation and Maintenance Technology program at Hawaii Community College without any worries of tuition payment. I am truly grateful for these scholarships as I will be able to focus on my education and will be able to purchase safety equipment. Mahalo nui!
 Ty Simpson-Kane
Mahalo donors of the Ka Lei o Kaiona scholarship for your generosity, I am sincerely honored to have been picked as a recipient. This will help me pursue and further my education at the California State University Maritime Academy in the Marine Transportation program.



 Alyssia Fernandez Ruiz
Mahalo donors for awarding me with the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1968 "Ka Poli O Kaiona" Scholarship. This scholarship gets me a few steps closer to educating the future generations of Hawai‘i and to contributing to the betterment of the Hawaiian Kingdom through education. Thank you so much for supporting me through my college education through this scholarship award.
 Kamailah Quiocho
I would like to thank the donors of The Johansen ‘ohana Scholarship and Kamehameha Schools Class of 1968 "Ka Poli O Kaiona" Scholarship for your generosity in donating money for this scholarship. Being a recipient of this means a lot to me and my family because we knew that I’d have to rely heavily on scholarships and financial aid for me to go to college. This scholarship will help me in my future education by allowing me to afford to go to a school with the proper programs that I will need to further my knowledge and pursue my desired career. Mahalo for supporting me and allowing me to have an opportunity to grow in my education.



 Amaris Hall
Mahalo nui loa donors of the Kamehameha Class of 1970 Scholarship! I am incredibly grateful for your generosity, as this scholarship will help me purchase necessary materials for my college education, as well as assist me in reducing the loans I take out during my undergraduate years. Next year I will be enrolled in an intensive where I can coauthor a paper with my major advisor. Mahalo again for your generosity and all I can accomplish with this scholarship.
 Bryson Kau
Mahalo donors! On behalf of my family and I, we are truly grateful for your generosity towards funding my future. Amidst the ever-increasing price of college, your contributions have lightened the financial burden of attending my dream school. I plan on majoring in either biomedical engineering or computer science with an AI focus at Stanford University. Consequently, I hope to either attain my master's degree at Stanford or attend medical school before coming home to serve my community through health. Again, I am honored to receive these scholarships and will continue to represent Kamehameha Schools with pride. Mahalo nui loa!
 Mahealani Plunkett
Mahalo nui loa donors for helping me and my ‘ohana take the next steps in my academic journey. This gift will bring allow me to pursue my passion and continue my education in environmental science and prepare for medical schools. Again mahalo nui loa, I am eternally greatful.
 Shaley Yoshizu
Mahalo nui donors of the Kamehameha class of ‘70 & ‘72 and the Pu‘uwai Hau Kila scholarships! With your kŌkua, I am on my way to pursuing a bachelor‘s degree in Immunology & Infectious Disease as I work closer to completing my undergrad education very soon! I hope to be able to begin my research with juvenile arthritis early on to get a head start on my career. Mahalo nui once again for being willing to help other haumāna like myself to pursue our strongest desires!



 Megan Ho'opai
Mahalo donors of the Benedict Kalamaku Lee Loy KS 1905 Endowed Scholarship, the Kamehameha School CLass of 1971 "Get Chance" Scholarship, the Rebecca Lamahilani Haalou Medeiros Scholarship, and the Roy L. Cachola Scholarship. I am so grateful and thankful for your generosity, that will be used to put forth towards furthering my education at Treasure Valley Community College. This scholarship is a blessing not only for me, but also for my family. I will be the first in my family to attend college and this gift will bless my family financially. I will put this scholarship towards my education goals and work hard to accomplish them, one year at a time. Mahalo again for your generosity!
 Kawika Lesa
Hello, my name is Kawika Lesa and I wanted to send my mahalo and thanks to the donors of the Jared Keanu Sylva Alavarez scholarship and the Kamehameha Schools class of 1971 "get chance" scholarship. This means a lot to me because it shows me just how much I grew and how I can use this to push forward to my future goals. I never thought I would go to college since I was someone who never really outshine others around me, but with the help of my Ohana and my friends, they help convince me to go after my goals and strive. You were are now another supporter of why I am able to go to college and learn as much as possible and I can’t thank you enough for helping fuel my dreams of learning as much as I can so I can come back to Hawaii and give back to the people around me.



 Nalehua'O Puna Donlin
Because of your generosity, you helped me make my dream come true, of getting a higher education. Being a single mom and a being a caregiver to my mom who had a massive stroke is hard at times. I really thought I was going to have to give up my college dream because there was no way I would be able to afford to pay for college and take care of my family. I didn’t have to give up on my dream because of you selecting me as a recipient. I am now able to be a Ph.D. student.
 Shaley Yoshizu
Mahalo nui donors of the Kamehameha class of ‘70 & ‘72 and the Pu‘uwai Hau Kila scholarships! With your kŌkua, I am on my way to pursuing a bachelor‘s degree in Immunology & Infectious Disease as I work closer to completing my undergrad education very soon! I hope to be able to begin my research with juvenile arthritis early on to get a head start on my career. Mahalo nui once again for being willing to help other haumāna like myself to pursue our strongest desires!



 ShayLynn Anderson-Agpaoa
I would like to give a big mahalo to the donors for the scholarships that was able to receive. These scholarships were my final deciding factor on where to attend for college this coming fall. I am so thankful because for college I will be financially supporting myself and this has really helped take the financial debt off of my shoulders. This helped me to go straight into college instead of taking a gap year. Mahalo nui loa!
 Jazlyn Bulatao
To the donors of the Pauahi Scholarship Kamehameha Class of 73‘ Thank you for your generosity in choosing me for this scholarship for the 2023-2024 school year. I am beyond grateful for being selected for this scholarship and for help towards pursuing my goals of continuing my education for my Master's in the psychology of marriage and family therapy. I intend to use my cultural and educational skills towards being of service to others. My goal for this school year is to gain more skills and practice counseling a diversity of individuals. Thank you for helping me towards reaching these goals with the opportunity to continue my education.



 Ava Davis
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1974 Scholarship, and Kamehameha Schools Maui Parent Teacher Student Organization ‘A‘apueo Scholarship. My family and I are truly grateful for the support given to me to reach my goal of affording a college education. These awards have inspired me to pursue my passion and purpose of becoming a physician assistant and returning home to help my people. Forever indebted... Mahalo!
 Kaakakai Kaahui
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1961 Scholarship. I am deeply grateful to you for your incredible generosity. As I wrote my essays which were requested in the application, I hoped to form a connection with you and share with you my passion for making a difference for our islands, our waters and for our people. Now I wish to express to you the tremendous excitement I felt the day I received the email stating that I had been awarded your scholarship. This gift will truly enable me to fulfill my dreams! Mahalo Nui Loa, Ka’akakai "Kai" KaahuiMahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1974 Scholarship. I am deeply grateful to you for your incredible generosity. As I wrote my essays which were requested in the application, I hoped to form a connection with you and share with you my passion for making a difference for our islands, our waters and for our people. Now I wish to express to you the tremendous excitement I felt the day I received the email stating that I had been awarded your scholarship. This gift will truly enable me to fulfill my dreams! Mahalo Nui Loa, Ka’akakai "Kai" Kaahui
 Braysen Libed
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1974 Scholarship! I am most thankful and honored for the scholarship as it will assist me with obtaining my Master's degree. I have the honor and opportunity to attend Johns Hopkins School of Nursing this coming fall. As I enter this next step in my life, higher education is important to my family and me and I appreciate the chance to experience this adventure on the East Coast. Mahalo again for the gracious donation and assistance.



 Pu'uwaiha'a Kalauoka'ae'a-Kahele
Mahalo nui loa to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1975 and Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund Scholarships for your generosity. I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend college and it is all because of your gift. This blessing means the world to me and my ‘ohana. I will study hard and do my best to achieve my goals while enjoying this new educational journey. Me ke aloha nui a mahalo!
 Larissa Lee
Thank you for awarding me with this scholarship. I am thankful for the generosity, this scholarship is a blessing as it will help me pay for tuition and ease the financial stress. The blessing of this scholarship is helping me to be more focused in my academic year. Thank you so much again.
 Kilinoe Oliveira
I am so incredibly honored and grateful to be receiving these scholarships. With your generosity I am able to accomplish my goals and dream to give back to my lāhui. Mahalo for seeing my potential, and mahalo for believing in me.
 Jelacia Peralta
Aloha Donors! Mahalo nui loa for your support on my journey to becoming a Registered Nurse (RN). Your kindness and generosity will forever be with me as this will greatly impact my life. At the end of this school year, I hope to be a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), starting my journey to becoming an RN. It is my biggest pleasure to be on this journey, working in health care to give back to the community that has given me so much. Mahalo again for your generosity!



 Meghan Mung Lim
Mahalo nui loa for this opportunity. Your generosity allows me to further my education and pursue my dream of becoming an attorney.

This endowed scholarship was proudly created by the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1978 to honor Ke Alii Pauahiʻs legacy and impact with our Native Hawaiian community.



 Sean Serville
Mahalo donors of the Charles Reed Bishop & Kamehameha Schools Class of 1978 Scholarships. I am extremely grateful for your generosity as I have encountered various difficult circumstances over the past year. Your generosity will help me to pay for college, since I am on my own now. This year I hope to rebuild my foundation and learn the skills necessary for a Finance career. I am excited to continue working at HFS FCU and apply what I learn in school to my job. Mahalo nui loa for your generosity.



 Sierra Furukawa
Mahalo to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1979 "Ho‘okupono" Scholarship for awarding me this generous gift and for allowing me the opportunity to represent your scholarship. I am very thankful and appreciative for your generosity in graciously bestowing this gift unto me because it will allow me to finish my final semester of college and graduate student debt free. Receiving this scholarship gift is very important to and means a lot to me and my family because it will allow me to save for and focus my finances on the next chapter of my educational journey of going to graduate school to become a physical therapist. Mahalo nui loa again for allowing me the opportunity to receive the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1979 "Ho‘okupono" Scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year. Take care and God Bless!



 Kawena Lorenzo
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1980 Scholarship, I am deeply grateful for your generosity and support, which means the world to me and my ‘ohana. This year, I plan to focus on strengthening my knowledge to lay a solid foundation for developing an online community for Native Hawaiians. Your assistance plays a crucial role in my educational and personal growth. Mahalo nui loa for your invaluable contribution to my future success.



 Lola Duropan
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1983 Scholarship. With this scholarship, you are all helping me finance my Nursing program requirements and fees; which has been my dream of working and serving the communities around me in the medical field. For the upcoming year, I intend on being a studious and industrious student and child of God within my Nursing program and hope to be nominated for the Daisy award that recognizes outstanding Nursing students. I would like to thank each and every one of you.



 Dakota Briley
I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the scholarship that you have so generously provided. As a Native Hawaiian, the financial burden of attending college has been a daunting challenge, but with your scholarship, I now have the opportunity to pursue my dreams and work toward achieving my goals. Your donation to my education is not just a financial one but also an investment in my future and the future of my family. I am so thankful for your willingness to support me on this journey. My path to college has been challenging but your scholarship has given me the support I need to overcome these challenges. Your generosity has not only lightened my financial burden but has also motivated me to work harder. I promise to work hard and make the most of this opportunity you have given me. I hope that one day, I too can give back and make a positive impact on someone else's life, just as you have done for me. Once again, I want to express my gratitude for your generosity and believing in me.



 Pililai Kaai
Aloha, I come to you with a heart full of gratitude and humility. Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1990 Ku Lokahi Scholarship. I am so thankful for the work you are doing to uplift the next generations and the generosity in your heart to help me make my aspirations come to life through my education and future career. I am committed to being the best reflection of your organization this academic year through my hard work in the classroom, on the hui aloha presidency, and the aloha I give out to the people around me.Aloha, I come to you with a heart full of gratitude and humility. Mahalo donors of The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK. I am so thankful for the work you are doing to uplift the next generations and the generosity in your heart to help me make my aspirations come to life through my education and future career. I am committed to being the best reflection of your organization this academic year through my hard work in the classroom, on the hui aloha presidency, and the aloha I give out to the people around me.
 Eryn Nagaishi
Mahalo donors of the "Kamehameha Schools Class of 1956 Scholarship" the "Kamehameha Schools Class of 1990 Ku Lokahi Scholarship" and the "David and Julia Desha Scholarship". Thank you for providing me with the opportunity of this scholarship. This scholarship will help me to continue focusing on my degree in Environmental Engineering in order to create a positive impact on this world. This year I hope to continue being on the club soccer team while also pursuing a position in a newly founded club called ENACTUS. I would like again to take the time to say thank you for providing me with this great opportunity with this scholarship.



 Shannon Autrey
Aloha e Kamehameha School Class of 1991, mahalo for your generous scholarship that fulfills my financial need for higher education. Your kokua came when I needed the most help, and I am forever grateful for being the chosen haumana.
 Isaac Knell
Mahalo e nā po‘e mai ka papa puka kula 1991. I am truly thankful for the generous gift I have received from you all. I will use this gift further my education and help my community in the near future.
 Leanna Paik
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1991 Scholarship. Thanks to your generosity, I am able to work through my financial limitations and attend college. This gift will help me in the coming year and push me to continue my educational journey. I look forward to bringing my knowledge as a Kamehameha Schools student o the University of Michigan. Mahalo.



 Melyssa Moderow
Mahalo nui to the donors of the George Hi‘ilani Mills Scholarship and the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1993 "Na Lei Kukui" Scholarship for providing me with financial assistance to continue my studies toward my Master of Public Health degree. Your assistance means so much to me and my ‘ohana. With your assistance, I can focus fully on my studies and research. This academic year, I plan to graduate in the Spring semester. With my degree, I want to better the overall well-being of our Hawaiian population. I am so grateful to you for providing me with this opportunity.
 Hema Watson
Mahalo nŌ donors of the "Na Lei Kukui" scholarship and "Kunuiakea" scholarship, this award means a lot. It will help me earn my education and degree in political science and give me the opportunity to learn without the pain of having to take out loans. I am very grateful for your gift, I will cherish it, mahalo!



 Teresa Traub
Mahalo piha to the donors of the Homer David Kahilialau and Thelma Mabara Burge, Sr. Scholarship, Johnny Pineapple Scholarship , Kamehameha Schools Class of 1995 Ka Ua Kipu‘upu‘u Scholarship, and the Kunuiakea Scholarship. I am extremely thankful and surprise for the many scholarship awards. Your generosity as donors has allowed me to return and continue my educational career. Honestly, I wouldn't be able to entertain the idea of continuing college without these scholarship awards. As a working single mother; my entire paycheck is dedicated to supporting my young child. This gift has tremendously lifted a financial burden for me and my ‘ohana, and will allow me to focus on continuing my educational career, which will equip me with a degree that will provide a better future for my ‘ohana. Me ke aloha hemolele, mahalo.



 Wahinepōʻaimoku Nahale-a
Dear donors of the Henry Laumaewa & Clara Kapeka Kanamu Memorial Scholarship, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1996 Scholarship, and the Pono & Louise Beamer Scholarship, mahalo nui for your generosity and graciousness. It is truly a blessing to be supported by your organizations and to be a part of your legacies. This gift is will be going towards my college fund, this support is very much appreciated by myself as well as my ‘ohana.


This scholarship was established through the generosity of the Class of 1997 to support students continuing their educational journey. This is awarded to a senior who has demonstrated a high level of volunteer work and service to the community.



 Pualii Ann Zidek
Thank you so much for believing in me as a student and person, and for contributing to my future academic success. I appreciate your philanthropy, and I hope you know that I will do my best to make you proud of your decision. This contribution has helped make my attendance at Stanford possible, and my family and I extend our deepest gratitude to you.



 Danielle Akiona
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 2001 Scholarship. I am beyond thankful for your generosity in considering me for you scholarship. This scholarship will help me to continue on my journey towards achieving my Bachelors degree. Receiving this scholarship will mean one less loan I will have to take out and also trying to find a way to work more to make ends meet. From the bottom of my heart I greatly appreciate this blessing. Mahalo nui loa.
 Sharilyn Garcia
I would like to thank the donors if the Kamehameha Schools 2001 scholarship for giving me the opportunity to continue my education. I am so thankful for your generosity. This means everything to me. I will be completing my second year of college. This would not be possible without your help. Mahalo again!!



 Rachael Meisner
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity in funding the Kamehameha Schools Class of 2003 "Na Pua ‘Akala a Pauahi" Scholarship and Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK scholarship Donors. I am very grateful and honored to be the recipient of this scholarship awards



 Celena Rulloda-Beate
I am honored and very grateful to be a recipient of the Homer David Kahilialau and Thelma Mabara Burge, Sr. Scholarship, the Kamehameha Schools Class of 2005 Scholarship, and the Sarah Keli‘ilolena Lum Konia Nakoa Scholarship. You are supporting my journey of becoming an ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i kumu to support the perpetuation of Hawaiian ‘ike, allowing me to serve our lāhui, and encouraging me to persevere towards accomplishing my aspirations. Receiving this aid has allowed me to be the first person in my family to attend college and it has lifted an immense amount of financial burden off of my shoulders. Mahalo nui loa!


Through years of fundraising at Hoʻolauleʻa and other projects, the Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i Parent Teacher Organization (KSHPTO) gave of their time, energy, and aloha to raise funds to establish this scholarship for graduating seniors of the KS Hawai‘i campus who are residents of Hawai‘i island and who have demonstrated academic excellence.



 Makena Aiona-Agra
Mahalo to KSHPTO for generously granting me a scholarship to support my academic and career-oriented future!
 Waiahuli Akau
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholarships, I am so thankful for your generosity. This scholarship is a huge help with helping my ‘Ohana pay to send me to college. Now that they will have two children in college we are very grateful for this help and opportunity to go to college. This gift will help to further my academic career in becoming a speech pathologist and coming back here in the islands to support the Lāhui. I am ever so grateful for this opportunity to also further my athletic career to play Women's Waterpolo. Mahalo Nui Loa!
 Jayden Alonzo-Estrada
I want to send out a big mahalo to the Frank & Ruth Midkiff fund and the KSH PTO for supporting my academic journey. These funds help me follow my aspiration of tapping into the seldom talked about industry of cybersecurity and networking science as a whole. I hope to come back later on in life and give back to my community. Once again mahalo nui.
 Siddalee Amaral
Mahalo donors of the KSHPTO, Pauahi Scholars, and Tauati ‘Ohana Scholarships. I am so thankful for the generosity that I have been blessed with as financing college has been a point of concern for my ‘ohana, thus these scholarships really relieve a burden on my ‘ohana. The money received will help me to pay for tuition, fees, and books and help me to get a footing in a new environment. I hope to complete my post-secondary education as soon as possible so I can remain as debt-free as possible. Once again, mahalo for the scholarships and continued support.
 Elise Auna
Mahalo donors of Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i Parent Teacher Organization Scholarship (KSHPTO) and Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship/s. I am so thankful for your generosity because as we all know money is hard to come by and earn. This money will bring me closer to attending BYU-H and staying there so I can become a future therapist helping the Hawaiians and people in the community in which I reside. I will be sure to use this to pay for the things I need like books, dorms, and all of that fun college stuff. I am forever grateful, Mahalo
 Ciana-Lei Bence
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars and KSH PTO Scholarships! Both myself and my family are so grateful for your generous donations in support of my educational journey. I plan to study astrophysics and the scholarship funds I have received will allow me to take make the most out of the educational and research opportunities being offered without having to worry about taking on debt or struggling with finances as a student.
 Jaiden Bettis
Thank you so much to all of the donors that provided me with a scholarship. I am so grateful for your generosity and this is very important for my family and financial status for this up-coming school year. These scholarships will greatly impact my educational journey and give me the opportunity to afford my schooling. I will continue to strive to achieve academic and community service excellence. Thank you again and I appreciate your gratuity.
 Apoleihikiula Carvalho
Thank you so much for donating, and supporting me in becoming an architect. With this scholarship I will be able to pursue my dreams and in the future, help my community. The generosity is appreciated, and I couldn‘t be more grateful.
 Savanna Colliado
I would like to mahalo the KSH PTO for gifting me this scholarship to assist with offsetting the cost of attending college. I am excited to be able to start my collegiate studies and working towards my goal of obtaining my nursing degree and playing volleyball at the next level.
 Kelise Figueroa
I am are very honored to have been selected for the PTO grant. ‘Ōiwi Thank you for your generosity in furthering my future educational career as a guide.In completing my education at Kamehameha School, I am truly forever grateful for your goodness.
 Kilinoelehua Helm
Mahalo nui donors of the Flik Independent Schools Dining Scholarship and KSHPTO Scholarship for awarding me these scholarships, my ‘ohana and I are eternally grateful for your generosity. You all have taken a big load off of my parents by giving me the opportunity to attend college with affluence. I did not want to leave my parents and younger brother in debt. Your gifts will allow me to work towards my academic goals of studying kinesiology and criminal justice while pursuing my athletic dreams of playing collegiate volleyball. Thank you for this opportunity and I plan to represent you all well in my future endeavors.
 Kenui Kalaola-Maruquin
Mahalo KSHPTO for the scholarship that you have given to me. This means a lot to me and my family being able to lift some of the financial burden that going to college can give. This scholarship will help me further my educational prowess in what I believe will help to bring more recognition to our lāhui and us as Hawaiians. I hope to achieve my bachelors and then masters in Business Management to once again show what Hawaiians are capable of doing.
 Raeka Ka’ana’ana
Mahalo to the donors of the PTO scholarship. I thank you truly from the bottom of my heart for supporting my post high plans and encouraging me to achieve a higher education. This gift will help pay for my housing during this 2023-2024 school year, which me and my Ohana sincerely appreciate.
 Zackary Lapenia
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i Parent Teacher Organization Scholarship (KSHPTO). I am at astounded to receive fund for my education. My ‘ohana and I appreciate that you have contributed to my success. This helps me so much, to relieve stress for debt of my college tuition. I WILL pass my studies and keep up with my grades. The main goal though, is to bring my knowledge and put it to good use back to my hometown. Mahalo nui loa!
 Shade Lonokapu
Thank you to everyone who contributed into providing for the next generation of Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i alumni and for making it possible to provide financial assistance in these areas.
 Kaelum Lumanlan
Aloha , Thank you for providing me the resources and opportunity to further my education. It is an immense help financially and I am truly grateful. Your contributions will not only assist my future but the future of the Hawai‘i as a whole. Again, I humbly appreciate everything you‘ve done for me.
 Cammie Masanda
Thank you for your generosity in helping fund my college education! I will be pursuing my passion in beach volleyball while gaining a new passion and you are helping me achieve those goals. Mahalo Nui Loa!
 Kaʻōlapa Masuko
Mahalo donors for the three scholarships. These awards help me to realize my dreams of becoming a history teacher and competing in collegiate athletics. I cannot thank you enough for helping me realize these dreams and helping me to grow as a person.
 Grace Merryman
Mahalo nui loa e nā KS PTO! I am so grateful to have received this award for my college career. This award is especially helpful because I will be going to school in the west coast and will need to save money to ensure I can visit home during breaks. As I‘m sure you are thinking about being parents yourself, my family‘s goal is to have me graduate debt free. This will take a lot of work and your contribution is a step in that direction. During my freshman year of college, I hope to find my place in my new community and discover the area and major I will commit to. Again, endless mahalo!
 Madison Okimoto
Mahalo piha to the generous donors of the Mary Atherton Richards and PTO Scholarship! With your financial assistance, I am able to attend Saint Mary’s College of California to pursue a major in Biology. I look forward to keeping Hawai‘i and the values I have been raised with close to my heart as I venture into new and rewarding post secondary experiences. I hope to become a successful physician one day. Extending Ke Ali’i Pauahi‘s generosity, I plan to return to Hawai‘i to give back to my community by promoting health and wellness for the lāhui.
 Kaede Lynn Saniatan
It is an honor to be chosen for the Desha-Mulholland Scholarship and Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i Parent Teacher Organization Scholarship. I am currently a KSH senior, who plans to major in nursing at UNLV, focused in the field of obstetrics. I am truly grateful for the scholarship support. This scholarship allows me to not have to depend on my mother for financial support or take out loans. I am able to focus on my studies and additional educational opportunities.
 Cheyenne Sato
Mahalo nui iā ‘oukou! From your generous support, I am able to continue my ambitious journey. I hope to come back and bring this gratitude to those who wish to follow my path of post-high education. May God bless you and all of those who considered me for their scholarship.
 Sarah Schubert
Mahalo Donors of the PTO Scholarship. I deeply appreciate not just what you‘ve done for me, but what you‘ve all contributed to my classmates and my family's future. This money will go to taking care of my textbooks at NMMI. This was one thing that I had left that wasn‘t covered, my books. This money has completed and finished my financial needs for college this upcoming year. Thank you for your contributions to my education and future. Mahalo.
 Jasmine Serion
Mahalo to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i PTO Scholarship and the Mary Atherton Richards scholarship! I am deeply thankful for your generosity and consideration as I move into the next chapter of my life and further my education. Your generosity means so much to my family and me as it will help relieve a portion of my college expenses while allowing me to focus on my studies. This coming year I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with college life and learning much about myself in this new space. Mahalo!
 Ava Leilani Shimabuku
Mahalo donors of the KSHPTO Scholarship! I am super grateful for this scholarship as it will go to helping me and my ‘ohana create a prosperous future. I plan to use this scholarship to pay for my tuition at Grand Canyon Univeristy where I will be pursuing a degree in sociology. Mahalo again for all the help!
 Tehya Thome
Mahalo to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i Parent Teacher Organization Scholarship for selecting me as a recipient of this scholarship. I am genuinely thankful for your support and for allowing me the opportunity to relieve some of the financial stress that college can often bring. This scholarship will go towards paying for my tuition and any necessary school supplies I may need. I want to make my family proud as I move into this next chapter in my life, and this scholarship will significantly help me in my educational journey! Mahalo!
 Sophia Wilson
Mahalo Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i Parent Teacher Organization (KSHPTO) a me Pai‘ea Wahine Scholarship donors, I am so incredibly grateful for your donation that will allow me to pursue a higher education at the University of Arizona. The money provided has assisted my family and I in countless ways, granting me with additional resources to succeed in college. Your contribution to my success will allow for me to gain an education, and come back to Hawai‘i to serve the community. Again, thank you for your generous donation, and granting me with the opportunity to pursue my dream.


Established by the Kamehameha Schools Kapālama Association of Teachers and Parents, this recognizes graduating high school seniors from Kapālama who demonstrate well the motto, "Hoʻihi Aku, Hoʻihi Mai", the giving and receiving of respect through participation in the annual Kapālama campus Hoʻolauleʻa.



 Ikaika Adric
Mahalo donors of the scholarships, this means a lot to me for being able to help me achieve my dream of becoming a business owner and I cant thank you guys enough.
 Ethan Maskell
Aloha, thank you for allowing me to gain a scholarship. I am beyond thankful for this opportunity to use the money and I assure that it will be put to a good cause. I will work hard in the next level and be sure to not take this for granted. This scholarship means a lot to me and I am very thankful. Mahalo, Ethan



 Makana Gomes
Aloha, I cannot express my gratitude for such an amazing makana. My family is so excited for the many opportunities that this award will provide for me now that their financial burden has been eased. I'm very thankful for this opportunity and for all of the support that has been provided for me. Mahalo nui loa!



 Matthew Liu
Aloha donors of the Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association — O‘ahu Region Scholarship, Kamehameha Schools Kapalama Class of 2006 Scholarship, and the Warren Nakupuna Ah Loo Memorial Scholarship. I am truly honored to have been selected as your beneficiary. I thank you for your benevolence, which will allow me to both attend my dream university as well as accomplish my childhood ambition of becoming a radiologist. I hope that one day I will be able to pay it forward, and just like you, give future generations of our lāhui the opportunity to achieve their dreams. Hā‘ale‘ale ku‘u pu‘uwai me ke aloha!



 Tiare Amorin
Thank you to the scholarship donors and or representatives how allow students such as myself the opportunity to attend college and further our careers. It is so appreciated that you folks want to give back to the next generation even though you do not know any of us. I just want to give a big mahalo to you for letting us go out into the real world and become great leaders.
 Moani Tiare Atay
Mahalo nui loa no ke kāko‘o ‘ana mai ia‘u! I am extremely grateful to be a recipient of this scholarship as it enables me to continue my education at the post-secondary level. This upcoming year, I will be in my second year furthering my education at Oregon State University and studying Environmental Science. With the support you have given me, I am now able to combine the knowledge I will gain in this field with my connection to Hawai‘i’s voyaging canoes to perpetuate the message of mālama hŌnua not only throughout Hawai‘i but around the world. Mahalo piha iā ‘oukou!
 Ava Davis
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1974 Scholarship, and Kamehameha Schools Maui Parent Teacher Student Organization ‘A‘apueo Scholarship. My family and I are truly grateful for the support given to me to reach my goal of affording a college education. These awards have inspired me to pursue my passion and purpose of becoming a physician assistant and returning home to help my people. Forever indebted... Mahalo!
 Jayna Kanoholani
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Maui Parent Teacher Student Organization ‘A‘apueo Scholarship and the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship for these incredible gifts. These scholarships will help immensely financially and allow me the opportunity to fulfill my dream of attending Columbia University. My ‘ohana and I appreciate it more than I can elicit into words and are honored for your support in my post-high school journey.
 Pi'ikea Keahi
Mahalo Kamehameha Schools Maui Parent Teacher Student Organization ‘A‘apueo Scholarship Fund for this gift of a scholarship. From such generosity, I will be able to move forward in reaching my future career plans with less stress on my finances. I will work hard to put this scholarship to good use and look forward to making an impact one day in Hawai‘i nei. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity I have been given to reach my goals and thank you folks for supporting me along the way.
 Kaydence Lilio
I am so so thankful for this scholarship. I wouldn't be able to chase my dreams and pursue my degree without the generosity of the PTSO. This gift truly is one of my main motivating factors to continue to pursue my degree. I am forever grateful for you folks.



 Iliana Keawe-Oliveira
Mahalo donors of the Charles Reed Bishop and Keaholoa Investment and Finance Scholarship. I am very grateful for your generosity. These funds will help me to reach my goal of opening my own accounting firm some day. I had a few challenges this past school year so I needed another plan to continue my schooling. Coming home and attending UH Hilo will help me to rebuild my foundation. Mahalo nui loa.



 Kainoa Hottendorf
Aloha, I want to thank you for choosing me for the Kekunaaialii Scholarship. I am so appreciative of your generosity and I cannot express my gratitude enough.
 Tayvhe-Lei Kaupu-Galon
I just want to thank you so much for your donations. It really helps me to continue my schooling. I'm one of the first in my family to go to college and I really wanna prove myself and be able to come back home and give back to my lāhui. So these donations helps me with my dream of becoming a doctor and helping families affected especially with cancer. Thank you so much again, blessings!!!

Pono & Louise Beamer, Winona Beamer, C. Keola Beamer, Keola Beamer, Kapono Beamer

Established in 1987 by Winona K. Beamer, KS 1941, in the name of her two sons, Keola Beamer, KS 1969, and Kapono Beamer, KS 1970. This scholarship recognizes two senior males who have excelled in the area of Hawaiian music and composition while students at Kamehameha and who plan to pursue their musical talents beyond high school.



 Macyn-Shayne Hanawahine
Mahalo nui loa donors of the Keola & Kapono Beamer scholarship! I will definitely use this to further my education in business and music as well! Mahalo nui loa for your generosity!


Established by Lee Enterprises in 1978, the KGMB-TV Scholarship serves to enable Native Hawaiians to improve their ability to enter the broadcast industry and pursue a career in communications. In 1990, the KHON-TV Scholarship fund was established offering financial support to a graduating senior interested in pursuing a career in broadcast television. Together, these funds have afforded a means for students to attain their communications goals.



 Kalena Carpenter
Words cannot express my gratitude. Mahalo donors of the KGMB/KHON Video Production Scholarship! My ‘ohana and I greatly appreciate your assistance in helping me to fulfill my academic aspirations. This scholarship will help me to pursue my post-high education at Grand Canyon University. As filmmaking is my passion, I one day hope to pursue my dream of being a filmmaker and storyteller by working for some sort of sports broadcasting crew making documentaries. Mahalo!
 Logan Houghtailing
Mahalo to the donors who have granted me this scholarship to help fund my college tuition—but more importantly my life’s desire to work in a field that allows me to study, learn, and preach about the power of communication. I hope to dedicate myself towards helping others through this field, and I hope to help others realize the power of their voice.



 ShayLynn Anderson-Agpaoa
I would like to give a big mahalo to the donors for the scholarships that was able to receive. These scholarships were my final deciding factor on where to attend for college this coming fall. I am so thankful because for college I will be financially supporting myself and this has really helped take the financial debt off of my shoulders. This helped me to go straight into college instead of taking a gap year. Mahalo nui loa!
 Baylee Goeas Galdeira
Mahalo donors of the Kunuiakea Scholarship! I am extremely thankful for your generous donation, being awarded this scholarship provides a great help for my family and I as I strive to accomplish my academic endeavors. Being given this opportunity and blessing is something that I do not take lightly, and with your help my journey to achieving my career goals have been made easier. Mahalo nui!
 Taylor Nishimoto
Mahalo donors of the Kunuiakea Scholarship. I greatly appreciate this gift as it eases the great financial burden on me and my ‘ohana. I will continue striving to give back to you and my lāhui by perpetuating the Hawaiian culture, language, and history through various extra-curricular activities that I am involved in. In the upcoming 2023-24 school year, I will be a senior at the University of Washington and majoring in Psychology with a minor in Oceania and Pacific Islander Studies. My goal is to return home after earning my degree to attend graduate school and become a licensed counselor who focuses on Native Hawaiian keiki. Your scholarship provides the financial means to allow me to continue my studies and continue to give back to my Hawaiian community while in Washington.
 Naomi Tachera
Mahalo to the donors of the Kunuiākea Scholarship. I am thankful for the generosity of financial support in my educational journey. With your support, I will be able to complete my educational goal of receiving a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership for Adaptation and Change with a focus on Indigenous Leadership and Educational Leadership at Chaminade University of Honolulu. I plan to use this scholarship to further my commitment to serve individuals with disabilities and their families throughout Hawai‘i. Mahalo!
 Kylee-Ray Tactacan
Mahalo to the generous donors of the Amona and Suzel Ho STEM Leaders, George Hi‘ilani Mills, Kunuiakea, and Richard Marks Scholarships. My ‘ohana and I thank you for this invaluable support during one of my hardest years of post-secondary education. With your support, I strive forward, highly motivated, and committed to accomplishing my educational plans and ultimate goal to become a medical doctor. There are not enough words to express my gratitude for these awards, but I will end with a promise to continuously work hard and remain resilient, and lastly to devote my career to promoting medical prosperity for the lāhui. Mahalo piha.
 Teresa Traub
Mahalo piha to the donors of the Homer David Kahilialau and Thelma Mabara Burge, Sr. Scholarship, Johnny Pineapple Scholarship , Kamehameha Schools Class of 1995 Ka Ua Kipu‘upu‘u Scholarship, and the Kunuiakea Scholarship. I am extremely thankful and surprise for the many scholarship awards. Your generosity as donors has allowed me to return and continue my educational career. Honestly, I wouldn't be able to entertain the idea of continuing college without these scholarship awards. As a working single mother; my entire paycheck is dedicated to supporting my young child. This gift has tremendously lifted a financial burden for me and my ‘ohana, and will allow me to focus on continuing my educational career, which will equip me with a degree that will provide a better future for my ‘ohana. Me ke aloha hemolele, mahalo.
 Hema Watson
Mahalo nŌ donors of the "Na Lei Kukui" scholarship and "Kunuiakea" scholarship, this award means a lot. It will help me earn my education and degree in political science and give me the opportunity to learn without the pain of having to take out loans. I am very grateful for your gift, I will cherish it, mahalo!



 Stephanie Scoville
Mahalo donors of the ‘Alihi Scholarship. Your donation goes beyond lightening the tuition burden; you are supporting my lifelong dream and all my future aspirations. You are helping all the communities I have yet to reach and all the animals I have yet to help. When I graduate as a doctor of veterinary medicine and finally become a licensed veterinarian in 2024, you can be assured that your kindness will be paid forward in service. There are no words to express just how grateful I am for your donation. Mahalo.

Lee Ann DeLima

This scholarship was established by the Kamehameha Schools Maui graduating classes since 2006 and combined with the KS Maui VIP Chair fund to honor former Po‘o Kula Lee Ann DeLima, KS 1977, to support the educational pursuits of a graduating KS Maui senior.



 Karli "Māhie" Dean
Aloha nŌ! Mahalo nui loa to the donors of the LeeAnn Delima Scholarship. Your generosity will contribute to my educational career immensely. I am deeply appreciative of this opportunity and I know this is one step in my journey towards giving back to our community. Mahalo nui loa!
 Jacob Garcia
Mahalo donors of the Lee Ann DeLima Scholarship. I am grateful for your financial support, and more importantly your faith in my educational journey to attain a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science. I plan to continue my studies in a 4 year university and as you know, the cost of education now is so high, and your support will help decrease the burden on my ‘ohana. I am humbled to be the recipient of this scholarship that honors former Po’o Kula DeLima and hope to show how grateful I am by living my life as she lived hers - through kindness, generosity, hard work and caring for the Native Hawaiians. Mahalo!Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars. I am so grateful for your financial support as I plan to continue my studies at a 4 year university and maybe post graduate education. With this scholarship, I feel encouraged and motivated to continue my efforts to give back to my community by getting a major in Environmental Science and hopefully help Maui with sustainability and conservation like how our ancestors did by living off the land and water. I plan to advocate to protect Maui’s natural resources and hopefully be involved in policy changes and education. Again, thank you so much for believing in me.

Lee Thomas

Established by the friends of Lee Thomas to honor his legacy and passion for the Pacific Islands and journalism, this supports students with a similar preference for Pacific Island studies, journalism, or communications. As a dedicated former KS Kapālama high school kumu, track coach, dorm advisor, and KS retiree with 55 years of service, Mr. Thomas' legacy spans decades. His love of the theater, Shakespeare, Polynesia, the Pacific Islands, and literature is evident, and he continues to share his passion with haumāna to encourage exploration in this field of study.



 Bella Steinke
Mahalo donors of the Lee Thomas Pacific Island Scholarship and the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship. As I begin a new chapter of my education, I want to take the time to share my deep appreciation for your generosity, which will help me to pursue a career in investigative journalism, where I hope to uplift our lāhui by advocating for the stolen voices of native Hawaiian women. Your contribution means the world to me. Mahalo.

Lena Kaulumau Machado

Best known as the ‘Songbird’ of Hawaiian music, Lena Machado was one of the most popular entertainers in the history of Hawaiian music. Established by Mrs. Machado's hānai daughter, Pi‘olani Motta, and the Ladies Kaulumau, who were students and fellow performers of Mrs. Machado's hula group. Lena Kaulumau Wai‘ale‘ale was born in Pāuoa, O‘ahu on October 16, 1903 into a rapidly changing Hawai‘i — one in which the population was still adjusting to the newness of having become a territory of the United States. Her musical career started with imitating kūpuna in the form of oli and playing her makeshift ‘ukulele with rubber bands and roof shakes. Her professional experiences ranged from touring the U.S. with Hawaiian musicians and dancers, starting her own musical group with her husband Luciano K. Machado, and later singing with her longtime idol, Lizzie ‘Alohikea and the Royal Hawaiian Band. She lived an extraordinary life and left a legacy of music for us to enjoy. Aunty Lena lives on through her well-known and poignant compositions such as ‘Pōhai Kealoha’, ‘Ho‘onanea’, ‘Ei Nei’, ‘Kamalani o Keaukaha’, and ‘Alohi No’. The scholarship is awarded to a deserving and talented senior who has exhibited aptitudes and skills in the area of music composition.



 Milan Plunkett
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Harold Turney & Dorothy Gillett Music Scholarship, the Helen Desha Beamer Scholarship, and the Lena Kaulumau Machado Haku Mele Fund. Your generosity will allow me to further my education at UH Mānoa so that I can uplift our communities through Hawaiian culture, language, and music. Because of your kindness, I plan to make the most of the amazing opportunity of attending college so that I can become a role-model for our next generations. Mahalo nui once again!



 Elliott Markell
Mahalo donors of the David and Julia Desha Scholarship and Lokomaika‘i Scholarship. I am truly grateful to be able to continue my studies to fulfill my dream of becoming a physician in Hawaii to help not only my beloved Hawaiian people, but to help all who love end call Hawai‘i home. This course of study is by far the most challenging and rigorous of my entire academic career and your generous financial assistance truly makes a world of difference in my ability to succeed. I remain humbled and grateful. Thank you all!



 Nāwaiʻoluokealoha (Nāwai) Makua
Mahalo nui loa to the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Aiona Brandt, M. Kimo Wong KS ‘71 and Shelly Wong and Noe Noe Wong-Wilson KS ‘68 ‘ohana, and the Makuakane Inspirational Educator Scholarship donors!! I really appreciate your generosity with this scholarship! Your donation will help me attend graduate school to become a teacher. I am very appreciative of your donation and I am very excited to further my education and start this new chapter in my life! In this school year, I will complete my teaching license and will be able to give back to the community and the keiki of Hawai‘i. Again, I am so grateful and appreciative of your generosity and I look forward to furthering my education and becoming a teacher!
 Kahiau Snyder
Mahalo nui to the donors of the David and Julia Desha Scholarship, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1963 Scholarship, M. Kimo Wong KS ’71 and Shelly Wong and Noe Noe Wong-Wilson KS ’68 ‘Ohana Scholarship, and the Makuakane Inspirational Educator Scholarship! Your generous financial assistance will enable me to ho‘omau in my pursuit of ‘ike Hawai‘i. This year, I plan on continuing to nourish my ‘i‘ini for the ‘Ōlelo and ‘ike of my kūpuna through both my academics and my work in researching mo‘olelo ‘āina. I will use this ‘ike to ho‘Ōla and paipai the future generations of our lāhui, just as this scholarship has done for me. Mahalo nui!



 Kaleiolamau Kendrick
Mahalo donors of the M.E. Bacon KS ‘72 Uncle Herb & Kupuna Lehua Lee-Loy Weatherwax Aloha ‘Aina Scholarship; I am deeply humbled and honored by your generous award. Having this scholarship in hand as I begin my first year of college creates a great financial comfort for me and my ‘ohana and makes me feel more supported in my journey. This confidence will help motivate me to excel in my courses. Thank you for being a part of my team and for providing me the tools I need to stimulate my learning experience and knowledge of my beloved ‘Aina.



 Maverick Yasuda
Mahalo donors of the Mahi‘ai Scholarship for granting me with this award to continue my education at Harvard College. I truly appreciate your willingness to invest in the next generation of student leaders, and I can assure you that I will do my very best to use my education to return to Hawaii and make my community, our state, and the world a better place.



 Diana Alonso-Sosa
Mahalo donors of the Makaloa Scholarship. I am so thankful for your generous contribution to my education and future. This gift will help me progress in my career and be in a position that I can make a difference in other's lives. Furthering my career will show my children that your dreams, aspirations, and hard work can get you where you want in life. I also hope this shows my children kokua, when you are in a position to help others do it and pay it forward, just as you and your scholarship have done for me. I am grateful for your desire to help fellow Hawaiians and I hope to make our people proud. Mahalo nui loa.
 Kahiau Cockett-Nagamine
Mahalo Donors of the Makaloa Scholarship. I am a first year medical student at Georgetown University School of Medicine. I am grateful and appreciative for the opportunity to receive this scholarship because attaining medical education can be costly. With this scholarship, I hope to improve my financial health so that I can provide quality care to future patients. In the upcoming 2023 — 2024 academic year, I hope to pass the medical licensing board examination during the winter and start my clinical rotations in the hospital in the spring. Thank you for your support!
 Taylor Lum
Mahalo donors of the Makaloa Scholarship! I am so grateful for your generosity as it will allow me to continue my education in the hopes of continuing to serve individuals within community mental health. This gift will help me focus on my goals and plans to continue to serve my community and continue my academic journey to become a clinical psychologist. My hopes are to continue to serve my community and share my passion of helping others. Mahalo nui loa for your support!
 Jesslin (Makamae) Sniffen
Mahalo to the donors of The Makaloa Scholarship. This scholarship will allow me to focus on being a full time doctoral student as I pursue my PhD in Educational Policy Studies and History, with the hope of using this experience and knowledge to impact policy when I return home. I'm deeply appreciative and grateful for the support and look forward to better serving my lāhui.



 KC Layana-Mari Aipoalani
To the donors of the Makaloa Scholarship and Pauahi Foundation, mahalo nui loa for giving me the opportunity to further my education so that I may one day make my mark on the world as a young native Hawaiian woman. For me and my family, this scholarship means the world. Because of our worries with our finances, we had doubts about my college funds, but, thanks to you, they have dissipated. With the education I receive, I plan to go into social marketing so that I may effectively advocate for global issues and give back to my lāhui.
 Natalie Alvarez
Mahalo donors of the Makaloa Scholarship. I as well as my family are so very thankful to be able to receive this scholarship. This means so much to me as I am trying to lower the cost of my education as much as I can. This will help me this year cover my tuition and cover the costs of textbooks and supplies. Thank you so much for giving me a chance at gaining more education and helping me out with the costs of my education. I plan on finishing up spring semester, continuing for summer and starting my sophomore year of college. Mahalo Nui Loa!
 Adriana Apana
Mahalo donors of the Makaloa Scholarship-UG for choosing to gift this award! I'm extremely grateful for your generosity as I come from a single-parent, low-income household, and this money will ultimately help contribute to my college funds for the fall. In hopes of becoming a pediatrician and going through the pre-medicine track and health major in my undergraduate, I committed to Pomona College next year; This money will help me be able to attend a prestigious school I would have never thought I could‘ve attended due to my financial struggles/worries. Again, Mahalo Nui Loa for your kindness and aloha in helping the children of Hawai‘i, including myself.
 Brianne Bartolome
Mahalo donors of the Makaloa Scholarship. My family and I are grateful and appreciate the financial support your scholarship has provided us as I am soon to embark on a new life's milestone. I am excited to begin college in the Fall at the University of Portland.
 Raven-Micheal Boneza-Solatorio
Mahalo donors for awarding me the Makaloa Scholarship-UG. I wish to one day shake the hands of those who have blessed me with this scholarship. This helps me not only pay for college but also focus more on my education. One day I will bless others with the kindness you folks have blessed me with. Yet again mahalo nui lao and may you all have an enriched year.
 Sinjin Cho-Tupua
Thank you so much for bestowing upon me this scholarship. I will make sure to use it wisely when I go up to MIT this fall. I hope you know that your selection of myself for this scholarship will aid me in my goals as both a student and a Native Hawaiian. Every bit helps, and I hope to use this money to alleviate the financial stress on my family while I'm in college. Thank you once again!
 Liv Deeley
Mahalo donors of the Makaloa Scholarship! I cannot express how grateful I am to be receiving this award. This gift will help me tremendously in my academic year. When I found out that I was accepted to Dartmouth I was ecstatic but also worried about how I would pay for tuition. This award will contribute greatly to my education and relieves much of the pressure. This year, I will strive for success in my college and life. I am so thankful for your generosity!
 Kekanakameakapuʻuwaiikaika Endo
Mahalo to the donors of the Makaloa Scholarship, I am very thankful for your generosity in providing me some financial support that will help me further my education at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo. As a child that comes from a family who tends to face challenges constantly in life, I am beyond thankful for the opportunity that you‘re providing me. I hope to repay you through my work that I will do this year as well in the future. Mahalo Nui Loa nŌ kēiā manawa kūpono!!! Mahalo!!!
 Terina Garcia
Mahalo donors of the Makaloa Scholarship! I am beyond thankful for your generous offer. This gift will go towards my overall dream of becoming a voice for our lāhui and bringing the aloha spirit all the way to snowy Upstate New York, Syracuse University. In this upcoming year, I hope to strengthen my passions for storytelling and writing, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so. Mahalo nui loa!
 Kahiwaleinaniokealoha Ili
Mahalo to the donors of Makaloa Scholarship-UG. I am more than thankful for having the opportunity to receive this scholarship. With this scholarship I will be able to further my education in health sciences. I will also be able to pay for different school expenses such as books as well as a laptop. This scholarship helps bring me a step closer to giving back to my lāhui. Mahalo!
 Grant Lau
Mahalo donors of the Makaloa Scholarship, this is extremely impactful in making my attendance at Stanford accessible and affordable. I hope that this year I will be able to challenge myself and take interesting classes outside of my comfort zone, and participate in more extracurriculars and passions at college. I am thankful for your support in empowering Hawaiian students on their college journey. Mahalo, Grant.
 Kapono Liu
Thank you to the donors of this scholarship that I have received. I really appreciate your generosity because this is the first scholarship I have received. I also do not have any family that will support me with my financial aid for college. For that reason, I am extremely grateful to those who will provide this opportunity for me. I will put my best effort into the opportunities that have been granted to me.
 Chanel Matsumoto
Mahalo so much for my scholarship! It really helps to empower me and my family to see that college is in reach for me. I hope to use this education to further our Hawaiian community and help make Hawaii a better place. Mahalo!
 Liam Meza
Mahalo nui loa to the donors of the Makaloa Scholarship. Your contribution and support will enable me to pursue my undergraduate degree in Exercise Science, and bring me closer to my goal of becoming a physical therapist. As a physical therapist, I would love to be able to provide free or affordable care to those in need, especially Hawaiian communities, and educate and support my patients in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Mahalo again for your generosity.
 Kaianna Nahina
Mahalo to the donors of the Makaloa Scholarship! I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and pure care for the future generations and their post-high education. College is very expensive and a huge investment for the future, and I'm so appreciative and glad you were able to provide for my learning. I hope to be a great nurse one day and I thank you for your aloha.
 Hinanowelo Perry
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Foundation! I am very grateful for your generosity as this gift will help with my college tuition. I plan to attend college for 4 years pursuing a major in Travel Industry Management. This year I hope to learn and explore more of what I want in my future career as well as laying a foundation for a successful college education.
 Kaily Sakai
Mahalo donors of the Makaloa Scholarship. I am extremely thankful for receiving this scholarship. Even though $500 may seem like a small amount to some families, I know that this money will help my family and my ability to further my education. I will use this scholarship money towards my resources that I need in the next academic school year; I know this money will do many amazing things for my ‘ohana and I. Mahalo, Kaily Sakai
 Justise Takasaki
Mahalo donors of the Paul Robert Gouin MD Memorial Scholarship Fund and Makaloa Scholarship-UG. I am beyond grateful for the generous gift that was given to me by the sponsors of these scholarship. It has been a tough year for my family and I financially, and emotionally due to the loss of two family members. This gift will help me academically in finishing my undergraduate in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation science at the university of Hawaii at Manoa. Once again, my family and I are extremely grateful for these gifts, and will forever be remembered. Mahalo again and I hope this years bring all of us joy and happiness.
 Keanu Ventura
Aloha e Makaloa Scholarships donors, I am thankful for your generosity and would like to express my gratitude for choosing me as the recipient of the Makaloa Scholarship. This gift will help me along my academic and educational journey as it goes towards paying my tuition to attend the University of California San Diego. My major is data science and I aspire to become a data scientist in the future with the hope of working and supporting a local business in Hawaii. This first year of college I am able to learn and gain valuable experiences thanks to you. Mahalo,
 Emma Willing
Mahalo donors of Makaloa Scholarship! I am thankful for your generosity and your investment into my education. This means the world to me, and encourages me to succeed exponentially. This gift will help me throughout this academic year as well as my educational journey by providing some much needed financial relief. With this scholarship, I hope to achieve academic success and progress as an individual dedicated to the lāhui. Mahalo!



 Mailelauliiolaka Brown
Ka ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i o Kamehameha Scholarship - "Aloha e nā ‘elele o ka ha‘awina kālā no Ka ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i o Kamehameha, he leo mahalo kēia iā ‘oukou no ke koho ‘ana ia‘u nŌ ia kālā e ho‘omau ai i ka‘u ‘imi na‘auao. ‘O ka ‘Ōlelo nŌ ia ke ola, a ‘o ia nŌ ko‘u ola mai ko‘u wā pēpē. Lana ka mana‘o ia‘u e ho‘omau i kēia ‘ano leo Hawai‘i me kēia kŌkua mai iā ‘oukou. Nui ko‘u ho‘omaika‘i iā ‘oukou no kēia ha‘awina kālā. Me ke aloha, Mailelauliiolaka Brown"Makuakane Inspirational Educator Scholarship - "To the donors of the Makuakane Inspirational Educator Scholarship, I would like to extend my greatest gratitude to you for choosing me to receive this scholarship. I have always wanted to become a teacher and inspire others through the passion of education, being chosen for this award is one way I am able to do so and will help me to reach that goal. Once again I am truly appreciative to have been granted this scholarship, thank you very much. Me ke aloha, Mailelauliiolaka Brown"
 Kaci-Cheree Dizon
Mahalo donors of the Makuakane Inspirational Educator Scholarship. Receiving this award has me feel that the stories I shared in my essays about being in the front of the classroom for the first time this year were acknowledged and I sincerely appreciate that. This gift will go a long way to help relieve the burden of this, the final year, of my B.A. degree program.
 Nāwaiʻoluokealoha (Nāwai) Makua
Mahalo nui loa to the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Aiona Brandt, M. Kimo Wong KS ‘71 and Shelly Wong and Noe Noe Wong-Wilson KS ‘68 ‘ohana, and the Makuakane Inspirational Educator Scholarship donors!! I really appreciate your generosity with this scholarship! Your donation will help me attend graduate school to become a teacher. I am very appreciative of your donation and I am very excited to further my education and start this new chapter in my life! In this school year, I will complete my teaching license and will be able to give back to the community and the keiki of Hawai‘i. Again, I am so grateful and appreciative of your generosity and I look forward to furthering my education and becoming a teacher!
 Kahiau Snyder
Mahalo nui to the donors of the David and Julia Desha Scholarship, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1963 Scholarship, M. Kimo Wong KS ’71 and Shelly Wong and Noe Noe Wong-Wilson KS ’68 ‘Ohana Scholarship, and the Makuakane Inspirational Educator Scholarship! Your generous financial assistance will enable me to ho‘omau in my pursuit of ‘ike Hawai‘i. This year, I plan on continuing to nourish my ‘i‘ini for the ‘Ōlelo and ‘ike of my kūpuna through both my academics and my work in researching mo‘olelo ‘āina. I will use this ‘ike to ho‘Ōla and paipai the future generations of our lāhui, just as this scholarship has done for me. Mahalo nui!

Mary Atherton Richards

Mary Atherton Richards was the wife of Theodore Richards who served as a KS School for Boys teacher in 1889 and principal from 1893 to 1898. Through the estate of Mr. Atherton Richards, their son, this scholarship was established to memorialize her. Mrs. Richards' commitment to helping those less fortunate than she is evident in the many organizations and social service groups which she established in the community. Born into a missionary family that hosted many travelers through Hawai‘i to China, Japan, and the Micronesian islands, Mary Atherton was raised with a sense of service with particular interest in civic and cultural causes. Recipients reflect Mrs. Richards' emphasis on scholarship, citizenship, and community service.




 Aubrey Ahana
Aloha e donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship! I would like to extend my gratitude for awarding me this scholarship! With this money, I'll be able to further my educational journey at a higher level with the intention of coming back to someday teach here in Hawai‘i. I appreciate everything you do, not only for me, but for the many other students in need of financial aid, and I hope you continue all you‘ve done!!
 Emily Aiona
Mahalo to the donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship. Words cannot express my appreciation and the sigh of relief that I felt when I was awarded your scholarship. This scholarship means so much to me and my family. Thank you so much for believing in me and investing in my future, I promise to not let you down and make the most of the opportunities you have blessed me with.
 Emma Akana
Mahalo donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship, I am so grateful to be a recipient of your scholarship. This has given me the confidence to commit to the college of my choice and make my dreams a reality. Receiving this scholarship has made the hard work during my high school career pay off. I plan to use this gift towards my college education and this has brought me a step closer to achieving my life goals.
 Waiahuli Akau
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholarships, I am so thankful for your generosity. This scholarship is a huge help with helping my ‘Ohana pay to send me to college. Now that they will have two children in college we are very grateful for this help and opportunity to go to college. This gift will help to further my academic career in becoming a speech pathologist and coming back here in the islands to support the Lāhui. I am ever so grateful for this opportunity to also further my athletic career to play Women's Waterpolo. Mahalo Nui Loa!
 Taylor Aloy
Mahalo donors of the Mary Atherton Richards scholarship. I am so thankful for your generosity to help support my goals of becoming a women's health medical professional. My ‘ohana and I truly appreciate your scholarship and now, I can further my education and my dream school, Seattle University.Thank you again,
 Hiwa Arnold
Mahalo donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship! My parents and I are truly grateful for your generosity. While I come from a very privileged family, I'm also a twin, so anything that can help out with tuition is much appreciated. College is definitely a intimidatingly huge step, but I'm really hoping to establish myself a bit more as a young adult, and this scholarship will help with that in some way or another. Mahalo again for this amazing opportunity!
 Elise Auna
Mahalo donors of Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i Parent Teacher Organization Scholarship (KSHPTO) and Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship/s. I am so thankful for your generosity because as we all know money is hard to come by and earn. This money will bring me closer to attending BYU-H and staying there so I can become a future therapist helping the Hawaiians and people in the community in which I reside. I will be sure to use this to pay for the things I need like books, dorms, and all of that fun college stuff. I am forever grateful, Mahalo
 Jaiden Bettis
Thank you so much to all of the donors that provided me with a scholarship. I am so grateful for your generosity and this is very important for my family and financial status for this up-coming school year. These scholarships will greatly impact my educational journey and give me the opportunity to afford my schooling. I will continue to strive to achieve academic and community service excellence. Thank you again and I appreciate your gratuity.
 Kaedynce Crivello-Castro
Mahalo donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship. I am forever grateful for the opportunity you have given me to further my education. It may not have been possible without this scholarship. Your generosity is allowing me to make my goals and dreams become a reality. I have decided to pursue a career in Early Childhood Education, to impact the younger generations of our community. I'm excited to start a new chapter in my life thank you again for making that possible!
 Lauryn DuBach
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars and Mary Atherton Richards Scholarships. I am beyond thankful for your generosity and assistance in furthering my education. These scholarships will help me to lift some of the financial burden of tuition, and be one step closer to my goals. I plan on majoring in Human Biology and Society at the University of California, Los Angeles. I dream of one day attending medical school, and later contributing back to the Maui community with my degree. Forever indebted. Mahalo nui.
 Kristin Fong
Mahalo to the donors of the Pauahi Foundation! I would like to express my gratitude for the Mary Atherton Richards scholarship, as it allows me to further my education and fulfill my dreams in the business marketing field. With the scholarship, I will pursue my MBA and find ways to give back to our lāhui to help our local businesses thrive. Mahalo again for this generous scholarship! I will proudly represent our lāhui!
 Jaede Hinau-Kobatake
Mahalo donors of the Mary Atherton Richards scholarship, I am so thankful that I was able to receive this scholarship and this will help me and my ‘ohana financially during my college years. Because the school I am going to does not have a very high tuition this scholarship is helping me a lot in covering my tuition costs. Thank you very much for awarding me with this scholarship and giving me more of an opportunity to enjoy college without stressing out about what it will cost me.
 Jordan Holokai-Jacinto
Mahalo for the scholarship, I truly mean it. This is the first stepping stone I needed to start a life and career dedicated to bringing change to our communities.
 Arissa Kahaialii
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship. Your consideration will help me further my education-- which has been a goal of mine since elementary school. With this scholarship, I plan to use it for my tuition and other necessary expenses. Mahalo nui loa!
 Hali'awaikehalani Keahi
Mahalo donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarpship(s). I mahalo you for giving me the financial and emotionally support that will help me further my education and pursue my career. Your help is greatly appreciated and has helped my family save money. I hope that I will succeed in college and enjoy my new life and journey that I'm about to start. Mahalo nui once again!
 Jordyn Koki
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship. I am so thankful to be a recipient of the scholarship because it will help me achieve all of my college/career goals. This will support me in terms of the financial aspect for my first year! I am very grateful for your generosity.
 Jada Lee
Mahalo to the donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship. I am extremely grateful for your generosity and this scholarship will really help support my future career goals. I plan to major in Environmental Engineering at Santa Clara University and come back to Hawai‘i to protect and uplift the Native Hawaiian community.
 Roma Lerner
Mahalo donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship! I am extremely thankful for your generosity as this means so much to my family and I. This scholarship has allowed me to progress in my academic journey and have a sense of stability. In the next year, I hope to meet new people and make new discoveries at the school that I attend. Mahalo!
 Courtney Mann
Mahalo for your generosity and support! Your gracious gift truly goes a long way, allowing me to take that first leap toward my future aspirations. College is expensive, and your gift of aloha is helping my ‘ohana by relieving a lot of the financial stress and burden. Again, mahalo nui loa, I am looking forward to continuing my education pursuits at my dream school.
 Grace Merryman
Mahalo nui loa e nā KS PTO! I am so grateful to have received this award for my college career. This award is especially helpful because I will be going to school in the west coast and will need to save money to ensure I can visit home during breaks. As I‘m sure you are thinking about being parents yourself, my family‘s goal is to have me graduate debt free. This will take a lot of work and your contribution is a step in that direction. During my freshman year of college, I hope to find my place in my new community and discover the area and major I will commit to. Again, endless mahalo!
 Madison Okimoto
Mahalo piha to the generous donors of the Mary Atherton Richards and PTO Scholarship! With your financial assistance, I am able to attend Saint Mary’s College of California to pursue a major in Biology. I look forward to keeping Hawai‘i and the values I have been raised with close to my heart as I venture into new and rewarding post secondary experiences. I hope to become a successful physician one day. Extending Ke Ali’i Pauahi‘s generosity, I plan to return to Hawai‘i to give back to my community by promoting health and wellness for the lāhui.
 Faith Paredes
Mahalo donors of the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship for your generosity. I am sincerely honored to have been selected as a recipient of this scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year. It will put good use at Dartmouth College and will help me achieve my future plans. Mahalo nui for all that you do!
 Jasmine Serion
Mahalo to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i PTO Scholarship and the Mary Atherton Richards scholarship! I am deeply thankful for your generosity and consideration as I move into the next chapter of my life and further my education. Your generosity means so much to my family and me as it will help relieve a portion of my college expenses while allowing me to focus on my studies. This coming year I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with college life and learning much about myself in this new space. Mahalo!
 Bella Steinke
Mahalo donors of the Lee Thomas Pacific Island Scholarship and the Mary Atherton Richards Scholarship. As I begin a new chapter of my education, I want to take the time to share my deep appreciation for your generosity, which will help me to pursue a career in investigative journalism, where I hope to uplift our lāhui by advocating for the stolen voices of native Hawaiian women. Your contribution means the world to me. Mahalo.
 Tia Tanimoto
Mahalo to the donors of the Mary Atherton Richards for supporting me with my post-secondary endeavors! I am extremely thankful for your generosity. This will help my family and I pay for my college tuition at Grand Canyon University. I hope to achieve my Bachelor's in either Sociology or Business. I am grateful that you chose to help me on my continuous journey to further my education. Mahalo nui loa!
 Kaylee Wright
Thank you so much. This money means so much to me since my parents are currently not able to fund my college mission. I will use this money and this education for the betterment of our local community I promise. Mahalo nui loa!
 Pualii Ann Zidek
Thank you so much for believing in me as a student and person, and for contributing to my future academic success. I appreciate your philanthropy, and I hope you know that I will do my best to make you proud of your decision. This contribution has helped make my attendance at Stanford possible, and my family and I extend our deepest gratitude to you.

The McClellan Family

Established in 2020 by William Henry Kekoa McClellan, KS 2002, and Nicole Makana McClellan, KS 2003, the McClellan Family Scholarship recognizes the importance of advancement through speech and is awarded to a graduating senior of the Kamehameha Schools with preference given to the president, officers and members in good standing of the KS Kapālama Speech and Debate Team.



 Mahina Amoy
Mahalo nunui to the McClellan ‘ohana for gifting me with this scholarship again this year! The middle class gets hit really hard with financial aid during college because we make enough where we won‘t get a lot of scholarship but we don't make enough to afford the huge tuition. What ends up happening is that we end up with a 40k tuition that we definitely can't afford unless we sell our home and I'm so grateful to the McClellan's for awarding me this scholarship that will be incredibly helpful in alleviating some of that financial burden my family is carrying. This coming year I hope to really focus on the marketing opportunities that Dartmouth offers and being able to afford to stay in Boston during my off term to explore the marketing internships there as well. I feel like I'm finally finding my groove and I want to say a huge mahalo to their ‘ohana for helping to make this possible!
 Hiilei Carvalho-Mattos
Mahalo nui loa to the McClellan ‘ohana for your continued support! Your generosity reminds me just how much love and support is waiting for me back at Hawai‘i. I am eternally grateful for this award as well as my time spent on speech and debate. Just like the skills, memories, and connections I made on the team, I will use this gift to excel and do well in college at Oregon State University. Mahalo nui loa again for giving me this opportunity!

Michael "Mikey" Miyake

This scholarship was established by Ida F. Miyake and Martha Chang, family of Michael "Mikey" Miyake, who was part of the Kapālama ‘ohana for many years. Affectionately known to many on campus as "Uncle Mikey", he spent much of his time with the athletics, band, and performing arts departments, and encouraged all students to strive for the best. He spent countless hours volunteering his services with the Kapālama campus band, crafting band helmet lamps, creating mock-up models of marching band formations, reinventing the band traveling wardrobe boxes and simply being a friend to all band members and staff. This scholarship is to support students who participate and have interest in organized athletics or performing arts.



 Kailani McLain
Mahalo to the donors of the Michael "Mikey" Miyake Scholarship. I am extremely grateful for your generosity. This will release the financial burden on my ‘ohana, and has made it possible for me to pursue an out of state university. I will be enrolled in a 6-year direct-admit Doctorate of physical therapy program, and this scholarship makes it possible for me to commit to it. I plan to get involved in their pro-bono clinic and work on getting my bachelors degree in Exercise Science. Mahalo for your generous donation and I hope that I will put it to good use.
 Jaime Wond
Mahalo donors of the Michael "Mikey" Miyake Scholarship. I truly appreciate the donations made that will help me pursue my future. As I also have an older sister in college and a twin sister attending college this year; this scholarship will also help my parents a lot because I understand for them it is a great struggle trying to pay for 3 children attending college at the same time. By 2026 I strive to attain my masters in business and get one step closer to securing my future. Once again, Mahalo nui loa!



 Josias Fronda
I'm so honored to have been selected for this scholarship. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time as a member of the Kamehameha School's Marching Band, and look forward to applying the standards and values that I've learned to the professional music world. I've had the lucky opportunity to already go and work in New York and hope to continue to do so!



 Kaya Camara
Mahalo to the donors of the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Ainoa Brandt Scholraship, Ho‘omaka‘ika‘i Named Endowment Fund, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1963 Scholarship, Myron & Laura Thompson Scholarship, and William adn Judith Fernandez Scholarship. It is with deepest gratitude that I express my appreciation for your guidance and kŌkua. These scholarships will really help me get one step closer to achieving my goals/dreams of bettering our next generation keiki. Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo!
 Michelle Navor
Mahalo nui loa  to the donors of the Myron and Laura Thompson Scholarships. This scholarship is very important to me because it will allow me to continue my education. I am grateful and honored.



 Kale'aokapuamakani Kuamo'o
Mahalo donors of the Na Pua Mae‘ole O Kamehameha Class of 1953 Scholarship. I am so thankful to have been given this opportunity to expand my knowledge and become better equipped for my future. This means so much to me and my ‘ohana and takes away such a big burden off of my parents shoulders. This gift you have given me will assist in the upcoming academic year and my educational journey and I will forever be thankful. I hope to take advantage of this opportunity I have been given and return to Hawai‘i fully prepared to help those in need.



 Kalena Shiroma
Mahalo donors of the Nanea Scholarship for selecting me for this amazing opportunity. This scholarship will directly aid in helping me continue to succeed in my academic journey to earn my M.S at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Program. This generous gift will help me achieve my goals in becoming a leader in scientific research and natural resource management and make a positive change here in Hawai‘i. My ‘ohana and I are forever thankful and feel truly blessed. Aloha.



 Maluhiaikalaiokekaihulali Nahuina
Mahalo donors of the Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce Scholarship. I just want to give my appreciation to helping me continue my educational pathway to college. My family and I could not thank you enough for your donation since this scholarship helps offset the cost of my education which helps relieve the burden off my family. I hope to achieve a successful first year with good grades and new connections. Mahalo nui once again!



 Kieren McKee
Mahalo nui loa to the donors of the Ula baker Sheecha Scholarship award. I really cannot thank you enough for the support you have once again given me. I‘m constantly worried about money but the fact that I was able to receive this scholarship makes this trying time a little easier to bear. I will work hard and put this money to good use. Fighting, and mahalo nui loa.Mahalo nui loa to the donors of the native Hawaiian Visual Arts Scholarship. It means a lot to receive this on top of my one other scholarship, as I mentioned formerly the anxieties that come with the cost of college are burdensome, but this lifts a huge weight off my shoulders and I‘m forever grateful. I will strive to utilize my education in art and animation to share Hawaiian culture and ideologies with a wider audience and also to bring awareness to Native Hawaiian issues to the best of my ability. Fighting, and mahalo nui loa.



 Anaya Alameida
Mahalo nui loa to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Kaua‘i Scholarship and the Odell and Hastings Slagel Scholarship. I am extremely honored and grateful for the money that I was awarded where it will be used for a great cause. My ‘ohana and I cannot thank you donors enough for what you all have granted me. Mahalo nui.



 Braden Wong
Mahalo donors of the Bernice Leinani Kuakini Ahlo and Henry Keanu Ahlo Scholarship, and Pa‘upena Named Endowment Fund. I am very thank full for your generosity, and help in funding my college plans. It means a lot to have your scholarship, because it makes it easier on my family who is already paying a large amount for my sisters college tuition. When I am in college I hope to join internships in the natural sciences field, and hopefully discover what I would like to do as a profession. Anyways, thanks again for your consideration and contributions, it means a lot.


Originally established to fund three separate scholarships, the funds have been consolidated to create the Pai‘ea Kane/Wahine Scholarship which offers awards annually to two outstanding scholar athletes who are graduating seniors. Awardees are selected based on a combination of grade point averages and lettered sport participation.



 Kaʻōlapa Masuko
Mahalo donors for the three scholarships. These awards help me to realize my dreams of becoming a history teacher and competing in collegiate athletics. I cannot thank you enough for helping me realize these dreams and helping me to grow as a person.
 Sophia Wilson
Mahalo Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i Parent Teacher Organization (KSHPTO) a me Pai‘ea Wahine Scholarship donors, I am so incredibly grateful for your donation that will allow me to pursue a higher education at the University of Arizona. The money provided has assisted my family and I in countless ways, granting me with additional resources to succeed in college. Your contribution to my success will allow for me to gain an education, and come back to Hawai‘i to serve the community. Again, thank you for your generous donation, and granting me with the opportunity to pursue my dream.



 Kaluhea Fay Dudoit
Mahalo donors of the Charles S. Iwata, Jr. Memorial Annual Scholarship, the Holomua Scholarship, and the Park Kitashima Scholarship for your blessings and generosity. In this upcoming school year, I will be a senior here at the University of Hawaii at Hilo double majoring in both Marine Science and Hawaiian Studies. I want to thank you all for this amazing blessing and opportunity to be able to accomplish what I have been working towards for the past 4. Growing up on the small island of Moloka‘i and going fishing with my father and grandfather when I was young, I would have never thought that I would become a scientist. But from my experiences and knowledge that I have gained in my life and here at the university, I understand now that science is the pathway and means for native people to perpetuate and continue their livelihoods. It is for this reason that I am passionate in furthering my knowledge in both Marine Science and Hawaiian Studies today, to provide a medium for Hawaiian students to perpetuate and protect what they love about their home. So I thank you all for these scholarships and for allowing me the pathway and means to perpetuate and protect what I love, which is my home, my people, and my culture.



 Karlie Kahalehoe-Cadirao
Mahalo donors and representatives of the Patrick L. Hiram - John S. Freitas Scholarship; your generosity has aided me in furthering my college education. My ‘ohana and I are extremely grateful for this award, which will cover two months of my costs of attendance for school. My mom has been primarily funding my education, working very hard as a single mother to not only support me financially but also emotionally. With my being able to attend school for my sophomore year, I hope to continue learning new things and living new experiences. Mahalo again for your generous donation.


Each year, the prestigious Pauahi Scholarships (Pauahi Scholars and Pauahi Scholars Liko Lehua), named in honor of our founder, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, are awarded by the Foundation to deserving Kamehameha Schools graduating seniors who have excelled academically and have also displayed outstanding personal qualities in leadership, outstanding character, and community service.



 Siddalee Amaral
Mahalo donors of the KSHPTO, Pauahi Scholars, and Tauati ‘Ohana Scholarships. I am so thankful for the generosity that I have been blessed with as financing college has been a point of concern for my ‘ohana, thus these scholarships really relieve a burden on my ‘ohana. The money received will help me to pay for tuition, fees, and books and help me to get a footing in a new environment. I hope to complete my post-secondary education as soon as possible so I can remain as debt-free as possible. Once again, mahalo for the scholarships and continued support.
 Katie Anakalea
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars Scholarship. I am beyond grateful for your generosity. I am a first-generation college student, and I am the oldest of four children, so being able to attend college is a significant opportunity for my family and I. This scholarship will help me and my ‘ohana make my educational aspirations possible. So again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for selecting me as a recipient of your scholarship. Mahalo!
 Ciana-Lei Bence
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars and KSH PTO Scholarships! Both myself and my family are so grateful for your generous donations in support of my educational journey. I plan to study astrophysics and the scholarship funds I have received will allow me to take make the most out of the educational and research opportunities being offered without having to worry about taking on debt or struggling with finances as a student.
 Savannah Browne
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars! I was so happy and fortunate to have been given this award, I feel very lucky as it was my very first scholarship to receive and the only scholarship given to me within the Pauahi Foundation. I have a single, hardworking, mom, so of course I was so excited to tell her the news. If you were wondering, my plans this upcoming 2023-2024 year is to further my education at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona, and study in digital film and production. Mahalo again.
 Koa Chang
I have been dreaming about attending a great school like Stanford for as long as I can remember. With your generosity, I am now able to attend Stanford without posing a financial burden to me or my family. I will never forgot how much Kamehameha and the rest of the lahui has given me and I promise to capitalize on the opportunity so I can one day inspire future generations of young bright Hawaiians.
 Jane-Grace Cootey
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars Scholarship. I am so grateful for your generosity and want you to know that this means so much for me and my ‘ohana. College has always been my goal and you are helping me turn that into a reality. I hope to be able to gain all the knowledge that I can through my next years in school. Mahalo for your kindness.
 Lauryn DuBach
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars and Mary Atherton Richards Scholarships. I am beyond thankful for your generosity and assistance in furthering my education. These scholarships will help me to lift some of the financial burden of tuition, and be one step closer to my goals. I plan on majoring in Human Biology and Society at the University of California, Los Angeles. I dream of one day attending medical school, and later contributing back to the Maui community with my degree. Forever indebted. Mahalo nui.
 Lindsey Enanoria
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholarship. My family and I are grateful for your contribution since it is challenging to pay for my sister‘s expensive tuition while having to pay for mine now that I will be attending college. With the needed financial assistance that will allow me to enroll in OSU in the fall, I plan to strive to my best potential in the field of English Mahalo!
 Jacob Garcia
Mahalo donors of the Lee Ann DeLima Scholarship. I am grateful for your financial support, and more importantly your faith in my educational journey to attain a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science. I plan to continue my studies in a 4 year university and as you know, the cost of education now is so high, and your support will help decrease the burden on my ‘ohana. I am humbled to be the recipient of this scholarship that honors former Po’o Kula DeLima and hope to show how grateful I am by living my life as she lived hers - through kindness, generosity, hard work and caring for the Native Hawaiians. Mahalo!Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars. I am so grateful for your financial support as I plan to continue my studies at a 4 year university and maybe post graduate education. With this scholarship, I feel encouraged and motivated to continue my efforts to give back to my community by getting a major in Environmental Science and hopefully help Maui with sustainability and conservation like how our ancestors did by living off the land and water. I plan to advocate to protect Maui’s natural resources and hopefully be involved in policy changes and education. Again, thank you so much for believing in me.
 Kira Gomez
Thank you so much, donors of the Pauahi Scholars Scholarship. I am incredibly grateful I am able to receive this scholarship to further my education at the University of Arizona in the upcoming fall. My parents and I are so thankful for your generosity in choosing me to be a recipient of this award. Because of this, my transition into college will be easier. I am going to be studying animal science on the pre-veterinary track, and I know during my first year I will be able to do what I am incredibly passionate about. Mahalo!
 Jordan Holokai-Jacinto
Mahalo for the scholarship, I truly mean it. This is the first stepping stone I needed to start a life and career dedicated to bringing change to our communities.
 Dustin Kealoha
I am beyond grateful to the donors of the John A. and Georgia J. Meyer Scholarship and Pauahi Scholars Scholarship! Although pursuing an elite college education has always been my dream, I knew that the cost of attending college could be a barrier to achieving my goals. However, owing to your generosity, my ‘ohana and I can breathe a little, allowing me to make those dreams a reality. As I continue onto Dartmouth this fall, I know your gift of aloha will help me to gain a wealth of knowledge and experiences to maintain my commitment to my community. Mahalo!
 Isaiah Lampitoc
The generosity that you have bestowed upon me is greatly appreciated. This generosity has allowed my family and I to lessen the amount of debt we compile as I continue through my educational journey. I hope to progress my academic career, striving towards a Bachelors degree in aerospace engineering. Mahalo nui.
 Jenson Nakasone
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars Scholarship. I appreciate the funds that are being gifted to be in order to help fund my college journey. I would also like to give a big mahalo to Pauahi, the teachers who nominated me for this scholarship, and Ke Akua. With the help of this generous gift, I am hoping to come back to Hawai‘i in the future as a leader for our people, and a difference maker for the community. Mahalo!
 Tyler Sado
Mahalo donors of the Pauahi Scholars Scholarship for graciously choosing to award me this scholarship. I will be using your scholarship to help me afford UH Manoa's tuition. This opportunity also lessens the financial burden on my family because I have a twin brother, who will also be attending college. I plan on challenging myself with courses that relate to the mechanical engineering field because engineering has always been a passion of mine. Once again, thank you donors of the Pauahi Scholars Scholarship for choosing to award me this scholarship.
 Cheyenne Sato
Mahalo nui iā ‘oukou! From your generous support, I am able to continue my ambitious journey. I hope to come back and bring this gratitude to those who wish to follow my path of post-high education. May God bless you and all of those who considered me for their scholarship.
 Emi Shigekane
Mahalo donors of the Dorothy Martin Scholarship and Pauahi Scholars Scholarship for your generosity. These funds will help me to afford and attend a college that should be out of my reach, but thanks to Kamehameha Schools and your generous gifts, I will be able to continue my academic journey at Yale University in the fall. I hope to use this education to grow as an individual and intellectual. Mahalo again, my ‘ohana and I deeply appreciate this.



 Kaʻōlapa Masuko
Mahalo donors for the three scholarships. These awards help me to realize my dreams of becoming a history teacher and competing in collegiate athletics. I cannot thank you enough for helping me realize these dreams and helping me to grow as a person.



 Alexis Torres
Thank you so much for the opportunity to further my education. I plan on giving back to community with the means that you have given me through the work that I will do. I'm appreciative and eternally grateful.



 Kade Apuna
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Association of Teachers and Parents Moloka‘i "‘Elua" Scholarship and The Paul Pua‘a ‘ohana, Paul Moses Murray & Malia Murray Grant. It is with sincere humility that I mahalo you for your generosity in selecting me as a recipient of your gracious scholarship. This monetary assistance will not only ease the financial burden on myself and my ‘ohana, but it gives me the confidence to continue my pursuit of attaining my Bachelors degree in Aviation Science. With this generous assistance, I will be able to complete my degree and continue my flight hours so that one day I may return home to Hawaii and live my dream of flying for Hawaiian Airlines and service the people of Hawaii as well as those who come to visit our beautiful state. Again, mahalo nui loa for the opportunity you have given me to make a difference in our state and in my community. Me Kealoha Pumehana
 Moani Tiare Atay
Mahalo nui loa no ke kāko‘o ‘ana mai ia‘u! I am extremely grateful to be a recipient of this scholarship as it enables me to continue my education at the post-secondary level. This upcoming year, I will be in my second year furthering my education at Oregon State University and studying Environmental Science. With the support you have given me, I am now able to combine the knowledge I will gain in this field with my connection to Hawai‘i’s voyaging canoes to perpetuate the message of mālama hŌnua not only throughout Hawai‘i but around the world. Mahalo piha iā ‘oukou!



 Justise Takasaki
Mahalo donors of the Paul Robert Gouin MD Memorial Scholarship Fund and Makaloa Scholarship-UG. I am beyond grateful for the generous gift that was given to me by the sponsors of these scholarship. It has been a tough year for my family and I financially, and emotionally due to the loss of two family members. This gift will help me academically in finishing my undergraduate in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation science at the university of Hawaii at Manoa. Once again, my family and I are extremely grateful for these gifts, and will forever be remembered. Mahalo again and I hope this years bring all of us joy and happiness.



 Ross Ledda
To the donors of the Pu‘uwai Hau Kila Scholarship, I appreciate your generosity in supporting individuals like me. After facing life's uncertainties immediately after graduating high school in 2015, I didn’t think I would be able to support myself back into achieving a bachelor's degree. However, eight years later and the finish line is in sight. I am proud to say that as a cancer survivor, I am reaching my goal of attaining a degree. It was not alone, but through people within our community such as yourselves, whose goodwill made an impact in my life to making this possible.
 Destiny Paris-Perrells
I just wanted to give you all a big mahalo. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have been awarded this year. This generosity means a lot to me because it allows me to be able to further my education and make something of myself while not stressing my ‘ohana for the required funds to go to school. This year I hope to finish all of my nursing prerequisites and apply for Grand Canyon University's nursing program to pursue my career.
 Shaley Yoshizu
Mahalo nui donors of the Kamehameha class of ‘70 & ‘72 and the Pu‘uwai Hau Kila scholarships! With your kŌkua, I am on my way to pursuing a bachelor‘s degree in Immunology & Infectious Disease as I work closer to completing my undergrad education very soon! I hope to be able to begin my research with juvenile arthritis early on to get a head start on my career. Mahalo nui once again for being willing to help other haumāna like myself to pursue our strongest desires!
 Caleb Yuen
I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Donors of the Pu‘uwai Hau Kila Scholarship! I'm so very grateful for your donation to help me with my collegiate aspirations. I'm humbled by your decision and confidence that this award represents. This gift means so much to myself and to my Ohana as we were scrambling to fund my college tuition. This award will help me reach my educational objective to earn my bachelor’s in engineering. My goal upon graduation is a career in electrical and robotic engineering. I promise that I’ll work hard in my studies striving for excellence as I pursue my degree. Mahalo!



 Chancen Law
Mahalo donors/representatives of the DeWitt Wallace scholarship, Randy Wayne Ahuna Scholarship, and the Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association — O‘ahu Region Scholarship. The financial assistance will be of great help to me in paying my educational expenses, and will allow me to concentrate more of my time on my studies. I promise to use the scholarship to enhance my education and strive for excellence in the career path I choose to endeavor.



 Ka'ale'a Hanawahine
Mahalo donors of the Rebecca Kunipo Ching Scholarship! I am more than honored and grateful to be the recipient of a gift intended for women of Native Hawaiian ancestry pursuing careers in Public Health. As a first-generation college student, my ‘ohana and I are extremely grateful for the opportunities and experiences this scholarship will allow me to have. This gift will allow me to take the first step in pursuing my life's mission of helping underserved communities by finding solutions for healthcare concerns and prioritizing the promotion of equal access to healthcare.
 Landee Resuello
Mahalo nui loa donors of the Rebecca Kunipo Ching Scholarship! I am very grateful for your generosity and the opportunity you have given me. This scholarship is one of the reasons I am able to go to one of my top choices for college. It is one of the very first things that will set me on my academic journey and I am extremely grateful. I will use this to reach my goals and dreams starting my college path. Once again mahalo!



 Megan Ho'opai
Mahalo donors of the Benedict Kalamaku Lee Loy KS 1905 Endowed Scholarship, the Kamehameha School CLass of 1971 "Get Chance" Scholarship, the Rebecca Lamahilani Haalou Medeiros Scholarship, and the Roy L. Cachola Scholarship. I am so grateful and thankful for your generosity, that will be used to put forth towards furthering my education at Treasure Valley Community College. This scholarship is a blessing not only for me, but also for my family. I will be the first in my family to attend college and this gift will bless my family financially. I will put this scholarship towards my education goals and work hard to accomplish them, one year at a time. Mahalo again for your generosity!



 Koa Chang
I have been dreaming about attending a great school like Stanford for as long as I can remember. With your generosity, I am now able to attend Stanford without posing a financial burden to me or my family. I will never forgot how much Kamehameha and the rest of the lahui has given me and I promise to capitalize on the opportunity so I can one day inspire future generations of young bright Hawaiians.



 Sydney Decosta
Mahalo to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1958 "Na Mea Waiwai a Pauahi" Scholarship and Richard and Myrtle Kim Scholarship. I am so thankful for your generosity as it will help me pursue my academic career which will then help me contribute to my lāhui. This upcoming school year, I plan to graduate with my Bachelors in Psychology and go on to pursue a graduate degree in Nursing. Again, mahalo for all your continued support!

Richard Lyman, Jr.

As a trustee of the Kamehameha Schools for 30 years, "Papa" Lyman emphasized the importance of perpetuating Hawaiian values, culture, and language. An agriculturalist, state senator and Bishop Estate trustee, Richard Ka‘ilihiwa "Papa" Lyman was born in Hilo. With a degree in agriculture from the University of Hawai'i, he became a member of the 1950 Constitutional Convention and served as a senator for the Territory of Hawai'i and the State of Hawai'i from 1958 to 1962. This scholarship was established to recognize outstanding honors students and leaders with preference to a scholar of history, political science, or government.



 Tiare Autrata
Mahalo Donors of The Richard Lyman Jr., Memorial Scholarship and The Hawaii Island New Knowledge Fund THINK for choosing me for these amazing scholarships. My family and I are so grateful for this support, Recently our home burned down and we lost everything including 3 of our pets, then a week later, I lost my first car to a drunk driver rear ending me. but to keep it short and sweet, with the help of you donors, My family and I are able to worry a little less about the financial burden of rebuilding our own lives and sending me to college to help rebuild others lives. I am forever grateful for you. Mahalo.
 Kassidie Hayashida
Mahalo donors of the Richard Lyman, Jr Memorial Grant and Virginia Aulani Rowman Scholarship. I am grateful to have your support in my post-secondary plans and will use your money towards books and expenses. With your support I hope to gain new experiences and build a foundation in which I can learn how to uplift the lāhui. Your generosity is much appreciated, mahalo!



 Kylee-Ray Tactacan
Mahalo to the generous donors of the Amona and Suzel Ho STEM Leaders, George Hi‘ilani Mills, Kunuiakea, and Richard Marks Scholarships. My ‘ohana and I thank you for this invaluable support during one of my hardest years of post-secondary education. With your support, I strive forward, highly motivated, and committed to accomplishing my educational plans and ultimate goal to become a medical doctor. There are not enough words to express my gratitude for these awards, but I will end with a promise to continuously work hard and remain resilient, and lastly to devote my career to promoting medical prosperity for the lāhui. Mahalo piha.

This endowed scholarship is created in memory of and to honor Hattie and Richard Au who were industrious, kind, and generous members of the Nānākuli community for more than 50 years. Always sharing and giving back through the food and mana they cultivated, they operated a family-owned poultry farm where they raised their six children and often extended their residence and resources to others in need. Hattie and Richard understood the value of education and instilled its importance to their children and grandchildren, several of whom were fortunate beneficiaries of Ke Ali’i Pauahi’s largesse. With this scholarship, the Au ‘Ohana pay tribute to their kūpuna and the community that fostered their legacy.



 Joslyn Kawelo
Mahalo donors of the Richard Y.K. And Hattie G. Au Scholarship! I am extremely thankful to have received this award for the upcoming school year which will help alleviate some of the costs that come with school. I am honored to receive this scholarship that honors Hattie and Richard Au who were kind members of the Nanakuli community, where I am from. As I finish college and begin to pursue my career, I hope to serve as a leader and role model to those within our community.



 Celena Rulloda-Beate
I am honored and very grateful to be a recipient of the Homer David Kahilialau and Thelma Mabara Burge, Sr. Scholarship, the Kamehameha Schools Class of 2005 Scholarship, and the Sarah Keli‘ilolena Lum Konia Nakoa Scholarship. You are supporting my journey of becoming an ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i kumu to support the perpetuation of Hawaiian ‘ike, allowing me to serve our lāhui, and encouraging me to persevere towards accomplishing my aspirations. Receiving this aid has allowed me to be the first person in my family to attend college and it has lifted an immense amount of financial burden off of my shoulders. Mahalo nui loa!

Stan & Besse Fortuna

The Stanley & Besse Fortuna Memorial Scholarship is given in memory of the parents of Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i campus' founding headmaster, Dr. Stanley Fortuna, Jr. This scholarship celebrates the commitment and sacrifices made by Dr. Fortuna's parents, neither of whom were even able to go to high school, to further the education of their children. Inspired by his move to Hawai‘i and exposure to acts of aloha bestowed by parents and kūpuna upon their children, Dr. Fortuna has perpetuated the values of family and perseverance through this award.



 Jaiden Bettis
Thank you so much to all of the donors that provided me with a scholarship. I am so grateful for your generosity and this is very important for my family and financial status for this up-coming school year. These scholarships will greatly impact my educational journey and give me the opportunity to afford my schooling. I will continue to strive to achieve academic and community service excellence. Thank you again and I appreciate your gratuity.



 Keilana Ando-A'ana
Mahalo donors of the Stanley & Janet Zisk Scholarship! I really appreciate being chosen as it will help further my educational goals. It means a lot to me and my ‘ohana, since I come from a single parent household it will help me and my mom not have to worry about the financial cost of attending Kauai Community College. With this scholarship I will take one step closer to reaching my career goal of becoming a nurse practitioner. This year I hope to work hard in my next chapter of life with the support of my family and friends. Mahalo!


Presented by a Kamehameha Schools Hawai‘i campus family, the Tauati ‘Ohana Scholarship, which focuses on family values, community, and school service, recognizes two students whose values, character, and spirit have been reflected in their moral choices and the respect they have shown others (students, teachers, and staff alike) in all aspects of school life.



 Kai Aiona-Agra
Mahalo donors of the Tauati ‘Ohana Scholarship. I am eternally grateful for your generosity, and my family can't thank you enough! I live with two other siblings, one of which is my twin brother and will also be attending college. Without the kindness of your scholarship, I would be unable to attend college and receive a college education. This scholarship enables me to go off-island and engage in meaningful research, learning, and opportunities not offered elsewhere. Mahalo nui!
 Siddalee Amaral
Mahalo donors of the KSHPTO, Pauahi Scholars, and Tauati ‘Ohana Scholarships. I am so thankful for the generosity that I have been blessed with as financing college has been a point of concern for my ‘ohana, thus these scholarships really relieve a burden on my ‘ohana. The money received will help me to pay for tuition, fees, and books and help me to get a footing in a new environment. I hope to complete my post-secondary education as soon as possible so I can remain as debt-free as possible. Once again, mahalo for the scholarships and continued support.

Tennyson Keolalani Tom

The Tom ‘ohana established this award in loving memory of their son Tennyson, KS 1995, an honors graduate who excelled in academics, athletics, leadership, and music. During his time at Kamehameha, Tennyson participated and excelled in a wide range of sports programs; among them swimming, water polo, wrestling, and football. Tennyson attended the Air Force Academy and graduated magna cum laude from the University of San Diego in 1999. This award recognizes a student who has displayed outstanding academic and extracurricular excellence during their tenure at Kamehameha.



 Zane Yogi
Mahalo donors of the Tennyson Keolalani Tom Scholarship! This scholarship means so much to me and I promise that I will put it to good use. My family and I aren‘t the most stable financially so I'm blessed to receive this scholarship in order to help me attend USC. I hope to continue to strive for excellence at USC and utilize this scholarship to the best of my ability. I will never take gifts like these for granted and I will continue to keep that in mind as I progress upon my academic journey.



 Moana Alo
Mahalo for your generosity. It is because of you that my educational journey is possible. As a first generation Native Hawaiian living on the continent I feel that those like me are forgotten about. So thank you for seeing a benefit in me and the furthering of my education.

This scholarship is established to honor Emma Kailikapuolono Metcalf Beckley Nakuina (1847 – 1929) and her numerous contributions to Ka Pae ‘Āina Hawai‘i, from the sovereign Hawaiian Kingdom to the illegally occupied Territory of Hawai‘i. The daughter of Chiefess Kailikapuolono of Kūkaniloko, O‘ahu and Theophilus Sabin Metcalf of Geneva, New York (a land surveyor for the Hawaiian Kingdom), Emma was considered an intellectual of her time. With a deep love for the ʻāina and its people, she was steadfast in her support of kānaka while the nation faced great changes. Emma served as a Hawaiian Historian; as the first Curator of the Hawaiian National Museum; as an Educator and Cultural Practitioner; and starting in 1892 served as Commissioner of Private Ways and Water Rights. Due to her vast knowledge of Hawaiian Kingdom water laws (kānāwai) and her rulings on matters pertaining to freshwater access, Emma Nakuina is largely considered to be the first female Judge in the Hawaiian Islands.



 Kawaiola Kapuni
Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1960 and The Emma Kailikapuolono Metcalf Beckley Nakuina Aloha Aina Patriot Scholarship! Your scholarships have inspired the utmost gratitude and have been life-changing, as it places me in a position to attend college at an affordable cost and, in the long run, access well-paying careers to relieve my family and me of any financial burden. Because of these scholarships, I can also foster growth in research that aligns with my fields of study, remain culturally connected to my Native Hawaiian identity, and work with various indigenous or people of color to identify intersectionalities within research. Mahalo Nui Loa for your generosity, kindness, and support in helping me to achieve my goals as a leader, researcher, and advocate for the Native Hawaiian community. Me ke aloha a me mālama pono!



 Rovi Afaga
Mahalo to the donors of the Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund for believing in my future educational endeavors. As I continue my education at Santa Clara University, this scholarship will be a tremendous help when paying tuition fees and affording my textbooks. I plan to make the most of what my college offers and ensure that this fund is being thoughtfully used. With your generosity, my dream career as a Computer Systems Analyst feels more attainable to pursue. My family and I are truly grateful for your assistance. Mahalo!
 Kapaeloaoka‘ohukea Aki
I am sincerely grateful to be a recipient of this scholarship. This has given me the drive and support that I needed to further my dreams, especially in a male-dominated field with little Hawaiian native representation. With this opportunity my financial burdens of pursuing higher education as a full-time student and part-time employee has been greatly eased. Even though I was struggling to make my academic dreams a reality, I will be able to persevere with the encouragement and inspiration that this scholarship gives me. I hope to live up to your expectations and will continue working hard.
 Briyana Allen
Mahalo donors of the Hawaii Island New Knowledge Fund THINK Scholarship! I am so thankful for your generosity because this means I am one step closer to achieving my goal of being able to work in my Hilo community and give back to the children of Hilo. This scholarship has allowed me to further my education in counseling psychology and work directly with the children in my community. This year I am hoping to complete my Master's in Counseling Psychology Program and provide children in my community mental health services. Mahalo!
 Tiare Autrata
Mahalo Donors of The Richard Lyman Jr., Memorial Scholarship and The Hawaii Island New Knowledge Fund THINK for choosing me for these amazing scholarships. My family and I are so grateful for this support, Recently our home burned down and we lost everything including 3 of our pets, then a week later, I lost my first car to a drunk driver rear ending me. but to keep it short and sweet, with the help of you donors, My family and I are able to worry a little less about the financial burden of rebuilding our own lives and sending me to college to help rebuild others lives. I am forever grateful for you. Mahalo.
 Hailey Caravalho-Rivera
Mahalo to the donors of the Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK Scholarship. I'm so thankful for your generosity, this means so much to me and my ‘ohana. This scholarship will take the stress away from my ‘ohana and I as we don't need to worry about finding a way to pay for my education. I hope to achieve academic success and to continue working towards my passion for caring for animals. Once again, mahalo nui loa for this generous gift!
 Johnathan Ching
Mahalo donors of the Hawaii Island New Knowledge Fund THINK scholarship. I am very grateful for your generosity in regards to this scholarship. This means a lot especially because I am entering grad school and I am very nervous about paying for tuition. I will try my best to live up to expectations and succeed in Optometry school.
 Lei-Meisha Dasalla
Mahalo donors of the THINK Scholarship, I appreciate you believing in me and I want you to know that I will make the most out of your generosity. I have always dreamed of becoming a doctor and mahalo again for helping me making that dream a reality as I hope to pass all my classes and become eligible for the exchange program. I wish you all the best and mahalo for your generosity.
 Sierra Enoka-Wilson
Thank you for your generous scholarship provided by the Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund Organization. I am honored to have had the opportunity to receive this scholarship and will use this scholarship to further pursue my college education at Arizona State University where I am pursuing a Master's degree in Environmental Resource Management.
 Kaʻimi Galima-Elvena
Mahalo donors of the Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK Scholarship! I am very thankful for the support you have given me. Living in a low income family where I have to complete school work and work for income to support my ‘ohana, it means a lot that there are people in the community that are willing to help the future of our islands. This generous gift will help me a lot with my education in that this is the first push into my career, incorporating Hawaiian knowledge and language into native wildlife conservation. I hope to gain foundational knowledge in biology to support my career and also build connections with people passionate about native wildlife and Hawaiian culture. Mahalo nui!
 Tayler Guerrero
Mahalo donors of The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK Scholarship, I was thrilled to learn of my selection for this honor and I am deeply thankful for your support towards my higher education. My Ohana and I understood it would be financially challenging entering the first year of college if we depended on my part-time job and my single mother's income. But with your generous financial assistance, we feel reassured and confident that this award is a big step in helping me achieve my career goals. Mahalo for making my academic plans a possibility!
 Pililai Kaai
Aloha, I come to you with a heart full of gratitude and humility. Mahalo donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1990 Ku Lokahi Scholarship. I am so thankful for the work you are doing to uplift the next generations and the generosity in your heart to help me make my aspirations come to life through my education and future career. I am committed to being the best reflection of your organization this academic year through my hard work in the classroom, on the hui aloha presidency, and the aloha I give out to the people around me.Aloha, I come to you with a heart full of gratitude and humility. Mahalo donors of The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK. I am so thankful for the work you are doing to uplift the next generations and the generosity in your heart to help me make my aspirations come to life through my education and future career. I am committed to being the best reflection of your organization this academic year through my hard work in the classroom, on the hui aloha presidency, and the aloha I give out to the people around me.
 Pu'uwaiha'a Kalauoka'ae'a-Kahele
Mahalo nui loa to the donors of the Kamehameha Schools Class of 1975 and Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund Scholarships for your generosity. I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend college and it is all because of your gift. This blessing means the world to me and my ‘ohana. I will study hard and do my best to achieve my goals while enjoying this new educational journey. Me ke aloha nui a mahalo!
 Tea Kanuha
Mahalo Kamehameha Schools Class of 1954 "Na Kanalimakumaha" Scholarship and The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK. My family and I are so grateful for your generosity in supporting me in my next journey to college. These funds will help me through the financial load that comes with going to college away from home and continuing my education somewhere new. I will be furthering my education at Northern Arizona University studying Psychology and Early Education in hopes to come home and give my time back to the new generation and the community.
 Timothy Keanaaina
Aloha, I am very thankful to be a recipent of this scolarship. This scholarships will help me to cover all of my college expenses and not have to worry about finances while pursuing my degree in CS.
 Makaiwakeala Kekoa
Mahalo donors of the Hawaii Island New Knowledge Fund THINK scholarship. I am thankful for your generosity and choosing to aid in furthering my education. There are no words to describe how grateful I am, coming from a large family, the money I make from my job I use towards my educational expenses and this gift will help me be able to comfortably continue to study and get the resources I need. This academic year I hope to be able to be able to apply into a radiology program and be admitted the following year. Mahalo again.
 Esther Kerr
Mahalo donors of the Hawai‘i New Knowledge Fund THINK for your generosity. This award means more than you know! As a Doctorate student, it takes a financial toll on my family and I to cover the cost for schooling, but with your help and generosity it brings us peace of mind and reminds me (as an Alumni) that Pauahi always provides for us, even after we finish high school. This scholarship will allow me to continue my educational journey and be one step closer to becoming a Nurse Practitioner.
 Montana Lagat
Mahalo to the donors of the Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge (THINK) Scholarship! I greatly appreciate your generosity and dedication to supporting the education of Native Hawaiians like me that are pursuing degrees in STEM. This scholarship will help me to alleviate financial stress that comes with attending college and further motivates me to pursue academic excellence. I will positively represent the Hawai‘i community as I continue my studies at Stanford University and plan to return to Hawai‘i and apply what I learn to support the health of the community that has shaped me. Mahalo nui loa!
 Bailey-Ann Lee
My name is Bailey-Ann Lee. Mahalo for your generosity in selecting me as a recipient of the The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK Scholarship. Your generosity will make my final year of college successful and worry free. This year I hope to achieve getting my degree as it is my final year of college which I am very excited about. This award means to much to me and I am looking forward to graduating and being able to serve my home community in Puna, Hawaii in the medical field. Mahalo!!
 Keaomalamalama Liu
As I humbly accept this scholarship award, I’d like to send my sincerest mahalo for your support in my educational journey. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. With your support, I am better equipped to pursue my aspirations of a higher education with less of the financial stress that college often entails. Furthermore, your contribution grants me the opportunity to continue to live out my life’s mission: sharing with others the spirit of aloha and the values of Hawai‘i.
 Timothy-John Lorenzo
Mahalo donors of The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK Scholarship. I am truly thankful for your generosity. This means a great deal to my family and I as we will worry less, allowing me to work more in the pursuit of a double bachelor's degree. I hope to get involved with conservation groups and classes this academic year, and this gift will enable me to be ready to achieve it. Mahalo nui loa!
 Kieran Maesaka
Mahalo, donors of The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund Scholarship! This money will be of great assistance in easing the financial burden that comes with college and allow me to focus all of my efforts into performing well in school. This coming year, I hope to continue and expand on the track I am on and have another successful school year.
 Rachael Meisner
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity in funding the Kamehameha Schools Class of 2003 "Na Pua ‘Akala a Pauahi" Scholarship and Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK scholarship Donors. I am very grateful and honored to be the recipient of this scholarship awards
 Kloe Nakai
Mahalo Nui to The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK! Your investment in my education is greatly appreciated. I intend to make you proud that you chose me and I promise to not only complete my post high school education, but will return to Hawaii Island and serve my community in the hopes that I may pay it forward.
 Leini Mae Pacheco
Mahalo nui loa donors for the Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK Scholarship! Due to your support in funding, I am now able to proudly relieve my parents of this financial burden of college. You have helped shed light on this stressful situation and allowed me to be happy without feeling guilty for leaving for college. This money will be used with honor and purpose as I complete my STEM degree. This generosity will not be forgotten! On behalf of me and my family, we are humbly thankful. God bless!
 Emma Piʻianāiʻa
Mahalo to the donors of The Hawai‘i Island Knowledge Fund for supporting my education. I appreciate your generosity as I personally struggle to fund my educational goals. Mahalo for reducing this added stress and allowing me to focus whole heartedly on completing my education and working towards my goals in conservation and land management. One day I hope to mālama the ‘āina around me and protect Hawai‘i and its rich forests for future generations of Kanaka. Mahalo for helping me take the necessary steps to get there.
 Raquel Rocha
Mahalo nui loa donors of the Dr. Lori Ann Kim Scholarship and The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK! With this, your generous funding, my ‘ohana and I are able to have some financial worries taken off our shoulders as my father will be undergoing surgery this summer leading my mother to be the sole provider of myself and our household. Moreover, your gift will allow me to continue pursuing the short-term and long-term goals that will help me to reach my overall aspirations. With this gift, I will be able to pay for a portion of my educational journey in the upcoming school year, which consists of my tuition, additional student fees, and supplemental books or materials needed per class. I'm looking forward to furthering my higher education by participating in research labs on campus and participating in more SLHS clubs. Mahalo once again for supporting my higher education journey!
 Dylan Rosehill
Mahalo nui loa donors of the The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK scholarship. Your generosity allows me to help alleviate the financial strain that attending college puts on my parents, especially as they start saving for my younger brother's education as well. Furthermore, this gift also helps me save money for medical school, which will be a very extreme expense. Next year, I will continue persevering through college and do my best to maintain my academics to the best of my ability. Mahalo!
 Jordanna Takaki
I would like to say Mahalo to both donors, Eli D. Pane‘e, Sr., and Aileen E. Pane‘e I Mua Scholarship and The Hawai‘i Island New Knowledge Fund THINK for selecting me as your awardee. I am extremely thankful and honored that you have chosen to support my educational journey. Each and every award helps to make my dreams a reality. With a tuition of $84,000 at Pepperdine, this could not happen without the generosity of scholarships like yours. I am excited for the upcoming second year (23-24). Mahalo Nui for choosing me!



 Chazlynn Duran
Mahloa nui loa to my scholarship donors, this award is so deeply appreciated. Like I stated above, I have many goals for my future, and with you generosity I can further my education, taking me closer to achieving those goals and dreams!

Theodore Richards

Mr. Theodore Richards was a music teacher at Kamehameha Schools and served as principal of the Boys' School from 1893 to 1898. In 1889 he, along with Principal William Oleson, created the school song, "Sons of Hawai‘i". His musical interests included compiling and editing song books, and he was known to organize choral competitions among the churches of Honolulu. His son, Mr. Atherton Richards, who served as a trustee of Kamehameha Schools for 22 years, established this award which recognizes outstanding senior scholars with superior academic achievements.



 Faith Kawai
Mahalo donors of the Harold Turney & Dorothy Gillett Music Scholarship, Theodore Richards Scholarship, and Zillah Young Memorial Scholarship. Everything I have accomplished up until this point in my performing arts and academic career is because of the opportunities provided to be by Pauahi and her will. Through my performing arts studies, I hope to positively represent the Hawaiian community and honor the legacies of not only the princess, but these influential people who, although passed, continue to provide financially to support Hawai‘i‘s young potential.

Theodore Vierra

Mr. Theodore Vierra, KS 1919, studied at Cogswell Polytechnical College in San Francisco and received his degree from the Harvard University School of Architecture. He later returned to Hawai‘i in 1935 and won various awards for his architectural designs. Here on the Kapālama campus, his design work is seen in Pākī Hall, the Pauahi Building, the old ‘Akahi Dining Hall now renamed Kekūanao‘a, and Keawe Gym. This award, established in 1963, is given to students majoring in a technical area such as engineering, architecture, or computer science at a mainland college.




 Kahala Neumann
Mahalo nui to the donors of the Theodore Vierra Scholarship. I'm so grateful for your genorosity and helping to proivde me with a brighter future.



 Destiny Paris-Perrells
I just wanted to give you all a big mahalo. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have been awarded this year. This generosity means a lot to me because it allows me to be able to further my education and make something of myself while not stressing my ‘ohana for the required funds to go to school. This year I hope to finish all of my nursing prerequisites and apply for Grand Canyon University's nursing program to pursue my career.



 Deshaynee Iseri
Mahalo to the donors of the U‘ilani Stender Scholarship. I am very grateful for your financial contribution and utmost generosity in supporting my journey to becoming an Osteopathic Medicine physician. The financial burden of medical school and other related costs were very stressful and often discouraging. However, with your scholarship and others alike, I will be able to attend ATSU - School of Medicine Arizona with the intention to return to Kaua‘i and practice medicine.
 Donna Kenui
Mahalo donors of the Joseph David Ahuna and U‘ilani Stender Scholarships. My family and I are beyond thankful for your generosity for aiding me this award. You have given me a great hand into the next steps of my future career. I hope to continue my path and make an impact in my community. Mahalo nui you again!
 Mikiala Maynard
Mahalo to the Donors of the Ashley Meleana Joy, Ka Papa o Kanaono-kumaono, Class of ‘66, and U‘ilani Stender Scholarships. Mahalo nui loa for the generous scholarships! I am so appreciative to be chosen as the recipient of these awards. Your gift allows me to continue my education while decreasing financial strain. This allows my ohana to spend time together and to do community service. This scholarship will help me to purchase needed supplies and will allow me to better focus on my schooling. I am so grateful! One day I hope to be able to give back, and pass forward the wonderful gift I have received from these scholarships. Mahalo!
 Destiny Paris-Perrells
I just wanted to give you all a big mahalo. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have been awarded this year. This generosity means a lot to me because it allows me to be able to further my education and make something of myself while not stressing my ‘ohana for the required funds to go to school. This year I hope to finish all of my nursing prerequisites and apply for Grand Canyon University's nursing program to pursue my career.


Established from the Trust of Mrs. Ula Baker Sheecha, this scholarship serves to support talented individuals pursuing a career as an artist, with strong preference to those pursuing a major in the visual arts with an emphasis in the two-dimensional areas of drawing, painting, or graphic design.



 Luluka Brown-Spielman
Mahalo nui loa to the Ula Baker scholarship donors for helping to fund my college education. This is an amazing opportunity, and I could not be more grateful for your aid. In my art education, I hope to gain plenty ike and utilize it so that it might help in the liberation of the Hawaiian people. Again - mahalo, mahalo, mahalo.
 Mailelauhulaliakauanoe Hoe
Mahalo donors of the Ula Baker Scholarship for your continued support! I have grown so much as an artist this past year, and it was unmistakably catalyzed by your contributions. With the experience I have now, I am confident this year's aid will be utilized even more efficiently, and I cannot wait to see how much further I can advance with your help. Mahalo nui loa for being a consistent advocate for my artistic journey.
 Gabrielle Kalama
Mahalo donors of the Ula Baker Sheecha Scholarship. I am so very grateful for your generosity. This means so much to my family & our financial needs. Honestly, money has always been my biggest worry when creating my path for my future. Mahalo so much for making a difference in my financial costs. This year I hope to better my craft in acrylic paint showcasing hawaiian culture & the people/places that matter to me. I can’t thank you guys enough.
 Kieren McKee
Mahalo nui loa to the donors of the Ula baker Sheecha Scholarship award. I really cannot thank you enough for the support you have once again given me. I‘m constantly worried about money but the fact that I was able to receive this scholarship makes this trying time a little easier to bear. I will work hard and put this money to good use. Fighting, and mahalo nui loa.Mahalo nui loa to the donors of the native Hawaiian Visual Arts Scholarship. It means a lot to receive this on top of my one other scholarship, as I mentioned formerly the anxieties that come with the cost of college are burdensome, but this lifts a huge weight off my shoulders and I‘m forever grateful. I will strive to utilize my education in art and animation to share Hawaiian culture and ideologies with a wider audience and also to bring awareness to Native Hawaiian issues to the best of my ability. Fighting, and mahalo nui loa.
 Hailey Park
Mahalo donors of the Ula Baker Sheecha Scholarship. Thank you for helping me take a step in achieving my goals in digital arts. My family and I are grateful for the aid I have gotten. This gift will help me academically as I enroll in Creative Media at UH. This year, I hope to gain more knowledge and experience in digital arts as it is a new world that I am entering. I am glad to take this step into this field and am thankful for what I have received to help, Mahalo once again, Hailey Park.
 Sophia Siangco
Mahalo donors of the Ula Baker Sheecha Scholarship! I am very grateful for your generosity because this donation will help me to be able to earn a fruitful education and allowing me more time with my ‘ohana. I want to use my education to be able to guide Hawai‘i to become more sustainable and to be more livable so people don't have to leave their home. Mahalo once again, I am very grateful and will use this opportunity to its fullest.
 Autumn Tada
Mahalo donors of the Ula Baker Sheecha Scholarship for giving me a chance to prove my creativity and put my art out into the world. It means so much to me that my pieces have caught your eye and I truly appreciate your support so that I can further my education. My ‘ohana and I are eternally grateful and your gift will help me continue on making them proud. I'm honored to be an upcoming Kamehameha alumni and I'm forever indebted to Pauahi for the opportunity to pursue my interests. I will move forward being a memorable student and I hope to achieve plans for a brighter future. Mahalo nui loa!



 Pearl Bachiller

 Christina Kaleiwahea
Mahalo e nā ‘ohana of the Goldman Sachs and Matsuo Takabuki, USS Kamehameha, and Yasuko Mitsuyasu Master of Accounting Scholarships. Your generous support allows me to, "‘ike i ke au nui ke au iki," obtain knowledge of the vast and the little currents--or, strive for excellence in, both, my identity and a Native Hawaiian and in the finance field. Your makana propels me closer to my aspiration of working in portfolio management/financial planning/financial reporting at Native Hawaiian charitable endowments.



 Moanna Blaksteen
Mahalo donors of the Vaughn G. A. Vasconcellos, KS ‘71 Scholarship! Mahalo nui loa for considering me for this scholarship, it is such an honor to be selected and to be a representative of this scholarship. I am aware, it must have been a difficult decision to select the recipient among my peers. Mahalo for your generosity in assist to fund the continuing of my education in a field that fuels my passion of connecting with and helping the environment. Mahalo nui loa!
 Micah Mahuna
Mahalo nui loa donors for your generosity and aloha. I am truly grateful for the support you provide that will help me achieve my goal of becoming a Fire Fighter, here in Hawai‘i and work hard to keep my community safe. Mahalo does not seem like a strong enough word to express how much I appreciate and am thankful for your donation. I will always remember the support I received and I will do all that I can to help my lāhui. Mahalo again!



 Sandee Nohea Walker
What a blessing to receive the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Ainoa Brandt Scholarship and Hartwell Hewahewaokalani Lee Loy, Sr. Scholarship. Mahalo to the donors of both of these scholarships. I am overwhelmed by your generosity in selecting me for these scholarships. This next school year, my daughter is attending her first year of college, and as a single parent, I was worried about affording two tuitions. This makana will help us both see our goals come to fruition. Mahalo piha!

Virginia Aulani Rowan Chung

Established in 1993 by Mrs. Cynthia DeRosier of Klamath Falls, Oregon, this scholarship memorializes Mrs. DeRosier's mother, Mrs. Virginia Aulani Rowan Chung, KS 1929. Mrs. Chung taught at Bingham Track Kindergarten and Grade School for many years before enrolling at Colorado State College. She was proud of her Hawaiian heritage, the education she received at Kamehameha Schools, and of the lifelong friendships which began there. The award recognizes a bright and creative senior girl who has persevered and has been successful in a demanding college preparatory curriculum and plans on entering a field considered non-traditional for women in Mrs. Chung's time.




 Kassidie Hayashida
Mahalo donors of the Richard Lyman, Jr Memorial Grant and Virginia Aulani Rowman Scholarship. I am grateful to have your support in my post-secondary plans and will use your money towards books and expenses. With your support I hope to gain new experiences and build a foundation in which I can learn how to uplift the lāhui. Your generosity is much appreciated, mahalo!

Waipa ‘O Kalani Nishimura

A devoted son, brother, cousin, nephew, grandson, and classmate; Waipa ‘O Kalani Nishimura, KS 2001, was a proud graduate who excelled in the football and baseball programs and made the most of his time here at Kamehameha. This scholarship supports a senior boy and girl who has good character, citizenship, and participated in school sports such as varsity, junior varsity, and intramurals.



 Tate Hirayama
Aloha KSPF Donors, I want to thank you for awarding me with an academic scholarship that will be applied to my tuition at California Lutheran University (CLU). As the oldest sibling of three, my parents are limited in how much financial support they can provide for my college education. I am humbled by and extremely grateful for your generosity. It is my goal to receive my bachelor's degree in psychology or sociology while continuing on to play D3 water polo.Throughout the years, my KS counselors and teachers have guided me and provided the tools needed to seek a higher education. Because of this, they have peaked my interest in wanting to help guide others. I would like to someday be a counselor for other haumana who may need guidance and assistance throughout their journey. I just find it really cool to help others, especially because I have received a lot of help and support at KS.Sincerely, Tate Hirayama (KSK Class of 2023)
 Jordyn Nishimura
I would like to give a huge mahalo and all my aloha to the donors of the Flik Independent Schools Dining Scholarship and the Waipa Nishimura Memorial Scholarship. Your generosity is so greatly appreciated by me and my ‘ohana and will enable me to pursue my passion for health and healthcare at UCLA in the fall. I intend to do my best to uphold the values of this scholarship and to honor it by doing my best in all my classes while continueing to challenge myself and grow. I am so deeply grateful for this scholarship as it not only opens the door for me financially but assists in taking my focus off money and worrying and more towards acheiving all that I can achieve to represent Native Hawaiians. Mahalo nui loa for this amazing oppurtunity!

Wallace & Barbara Ka’awaloa

The late Sergeant First Class (Ret.) Wallace Ka‘awaloa, KS 1946, and his wife, Barbara, believed in education and lifelong learning. Their two daughters Isabella Wood, KS 1972, and Lieutenant Colonel Lytle Ka’awaloa Takemoto, KS 1974, U.S. Army (Ret.), with son-in-law, Colonel Glenn Takemoto, established this endowment to perpetuate education for Hawaiian children. This scholarships honors the Ka‘awaloa legacy and encourages giving back to the Wai‘anae community from which they hailed. The awards are reserved for the highest-ranking senior male and female from the Wai‘anae district that are of high moral character.




 Emily Loscalzo
Mahalo donors of the Wallace and Barbara Ka‘awaloa Scholarship! This scholarship will help me pursue my dream of becoming a Commercial Airline Pilot by allowing me to major in Flight Science (Professional Flight) at Saint Louis University. Your contributions will assist me and my ‘ohana in paying for my flight fees, allowing me to obtain my Private Pilot License this year! I'm honored to have received this scholarship, and I hope to represent the Wai‘anae community, Hawaiians, and women well in this competitive field. I'm excited, and honestly a bit scared, to be traveling so far away from home, but it's encouraging to know that there are individuals out there who are eager to help students like me. Mahalo!



 Stacy Cambra
To the donors of the Warren Nakupuna Ah Loo Scholarship, thank you endlessly for your generosity. Working with and caring for Hawai‘i's community, especially Native Hawaiians, has always been a dream of mine, and it is through these funds I'm able to pursue it via medicine at the University of California, Berkeley this fall. Know that I do not take this honor lightly; your support, both financially and emotionally, means the absolute world and I vow to one day pay your charity back in kind. Hā‘ale‘ale ku‘u pu‘uwai me ke aloha.
 Matthew Liu
Aloha donors of the Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association — O‘ahu Region Scholarship, Kamehameha Schools Kapalama Class of 2006 Scholarship, and the Warren Nakupuna Ah Loo Memorial Scholarship. I am truly honored to have been selected as your beneficiary. I thank you for your benevolence, which will allow me to both attend my dream university as well as accomplish my childhood ambition of becoming a radiologist. I hope that one day I will be able to pay it forward, and just like you, give future generations of our lāhui the opportunity to achieve their dreams. Hā‘ale‘ale ku‘u pu‘uwai me ke aloha!

The William and Judith Fernandez Scholarship was established in 2021 and will support post-high students who are residents of Kauai. The Fernandez Ohana were inspired to help others reach high and to expand the opportunities for others.



 Kaya Camara
Mahalo to the donors of the Gladys Kamakakuokalani ‘Ainoa Brandt Scholraship, Ho‘omaka‘ika‘i Named Endowment Fund, Kamehameha Schools Class of 1963 Scholarship, Myron & Laura Thompson Scholarship, and William adn Judith Fernandez Scholarship. It is with deepest gratitude that I express my appreciation for your guidance and kŌkua. These scholarships will really help me get one step closer to achieving my goals/dreams of bettering our next generation keiki. Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo!
 Waipuna Olores
Thank you Thank you Thank you soo much. I really cannot express how much this truly means. I do understand that this specific trade is tough and can be stressful at times, but your kind donations means that people truly do believe that I can achieve this goal and motivates me to work hard and get through these next two years of learning. Your generosity is what is helping me to obtain one of my biggest dreams and I am truly grateful. Mahalo.



 Tehina Kahikina
Mahalo donors of the Dolly and Ross Wert Scholarship and the William K. and Julia T. Kapololu Scholarship. I am very appreciative and thankful for this generous gift. This scholarship is going to help me with my academic year and allow me to focus on my studies. As a new masters student, this will help relieve some of the financial burden that I will have this year. I hope to begin my journey in grad school solidifying my research topic and strengthen my academic skills. Mahalo again for this gift.



 Holly Doyle
Mahalo piha to the donors of the William S. Richardson Commemorative Scholarship. I am so appreciative of your generosity. This gift will help me support myself as I move through law school which is stressful enough without considering its attendant financial risk. I am grateful for this scholarship and the amount of financial relief it provides. Everything helps, and I am excited to be part of the Pauahi Foundation ‘ohana as a recipient of your generous support. Mahalo, again!
 Kekai Wong Yuen
Thank you so much for your generous gift so I can continue my studies in law school and chase my dreams of working in public interest law. Because of your incredible gift, I can continue to enroll in exciting and diverse classes that better my understanding of the Hawaii community and justice system. I'm excited to work for a State Judge this summer and use my experience to engage in classroom conversations and inspire more students in the criminal field. Thank you for everything you do, and I can’t wait for this upcoming school year!

Pono & Louise Beamer, Winona Beamer, C. Keola Beamer, Keola Beamer, Kapono Beamer

Noted composer, author, musician, historian, and chanter, Winona K. Beamer, KS 1941, dedicated her life to all things Hawaiian. Most known for her questioning the Kamehameha Schools administration for challenging the rule that prohibited the use of the Hawaiian language on campus and to dance hula in the ‘āla‘apapa style or standing position. She leaves us with stories, chants, musical recordings, and her ‘ohana which carries on her legacy.



 Moanahiwalani Walker
Mahalo to the donors of the Winona Beamer Scholarship, I am so thankful that I was able to receive this scholarship this year. This scholarship will immensely help as I continue to become educated and pursue my future career. Mahalo Nui Loa!



 Christina Kaleiwahea
Mahalo e nā ‘ohana of the Goldman Sachs and Matsuo Takabuki, USS Kamehameha, and Yasuko Mitsuyasu Master of Accounting Scholarships. Your generous support allows me to, "‘ike i ke au nui ke au iki," obtain knowledge of the vast and the little currents--or, strive for excellence in, both, my identity and a Native Hawaiian and in the finance field. Your makana propels me closer to my aspiration of working in portfolio management/financial planning/financial reporting at Native Hawaiian charitable endowments.



 Kekoa Catiggay Kanahele
Aloha my name is Kekoa Catiggay Kanahele and I would like to thank the Yin ‘ohana scholarship for granting me this blessing that is fulling of opportunities. This scholarship is helping me pay off my tuition for UH Manoa. My goal as of today is to become a Hawaiian language teacher and I am living the dream as we speak; I am a Hawaiian language teacher at WHS but as a long term sub. Having my bachelors is my goal, this really opens the doors to a better financial life for me and my family as being a sub and only working certain days barely helps me put food on my table and send my kids off to school. I am hoping to finish off my bachelors in the winter and move on to my master, I love to be the role motto for all our native Hawaiian keiki that think that everything isn‘t due to their financial situations. But with a little strive and dedication anything is always possible. And because of this scholarship I am one step closer to making my goal possible. Mahalo Nui loa ia ‘oukou pākahi a pau!

Zillah Young

Former Kamehameha High School choral director, Zillah Young, KS 1963, strived for excellence from herself as well as from her students she coached and taught over the years. Excelling in the music arena, she auditioned and was one of twenty-three students accepted into the prestigious Merola Opera Program in 1970. She went on to become a member of the San Francisco Opera Chorus and returned home to Hawai‘i where she served as chorus director of the Honolulu Opera Theatre. She has left a lasting impression on those that were touched by her strict yet nurturing teachings. This fund supports a student who will be majoring in the music field.



 Faith Kawai
Mahalo donors of the Harold Turney & Dorothy Gillett Music Scholarship, Theodore Richards Scholarship, and Zillah Young Memorial Scholarship. Everything I have accomplished up until this point in my performing arts and academic career is because of the opportunities provided to be by Pauahi and her will. Through my performing arts studies, I hope to positively represent the Hawaiian community and honor the legacies of not only the princess, but these influential people who, although passed, continue to provide financially to support Hawai‘i‘s young potential.